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Everything posted by Weirdmaskman

  1. gonna b on my way home tomorrow......Wish me jorney mercies...

  2. Nelson Mandela @ 93...................gr8

  3. JOKE OF THE DAY!!!A good looking lady was sitted next to a guy inside the plane............ The lady said to him, 'can u help me remove something 4rm my breast? Pls' the excited young man replied, 'wow! It will b my pleasure, so wat is it?'....The lady answered, 'ur EYES'...... Idiot!


  5. Wow! I like this. I just finished attending evolution lectures and have seen that the proves of human evolution during the pleiocene was as a result of descent with modification. Thumbs up..
  6. Harry potter and the deathly hallows II.....gonna be a thriller!Can't wait. July 15 is the day...U miss this!U miss out!Just came to give the gospel. Back to my librarian position... I'v got exam tomorow. Gud9t! @all...most esp my new friends here. I'm glad that i'm getting back my long lost friends...ciao

  7. Exam! Kicks off today.I prayed, i'm praying and i'l continue to pray.........

  8. @wierdmaskman on twitter

  9. Hal, those status updates are posts on other social networks, though, i linked my scienceforum account to them.

    Thats responsible for the way those words appeared there. Mind you, in a formal setting, i get formal!

  10. Congratulations to my friends who wrote Jamb for the last time......cos, verily, here comes there breakthrough!!!

  11. I'v got2do wat students got2do when exam is next door.Study mood will b activated on 'wierdmaskman's' wall starting from the early hours of Monday ....transmogrification 4rm a facebooker to a text booker.C u guys when i'm done shaping myself! Ciao~~~~~~~~

  12. Preamble- I'v got little idea about physic but let me share something with you. In moment of a force about a point, its formular is force applied multiplied by the perpendicular distance. Here a axis is chosen to which respect, the distance will b calculated. Its given that any force acting on the axis chosen will be zero. Main point- In a conductor, a simple calculation enables the average drift speed of electrons to be estimated, knowing that conductors conduct as a result of electrons per unit volume and that each electron carries a charge é <electron flow>. Knowing fully well that masses in earth's gravitational field have forces on them due to the earth's gravitational attraction. **In a similar way, the ELECTRIC FIELD In the space round a charge Q produces a force on a charge placed near Q**. The attraction is the Electric field... So the electron charges attracts too, but the force/pull on the charges outside the conductor is magnanimous compared to the negligible internal electron pull. Reference: NELKON AND PARKER.
  13. !!!+!!!Dynamite soul!!!+!!!

  14. ~With my*1 heart*2 eyes*5 litre blood*206 bones*1.2 million red cells*60 trillion DNAs~I wish my friends that are to write Jamb this day all the very best of luck.........cant start mentioning names but God knows u all....

  15. I'v got2make it rain upward....... Need something 'wierd'........

  16. I can hold u in the morning but in the evening i'v got 2 go ooou ohhh......... No tym2waste tym!

  17. Bio 101 test! Most talked about the whole month lands in our cot 2day.......

  18. I made it clear there that my classification is based on whittaker's classification, though, new discoveries has been made which might have made his classification out of date, i see it as the most acceptable. New things are learnt everyday! I'v made some research and have got your point. Thanks.
  19. Fear defeats more people than any other thing in the world, bt fearless, courageous minds climbs soonest into crowns. Though, courage is resistance to fear , mastery of fear not absence of fear. Courage still turns out to be a getting away 4rm death by continually coming within an inch of it..... So, its complicated.

    1. Cillianonymous


      As on soldier must have said, "Courage is being the only bastard on the battle field who knows you are scared."

    2. Weirdmaskman


      Wow! That shows its complication... A soldier on the battle field!... I so much concord with that.

  20. ok! Prokaryotes were believed to have inhabited the earth from approximately 3-4 billion years ago. "no obvious changes in morphology or cellular organisation occured in these organisms over the next few billion years." This shows that their evolution happens to be the longest, hereby making them the most primitive. Monera, where algaes belong according to R.H whittaker's classification <1969> are the most primitive, lack nucleus, lack membrane bounded organelle, et cetera. This and the fact that they evolved billions of years before animals evolved should have been the reason for the neglect. :-D.ciao
  21. *The evolution of plants has resulted in increasing levels of complexity, from the earliest algal mats, through bryophytes, Lycopods, ferns to the complex gymnosperms and angiosperms of today. *MAIN HISTORY. ~Probably an algal scum formed on land 1,200 million years ago. ~In the Ordovician period, around 450 million years ago, the first land plants appeared. ~The fruits of their diversification are displayed in remarkable detail in an early Devonian fossil. ~By the middle of the Devonian period most of the features recognised in plants today are present, including roots, leaves and secondary wood. ~By late Devonian times seeds had evolved. ~Late Devonian plants had thereby reached a degree of sophistication that allowed them to form forests of tall trees. The summary of the evolution goes thus; 1. Colonisation of land 2. Evolution of stomata and vascular tissues 3. Evolution of water transport 4. Evolution in Morphology 5. Evolution in leaves 6. Shape and size 7. Evolution of flower 8. Evolution of roots 9. Advances in metabolism 10. Concentrating carbon. {not sequencial though}....
  22. Evolution not provable? The concept of evolution is possibly the most radical idea in human history. It challenges all nations {as we can see d debate here} of the permanence of biological form; what is "human today" may have been "ape" only a few million years ago and "worm" many millions of years b4 that. This, we'v heard many times, but in some ways, it defines common sense; how could something as complicated as a human possibly have had simple ancestors? Evolution, being the cornerstone of biology, as one biologist remarked, "nothing in biology makes sence except in the light of evolution", has its evidences lyk fossil records, common ancestry, homologous structures, vestigial organ, embryology, biochemistry, et cetera but these and many more comes with its bottleneck and perplexing ideas.
  23. Hakuna matata....

  24. Vestigial organs are evidences of Evolution. Some organisms have structures or organs that seem to serve no useful function. E.g, tail bone in human *at the end of the spine,* tiny pelvic bones and limb bones in some snakes, presense of eyes in some cave_dwelling salamanders even though member of the species are completely blind. Vestigial organs can be viewed as evidence for evolution; organisms having vestigial structures probably share a common ancestry with organisms in which the homologous structure is function. Hope i'v made a point here, Whats ur view?..
  25. Rain! Rain! Rain!.......then destruction follows........Sokoto!!!!!!!

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