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Everything posted by ParanoiA

  1. So, let me get this straight...telling your wife you'll talk to her when you see her and hanging up on her will get you all of this??? Oh yes, you've definitely been pussified. I guess it would be better to keep talking to her, endlessly, on the cell phone while driving down the highway at 65 miles per hour. Because we all know that driving a weapon that kills more people than guns and most diseases is a great time to be distracted running your mouth on the phone. So, when they peel you off the concrete and try to make your corpse more presentable - at least you won't have alimony or divorce court to worry about huh? Oh, and your hands will be nice and fruity and soft - very little will rub off on the steering wheel you were frantically trying to get a grip on your last few seconds of life... What a man...
  2. Azure, get over yourself. I've read so many of your lobsided feminist leaning liberal lecturing mini-rants all over this damn forum and I accept you for who you are and didn't berate you for it. There's a time to be PC and diplomatic and there's a time to vent. Learn the difference and practice a little tolerance - it's good for your character.
  3. Is that the best logical argument you can put together? And you're inquiring if I'm retarded?
  4. I can't wait until the democrats get in power. I'm going to enjoy tearing them apart day after day as all of their rhetoric turns into egg on their face. Plan for Iraq? Give me a break. You want a pull out date. That's the worst, overrated bull I've heard on the whole war. Most of what people criticize the administration for is stuff they didn't bring upon themselves, rather stuff thrust upon them. Afghanistan, Iraq, the war on terror - all happened because of 9/11. If 9/11 didn't happen, the war wouldn't have happened. Iraq, arguably may have happened, but much differently - probably better. You can disagree with how they've handled the whole terrorism thing, but again, that's not domestic legislation trying to tweak the country's politics - that's horrible crap going down on their watch. The democrats will botch it all up in different ways. They'll get armor out in the fields in Iraq - but then run out of ammo or fuel or something else stupid. It's fun being the problem pointer outer - it's easy to do and people are easily swayed by it and think you're really smart. It will be a nice ride.
  5. It's pretty easy to tell I was letting off steam. I tried to throw in some humorous detail, but I should have realized people who take themselves and life too seriously would get offended. Next time take the first sentence to heart instead of reading anyway and proving me right with obnoxious feminine garbage...
  6. This is not an after school special. Being a man is not being true to yourself at all times. Being a consistent decent human being is being true to yourself at all times. A woman isn't a man because she was true to herself at all times. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Getting all flowery and poetic and transposing meanings of words and phrases that only women should tie together. Now part 2 - that's a good bit of correction there. Drinking money cannot be jeopardized by speeding fines. I'll have to adjust my behavior now.
  7. A sense of humor is also the sign of a real man, and lack of one a real boy...
  8. Do not read this rant if you are the least bit easily offended… I don’t know why, but apparently election day is my day to rant about the pussification of the American male. They almost made me late for work, so I’ve spent most of the morning already cursing at them. The last few decades of liberalism and feminism and way overrated sanctity of human life have contributed to the pussification of the men in this country. Now, they’re in slacks and dress shirts with a funny feminine aroma permeating their proximity. Call it cologne, and suddenly it’s ok to smell like roses and fruitcake and still think of yourself as a man. They’re driving 10 mph under the speed limit while glued to their cell phone, discussing their feelings and sensitivities with their wife no doubt, while braking every chance he gets to avoid getting within 100 feet of anyone else on the freaking road. That’s not defensive driving, that’s scared shitless driving. Why even leave the house? They’re in my office, rubbing lotion on their hands – this time roses and coconut – with effeminate delicate voices that are overly sensitive to everyone’s feelings on the whole goddamn earth – advanced political correction. They make me sick. Quit wearing fruity odors your wife buys you. Get rid of the pansy outfit and put on a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. Act like a man for crying out loud. Drive over the speed limit and avoid using the pu$$y pedal at all costs – and tell your wife you’ll talk to her when you see her and hang up on her, then turn the cell phone off. Leave the lotion to women – men’s hands aren’t supposed to be smooth and pretty – women’s hands are. And screw everybody’s feelings – say what you mean and tell them to kiss your ass if they don’t like it. Don’t listen to your wife or girlfriend. They are nuts. Women say they want a “nice” guy, then bring home dudes in jean jackets, a scattered set of teeth and smell like the bar they picked them up from. Why? Because he talks like a lumberjack. Because his hands are rough. Because he doesn’t whimper like a child and ask permission to touch her respecting her status as equals – he takes her and smacks her on the ass and says ‘who’s your daddy’. You can be equals again when you’re done. Your wife or girlfriend will pussify you incrementally until you are the nice guy nobody wants. Then she’ll cheat on you with the guy in the above paragraph and you’ll be crying like a baby instead of kicking his ass like a man. Men are screwed up, but simple. Women are screwed up, and complicated. Therefore, they have the power to destroy the world. Men must stop this pussification before we stop drinking beer and start skipping by football games when channel surfing – the lifetime network on our favorites. Vote yes on any stem cell research, especially if it includes farming and murdering microscopic humans. And word it just like that when people ask you about it. When you hear the little crybaby republicans start in about when life begins tell him yes, you are going to kill a little baby and rob its stem cells and use them to grow your penis bigger and stick it in his wife, who will most certainly appreciate it, and he’ll be paying alimony for decades – why? Because he’s been pussified and deserves to experience the business end of natural selection. Ok…end rant. I think I can work now…I apologize for any offenses
  9. What a funny thread. I don't know of a single news source that isn't biased one way or another, like Sisyphus said. Traditionally they have been liberal - went unchecked for decades really, except for talk radio which has been regulated "underground" since the advent of TV. Now we have Fox news, and apparently the New York Post is a conservative leaning paper? This is why I'd rather just listen to blatant biased reporting - like Rush, MSNBC, NPR, Fox News, and etc. There is no "objectivity" to be looking for. You already accept there isn't objectivity. Listen to both sides and viola! - you've got something that resembles the truth. As opposed to listening to supposed "objective reporting", which leads you to believe you already have something that resembles the truth, while being slowly brainwashed by Ted Turner.
