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Everything posted by virtualspark

  1. Interestingly I've recently found out that only around 5% of men have index fingers which are longer than their ring fingers. Obviously mine are a fair bit longer, so I am in a real minority. Do any of the men reading this post have longer index fingers or have friends that do? If so, what do you think about the accuracy of the research on relative finger lengths? I have to say, in my case I think that most of it appears to be pretty spot on. For example, I have always been a terrible runner, am rubbish at most sports and have poor spatial skills (e.g. map-reading, driving etc).
  2. Is it true that a man's ring fingers are supposed to be longer than his index fingers? I was reading an article today which suggested that this was the case. Naturally, being a bloke, I looked at my own hands immediately, but found that my index finger is 2-3mm longer than my ring finger on both hands. It doesn't sound much, but it is actually very noticeable. At first I thought the article was a load of tosh, but I've had a glance at some of my friend's hands and, in line with the research, they all have longer ring fingers. How unusual is it for a man to have index fingers longer than his ring fingers? What does it mean and what can people tell from it?
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