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Everything posted by Weirdmaskman

  1. What is the length of an uncoiled human DNA?
  2. His feet are heavy, knees weak, palms are sweaty, theres vomit on sweater already, mum's spaghetti."wat he wrote down, d whole world go so loud, he opens his mouth, bt d words won't comeout."lets snap back2reality, there goes gravity, HE IS SO MAD BUT HE WONT GIVE UP THAT EASY!____tampered with, Eminem's lose urself....

  3. #Bobthebuilder!Can we fix it! #bobthebuilder! Yes we can!

  4. Put two fingers slowly and rub gently, if the opening is too big, put in three fingers

  5. Hung chow calls into work and says, "hey, boss I not come work 2day. I really sick. I got headache, stomachache, and my leg hurts. I not come work 2day."The boss says, u know Chow, I really need u today. When I feel hw u feel, i go2my wife and eat the apple. After that, I feel ok. Try & c.After 2hours, Chow rang his boss, "boss, I did wat u said and I feel gr8! I will b at work soon. U'v got a 9c house too!!"




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      Ïðîñìîòð ïîðíî âèäåî îíëàéí:

      f5a97748da86.jpg 58c761cf2e57.jpg http://s45.radikal.ru/i109/1008/2d/d22...

    2. Weirdmaskman


      @MISKSTONI, all you do here is spread rubbish. I hope you get caught verysoon

  6. Please! Don't ask me....

  7. Waste your money and you're only out of money; but waste your time and you've lost a vital part of life.-----------LAGBOOK___________GOOD 9t AFRICA!

  8. Best #NEWS of the day; #Arsenal, it has come2an end! 8-2 is not much.

  9. Arsenal just made it 3-0. I'm loving this.

  10. Someone was so scared of being scared that she tries scaring the scarecrow.Scarecrow! scarecrow! SCARECROW! I said...lol

  11. Time sneaks out on a busy fellow; it notifies an idle fellow of each tick of the clock...Be watchful!!! No rewinding!!!

  12. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.You can't built a reputation on what you're going to do._________GOODNIGHT AFRICA

  13. I'm tweeting rain on;www.twitter.com/wierdmaskman come have a shower..

  14. Wow! I'm seeing this for the first time, but the answer should be asking one guardian what the other would say if asked which road leads to any of the two options. If one falls in the hand of the liar, and he lies, the other would love to defend himself.
  15. Say this to yourself, "everyday, winning is not everything, it's the only thing"____________LAGBOOK

  16. gr8 gunners.....we survived against all odds

  17. Electricity to kill weeds! That, Chemical will do safely when the right quantity and right proportion is used. It sound quite great discovering a new means to weeding. But that doesn't really sound safe; frying apart.
  18. The artists i adore are those that set fire to the mic to ignite the crowd..... The lyrical smokers.Hi, everyone, Its almost mid-day!!

  19. A true friend never gets in your way unless you're going down.Good 9t Africa.________LAGBOOK

    1. Weirdmaskman


      feltgyp! what should i do with all these?

      I use a mobile browser most of the time. so, sorry, cant view all those

    2. Weirdmaskman


      feltgyp! what should i do with all these?

      I use a mobile browser most of the time. so, sorry, cant view all those

  20. Still accepting friend requests... Won't u attend2ur sonny!

  21. Waste not; fresh tears on Old grief.

  22. Young love; Full of promise.Full of hope.Ignoring the reality.

  23. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

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