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Everything posted by aamera

  1. convert toluene into nitro toluene then reduce this nitro toluene with aluminium in basic media (NaOH).U will obtain beautiful orange coloured crystals of azo compounds
  2. water is a good solvent for a large number of copounds whose specific heat is to be determined.Water is cheap & non-dangerous solvent too.
  3. thanx Darkblade.Thanx a lot
  4. Can any one of U tell me the preference order of functional groups while naming to compound having more than one functional groups (by IUPAC system)
  5. in homogenious mixture component r physically combined & also retain the poperties of constituent component.
  6. Thanx woelen.U have a good website. In my website I tried to tell some basic reasons of some reactions .I do not want to show them with chemical reactions but to improve the coceptional approach of kids.It does not contain high level chemistry.U may help by sending some Q with basic reasons .My website have taken only 2 months .Because of summer holidays ,I was free.
  7. Hello every one.I m professor of chemistry.I tried to make website about chemistry.Can u help me in this regard.http://www.freewebs.com/aamera. U can help me by giving some suggestions ,by putting some questions etc.
  8. a good poetry which touched my heart
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