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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. rasen58, ^ this. Dimensional analysis is an incredibly useful tool if you don't know a formula straight away. Otherwise, you should know that number of moles = mass / molar mass. You can rearrange that equation to give you molar mass.
  2. Right, but these are ionic species and they do have charges, just not the charges you mentioned in your post. As for the molecules bit, the OP appears to have a fairly basic understanding of chemistry and while what you brought up is also basic, bringing it in the way you did is extremely unhelpful to them and probably quite confusing. It's best to save that stuff for when they actually have questions about it and let them answer questions using methods that are simple and that make sense. There is no reason to convert to number of molecules as you have done and it creates more work than is needed to answer the question, so teaching them that is probably not the best strategy. rasen58, The way you did it is right. Converting to molar mass of M is a simple matter of looking at the equation you use to calculate number of moles or molar mass and substituting in the numbers where appropriate (you have number of moles and mass of M). Once you have that, all that's left is to correlate the molar mass of M with one of the answers available to you and see which one it matches.
  3. A few things. 1. Why in Earth are you converting to number of molecules? Stay in moles when doing these questions unless it specifically asks for an answer in number of molecules. You're making the question unnecessarily complicated. 2. Aluminium does not haves charge of +13, nor boron a charge of +5. Simply adding up the electrons like that does not tell you the charge.
  4. Interestingly on the money front, I was reading some statistics a few days ago that showed the US spends more money per student and in total than any other country in the world and for that you're getting back fairly mediocre results. Compared to Finland, which I think was fifth in terms of money spent per student and whose students are doing fantastically well. I found it interesting, though I am a little skeptical of how accurate the comparison between numbers actually is, since the age bracket for what the UN classes school aged is quite large. Nevertheless, here is the infographic: From what I could tell from other readings, one difference between the US and Finland is that Finland doesn't appear to use any standardised testing until students reach the age of 15 and the teachers, who are very highly trained and respected, are given a huge amount of autonomy in the way they deliver classes to cater to the specific needs of their students. The push away from rote learning and treating education as a kind of check list of things they should know about has obviously been an incredibly effective strategy, but one that would require the existing systems of places like the US to undergo radical changes were it to be implemented there.
  5. ! Moderator Note Was there any point to this post other than to aggravate the OP? Try and keep your posts free of insults in the future and perhaps also include some relevant content next time. Iwonderaboutthings, I was going to leave it to members to point out your continuous shifting of the goal posts, but since I am here I would like to add an official warning to your posting. Telling people that they have failed to answer your questions when you keep changing or adding new questions with virtually every post you make is disingenuous and vaguely troll-like. If you came here only to soap box and not participate in honest discussion, be aware that we will suspend you from posting.
  6. Rajnish Kaushik has been suspended for 2 years in the hopes that some time away to learn and mature will allow for him to become an engaging and less disruptive member of the SFN community. We wish you all the best with your life and studies during this time, Rajnish.
  7. ! Moderator Note Since Rajnish has been placed on suspension for an extended period of time and since we have a number of threads on this already, this thread is closed.
  8. Didymus has been suspended for a week for thread hijacking.
  9. ! Moderator Note For goodness sake, why is this so difficult? You're going on a holiday. See you next week!
  10. ! Moderator Note It's actually quite a bit more legitimate than your comment as his comment does give people dangerous ideas about the flu; not only that, his post is based on actual science. I'm closing this thread pending review.
  11. It seems fairly obvious from the context that they are referring to people in general.
  12. Where are you stuck, exactly?
  13. ! Moderator Note overtone, as far as I can tell, the requests made by chadn737 are fairly trivial ones to comply to. Please could you provide some actual links or some form of citation to the papers you are referring to and please could you cite some evidence that cumulative environmental factors are misinterpreted as being genetic in origin. The specific focus on lead poisoning that you keep bringing up is really not relevant here, as you are being asked for evidence for a much broader claim than that.
  14. ! Moderator Note I believe the word I used was hijack, which is what it was. Please do not respond to moderator notes in the thread. As has been mentioned, if you wish to discuss staff action, you are welcome to report the posts or to PM a member of staff. DO NOT derail this thread any further by responding to this. Edit: I see you already reported some posts, so I am not sure why you thought it a good idea to derail this thread even more with your response. Please do not do this in the future.
  15. ! Moderator Note Didymus, if you insist on hijacking this thread, we will suspend you from posting. Once again, your posts are in the trash.
  16. ! Moderator Note Didymus, You may have missed it, but you were told not 3 posts ago to NOT hijack this thread with your opinions on relativity. I've trashed your recent posts.
  17. As far as I know, there was a study in the 70's that could not be replicated. Later studies that used IV administration of ascorbic acid did not produce any significant results in human clinical trials either. More likely is that it just doesn't work in the way you suppose it might. There is some evidence to suggest that consumption of foods in high in vitamin C helps in preventing cancer, but it's more likely that it is a result of overall health rather than a direct result of the vitamin C. There is no actual evidence to support the claim that megadoses of vitamin C help with anything, but this should not be that surprising.
  18. Not sure what you mean by 'toxic' or 'dead' water. Water that's been in a microwave is still just water. Depending on how much you heat it, you may end up killing some microorganisms. Though if you were using tap water, water-born microorganisms shouldn't be a problem and even if they were, you'd achieve the same thing by boiling it. As you say, the plant could have died for any number of reasons. I am quite sure however, that the reason is not because of any intrinsic difference in the water as a result of it having been in the microwave.
  19. ! Moderator Note Please go and see a doctor. This thread is closed.
  20. ! Moderator Note Hello, Advertising is strictly prohibited by our forum rules, so I have removed your links and will be closing the thread. Please keep this in mind in future.
  21. I think his first sentence was a typo, as he goes on to state in the proceeding paragraph that it can't be defined.
  22. ! Moderator Note SlavicWolf, Your continued ignorance of moderator warnings issued in this thread are 100% unhelpful in generating good discussion. You apparently are in need of the reminder that, 'that being intransigent about the fanaticism of others is the first step towards your own fanaticism,' (quoted from Phi for All from the report on this thread as I could not have worded it any better). Stop harping on with the no true Scotsman fallacies (pointed out earlier by iNow) and start being more productive in the way you approach this thread, or staff will simply remove your posts (this goes for everyone who ignores the warnings issued here).
  23. decraig has been suspended for 7 days for his constant refusal to take moderator warnings into consideration and essentially soap boxing a position that other members have gone to great lengths to disprove with accepted science, only to be ignored.
  24. No, you can't (that I am aware of). The only way to do it is to ask staff to do it for you.
  25. ! Moderator Note Alright, enough. decraig, you have repeatedly ignored warnings about evading questions and ignoring the information that people are giving you. I am closing this thread for the time being for further staff review. Do not attempt to reopen the topic elsewhere.
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