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H.P.T Mobbster

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About H.P.T Mobbster

  • Birthday 09/09/1986

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Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Online Gaming Programming nd Anime
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    I like computer programming nd installing hardware
  • Occupation
    High School Student


  • Lepton

H.P.T Mobbster's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. The Right Path..... Theres a fork in a road.And at the fork there are two twin brothers, one tells the truth and the other one always lies.Which one question can you ask them to find the correct path to take. Someone pls answers this my prof. wants the answer by friday and i just can't figure out i think im overworked right now.
  2. Has anyone thought about the afects of Biochemistry&Genetic Engineering. I think its possible that if we alter ourselves too much our bodies will become dependent on self aternazation and cancel out the Natural Evolution Process. With cloud be for better or worse.Please state your opinons.
  3. Well thank you Sayonara and everyone else who was involed in this thread, for answering my question. cya soon in another thread that is...
  4. For example deforestaion, highway, interstates, and other changes man makes to the world and or environment.We constantly change things that nautaly happen or occur in nature.
  5. Hmm.....Ok I understand some of what ur saying.For instance how the less observant in our society are the ones most likely to be killed , but what about the fact that natural selection can olny operate on the traits that nature can see"phenotype ect" since our species alters nature constantly how will natural selection or evoultion take place.The human race is constanly devoleping sciences and technolgies to evolve them/our-selves...???
  6. To what extent are humans in a technological society exempt from natural selection????
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