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  1. Living in the 21st century people, especially office worker who is most happy thing is had enough money to buy a new apartment, but often happy thing always help with pain, for example: the house decorate this link, known to decorate bridal chamber is sure to use paint repaint the wall, but unfortunately paint contains a dangerous substance "formaldehyde", formaldehyde is a colorless, have intense stimulating odour gases. Soluble in water, alcohols and ether. Formaldehyde is a gas at room temperature, the main reason is formaldehyde is a chronic poison, for a long time at formaldehyde environment serious still can endanger the lives, that we should how to prevent or protection measures will, there are several good recommendation methods: The first kind: the easiest way is decorated the house placement of 3 months above, this 3 months houses to keep the good ventilated environment, 3 months before check-in, (note: more than paint contains formaldehyde, other furniture will contain formaldehyde so best furniture and other may contain formaldehyde things together placed 3 months), The second: pure green method is to buy some absorbs formaldehyde plants, such as: bracketplant, huwei orchid, aloe, ivy and some other plants: The third kind of method is: buy in buy some furniture or paints, must choose regular manufacturers, do not go after small gains. (note: the above methods can rise to reduce harm effect, formaldehyde is cannot fundamentally removal, this also is the scientific problems).
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