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Quantum Defect

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  1. That was answered before in an older post: No.
  2. No. The fingerprints could be similar, but not identical since they are surface tissue...
  3. Liver transplants remind me of Monty Python: "Hello...uhh...can we have your liver?"
  4. Here: http://www.afpafitness.com/articles/Pressurelink.htm
  5. It depends how you see it. I suppose the most metallic (non-radioactive) element is Cesium, but Francium would be the most metallic element if you consider the radioactive ones, while the most non-metallic element is Fluorine...if we exclude the noble gases since they are not so reactive.
  6. Click here.
  7. If this is true...I'm among the 1.6% too, unless you consider finding information about methane as pornography (well, I guess methane is sexy enough, heh).
  8. I'm useless if you want me for answering scientific questions, and even worse... I'm also paranoid.
  9. They don't know if it is bigger. "With an estimated size of somewhere between 840 - 1,800 km it may be larger that Quaoar, which is 1,000 - 1,400 across."
  10. I dislike all languages equally which is why sometimes I only make noises that nobody understands.
  11. There have been discovered various objects that are further from the Sun than Pluto. Remember Quaoar!
  12. Man, that's old news.
  13. Exactly! I can guess: Probably not during my lifetime. (Yes, I'm such a negative human) Here is a link for the aspiring sci-fi writer (who might have checked this article already, but I can't read minds yet so do forgive me): http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2049048.stm
  14. OR You could start your own astronomy club.
  15. or to pass time just write it in its entirety...no need for fancy names 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
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