  10. Yes, I remember those days quite well. And I'm glad to forget them. I never knew the libertarian perspective, or the green party, or much of any of these other points of view until the internet came along. The editorial was either a democrat-leaning or a republican-leaning equivocal centrist opinion on everything. I hated that. Now the letters to the editor you mention were pretty good. My uncle frequently got his letters published and I had a couple little ones printed during my early conservative years. In fact, my uncle still writes them, his most recent throwing a fit about human encroachment on animal habitat - we are members of the earth, not the owners. Anyway, the internet has definitely allowed the diversity of thought to be heard.
  11. You're making excellent assumptions. The media deserves a huge helping of doubt for the reasons you just pointed out and a short list of others. I agree with Sayonara's take on accuracy pertaining to editorials, but even that can be skewed and misrepresented and ultimately the blogs turn out to be much better. It is true, people can type crap. But people want other people to believe their crap. You can't get them to believe your crap by typing crap. Make sense? So, just keep a short cut to wikipedia and check their facts.
  12. Awesome...
  13. Dude, he's wiped out whole villages. Someone correct me here if I'm wrong, but they really only convicted him on like 148 counts of murder in Dujail from back in 1982. To try him on every murdered, tortured and raped soul would extend his lifetime, like 10 fold.
  14. I like the space. It keeps the margin straight and easy to navigate and read. Dynamic margins are not cool.
  15. Really? Could you explain? I wonder if he might be referring to internet based news editorials. They aren't as clearly marked when they are blended in with all of the other junk they try to cram onto the screen. I notice a lot of links to articles on here take you to a page with a column in the center and advertising littered on each side - add a menu bar frame (that every site thinks you need to have) and add more advertising on top and bottom and you've got a hard to read editorial.
  16. Hey, my post after Sayonara's post #65 has disappeared.
  17. Yes my genetic code is different to an animal - that's why I don't develop attributes associated with a buffalo or water beetle. My introduction and development, life, death is different to other animals. We all start out a cell, just like we're all a glob of cells, and it's a distinguishably different cell from any other animal. Different from the very beginning. I still think your arguments are perfectly valid for debating relevancy and personhood.
  18. No fuddled up terms. Just boxed up thinking. What would lead you to believe that a human being has to have additional attributes that are not simple phenotypic expressions? Here's from dictionary.com, which is quite appropriate as a reference source in this case... Seems to be more interested in its phenotype than attributes and mental complexities and yadda yadda yadda. See, I think your argument is perfect for discussing a blastocyst's place in morality and ethics. But there's no reason to think it has to have arms and legs and think and talk and feel to be a human being. Human beings can lack any of these things and they're still human beings. It's just doesn't feel right to you. Like how it might not feel right to consider light is constant and time is pliable. There's no argument anyone has made yet about a blastocyst not being a human being, that can't also be made about a post-birth human being.
  19. But it's still good advice. And it is condoned and advocated by ParanoiA to use illegal drugs that are safer than legal ones that kill you...
  20. Well, they've always been outright partisan. The second sentence in that editorial and many years of observation validate that conclusion. Most of the criticism aimed at republicans in that editorial are exactly what the democrats were guilty of just before the republican revolution. They were in power for some 40 odd years if I remember correctly. The times never ran a story on it, and used that as an excuse not to endorse any democratic candidates. When your team is winning, then the two party system is working great. When they're losing, suddenly we need to be concerned about a "vital and responsible" two party system. So yeah, it's true, those in power for too long take that power for granted. The Republicans have ditched half of their supposed ideology under the guise that the terror war has "changed everything". Small government was cool and worth fighting for when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office, but now that we've got a good ole boy in office, suddenly the size of government needs to be increased. A balanced budget was a fiscally responsible concept worth shutting the government down for. Now, a balanced budget is not even in the sights, let alone demanded by a single conservative - that I know of anyway. Terror this and terror that, Iraq here and there and Al Queda everywhere seems to be the answer to every query into what in the hell happened to the supposed republican values we've been sold for so many years now. Well I never bought them. I say kick the republicans out of the house and senate, and give the media the seats. I'd like to dispell the myth of media infallability. Then when we all see how hypocritical and imperfect we all are, then we can get a real government going.
  21. So you say. That is your opinion. I respectfully disagree with that. I don't believe a human being is just an organism. I believe it is a human being from the moment it's genetic code is propogated into existence as one cell. Everything after that is form and attributes, development and so forth. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think it has any real value or "personhood" until it develops brains, emotion, and etc - becomes a mentally complex entity. I don't think it deserves or has earned any rights of its own to live or what not. But I do believe it is a human being.
  22. Or maybe use that gas he used on the Kurds. Might be kinda hard to eat something after watching that though...
  23. Actually I completely agree with what you're saying. It's the swing voters they're concerned about. The thing is though, if I vote democrat, then the republicans will just think they didn't do enough smear campaigning. And vice versa. If I don't vote for either one, then neither of them notices or cares. But if I could get the whole country to go Independent, one form or other - then we might get a message across to them. Then the independents will hopefully dismantle most of the messes created by the two parties, so when they straighten up they'll have a clean slate to start with.
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