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Everything posted by Weirdmaskman

  1. Man starts school at the age of 90, wow!

  2. "Life is like a foot print, leave yours on d sands of time" ~TV Quote #SandsOfTime #quote

  3. AddThis Social Bookmarking Sharing Button Widget: http://t.co/THraL6qJ via @AddThis

  4. Protest in #Lagos over removal of Oil subsidy. Human right activist, #FemiFalana leads http://t.co/teQ8m5qV #Nigeria

  5. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Abiola Mubarak Mohammed Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 22:03:35 +0100 Subject: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2012 a.k.a doomsday as people have named it. On the contrary I believe in 2012, d presence of

  6. » Breaking News: FG removes fuel subsidy | Vanguard Mobile http://t.co/wGQ4xMSJ via @vanguardngrnews #Nigeria #Africa

  7. To those who have gotten a secret admirer in me without thier consent..hmmm..wish me luck

  8. Earthquake in Japan!


    #nw a ballroom dance movie....... #ballroom


  10. Your life will not go unwitnessed this year because i‘ll be your witness #newyear


    #PrayerPoint: oh lord! Leaving 2011, lanky.....GOD! I need a #crossover transmogrification

  12. Strong is too pale, too short to describe your vibrancy...


    #Goal.... #Vanpersie makes it one... C'mon! Vp, need to more to beat d per year goal record in EPL. #arsenallive



    #thatawkwardmoment when mum realizes that you were the cook of the day, then she says, “i‘m fasting“.


    #Iwillonlylikeyouif U'l buy us #barbecue &u mak do wit d onions yl I meatup, get me a car yl u leg-roll, & pull ur dress4me yl in d cold.

  16. Dont play hide and seek with kids as dark as i am at 9t cos you'll only b lost in d dark

  17. RT “@DiggPOW: “(Urban Dictionary on the defination of Jesus http://t.co/LT8hHrYw“


    #ABookIReadThisYear you're lonely when you're dead ~#novel. All av got 4 next yr are #anatomy, #physiology, #embryology, #histology books

  19. 2planes dat nearly crash heads; Nearly hit, yl 2planes dat crashd heads; Nearly missed. #lol #laughhour #funny

  20. One day at a time is enough, dont look back and grieve for the past, it's gone.....dont b troubled about the future, it has not come yet. Live today and make it so beautiful to b worth remembering.Morning Afrique! Via lagbook

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