Time and Space have no Beginning and no End. They are boundless and continue infinitely.
If someone says there was a beginning to Time, ask them what was going on ten minutes before Time began?
If someone says there is a moment when Time will end, I will say I'm going to be ten minutes late for the ending ceremonies.
Time can not be bent, curved altered or dilated. Time travel is impossible and will never happen. Nothing can go forward or backwards in time. Only in the human imagination are such things thought possible. Not in the real physical world. Time is a constant continuum of itself. Time is merely a concept. There was never a time before time. Some people believe time is a dimension that exist. I don't believe that is true.
If you believe that time is more than a concept, I'll ask you to go get a bucket full of time and bring it to me. Can you put your finger on time? All you can do is imagine time is going by. Time goes by only because we believe it does. Man conceived the idea of time as a means of measuring how long things take. Go ask a cow what time it is. You will find that the cow knows nothing about time, and doesn't care.
I think I'll put some time aside today that I can use tomorrow. Time doesn't work that way. You can't hold time in your hand. You can't hold back time. Time waits for no one. A stopwatch doesn’t stop time. It only stops the process of measuring time at that moment. We live in the now, not the past or future. The past is gone forever. The future never arrives. Nothing is affected by time itself.
Everything is affected by what happens to it during a length of time.
Time does not turn the pyramids into ruble. Rain and wind over time do that. Not time.
When I hear someone say they believe time can warp or change in some physical way, I imagine the whole universe in a bubble inside of a glass bowl on the coffee table in Mother Nature’s living room. There is a clock on the wall ticking away the seconds.
No matter what any else thinks or believes, Mother Nature knows what time it is.
The universe is not in some kind of bubble. I can't help but think that concept is rather silly. There is no reason to believe that is necessary within the laws of physics. No "Parallel Universe".
There are no fences or walls at the border of the Universe. No sign that says:
"You have reached the end of the Universe" "No service stations beyond this point"
Even if all the "Matter" within the Universe dissipates down to "Nothing", the nothing continues infinitely. It is Impossible for there to be an end to Time and Space or Nothing…
If there is an end to the nothing, what is on the other side? More nothing I presume.
If the Big Bang happened, it could be that it was just a little bang in one small part of the universe.
We will never know where that matter originally came from, or how long it existed. To suggest that time began with a Big Bang is absurd. To say the universe began with the same bang is preposterous. For there to even be a bang, there must be something there to do the bang and that must have taken a very long time to get all that matter in one place. A very big place.
There may have been trillions of Big Bangs come and go in the entire universe.
There can be no end to the universe, and no beginning of time., nor, an end to time.
The so called Dark Matter is dark because it is nothing at all. Or transparant Plasma
Separate the universe (space) from the matter that is within the universe.
I like to call it Something and Nothing.
There may be a limit to the Something, but the Nothing is infinite.
Man can calculate how long the light from a distant star takes to reach Earth. That has no bearing on where that star is within the universe, only how far from earth. The star may be right in the middle of the universe. Actually there is no middle, or edge to the universe. It is impossible for man to be certain about the age of the universe. I don't care who says they know such things, they are WRONG. No form of math can answer such questions. Einstein was wrong about a lot of his theories. Most of mans theories about the universe are wrong. The simplicity of my theories/conclusions make them far more likely to be correct.
There is all that is Natural, and Nothing that is Supernatural. That’s the truth.
The universe has no limits or edge/boundaries. There is no beginning or end to time. Man will never know where all the matter came from. Only speculations.
That's how I see it. Very simple. I don't need any fancy math equations to add it up.
Math can not answer all questions about life.
Math can't explain why a Bear Shits in the woods.
Math can't explain why the shit stinks.
Math is NOT the answer to all questions.
Mother Nature cares nothing about Math.
I am certain I'm correct. No one ever will or can prove my conclusions to be wrong. Except GOD, and he is not real. Just another concept. There is No Heaven or Hell
I’m just a realist who tells it like it is.