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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. Oh, well now that would be telling. But seriously, yes. Res Experts have access to all the normal forums plus the top secret Res Experts forum. Moderators have all that, a bunch of staff forums where we discuss plans for world domination and the cheese nip cupboard. There's also a super secret dungeon area that Phi for All created after a staff Christmas party one year, but trust me when I say you do *not* want to know what goes on down there.
  2. No, that's a daily email that sends you updates on the various sections of SFN that you follow. IIRC, it will give a quick update on new posts in any hot threads or tell you about new threads that have popped up. I liked it when I was a regular member. When I became a mod I got automatically signed up to follow every forum we have and at about 10 am each morning, my phone would spend 5 minutes having a fit while it downloaded the 20 or so SFN daily digest emails. Then we changed software and the SFN Gods relieved me of this burden; I've never looked back since.
  3. Well, I guess I really meant sounding scientific to the scientifically trained. Poor choice of phrasing on my part. I'll definitely concede that their marketing scheme (often) successfully employs the use of science-y sounding words to make them appear accurate to someone who doesn't know any better. Videos explaining the 'science' behind how homeopathy works are prize examples, as you elude to.
  4. You should be able to change the settings here: http://www.scienceforums.net/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications Not sure if you can get notifications for people responding to your threads specifically. I suppose if you set it up to notify you for when someone responds to a thread that you follow?
  5. ! Moderator Note Rajnish, Staff have been very patient with you because we understand that you are young, but you seriously need to start listening to us. A few points: - The purpose of SFN is to operate as a place for discussion. Your tendency to post single word posts, or a few words that have little to no relevance to the OP run counter to that purpose. Please stop making posts that consist of little more than, 'ok :(' or, 'thnx bro,' or, '???' They are both pointless and irritating to read. - Following on from above, if you wish to start a thread! could you at least attempt writing a full paragraph outlining what you wish to ask and your thoughts on the matter. This is especially important for your numerous homework threads. - If staff ask you to do something as staff members, do it. Imatfaal just requested that you spend your next post forming your question to explain why you posted those images above. That means writing out a couple of sentences, not posting more pictures. I suggest you do this now or we will be closing this thread. - Please start posting your threads in one forum only and in the correct one. If you are unsure of where to put a thread, PM a staff member. We're getting sick of moving and closing / hiding your threads. - Try and make an effort to search for things before you ask questions. You'll find a lot of topics have already been asked and answered quite well here or somewhere else on the internet and you may not need to ask your question at all. This thread is an example of that, weird images notwithstanding. It will also help with your homework threads. Finally, please for the love of God do not respond to this note with an 'ok' and an emoticon. In fact, don't respond to it at all. If you have any questions about this note, report the post (using the grey-blue link near the Multi-quote button) or PM a member of staff.
  6. Instead of writing one word posts, you should make an attempt to go and make that list. Sitting around saying you don't know and waiting for other people to answer your questions for you won't get you very far.
  7. I didn't lock it, but I suspect it's because you made no clear attempt at an OP, you just posted still frames from some YouTube video. These sorts of posts have very recently made their way into our forum rules because they are counter to what the forum is about, that being discussion. Also, the specific subject matter of the YouTube video was complete bunk. If you were interested in the question posed in your thread title, I suggest you use the search function and look up some older threads on the topic.
  8. Make sure you put a lid on it! Otherwise you'll have popcorn everywhere.
  9. I don't know how much simpler I could possibly make it for you, I'm sorry. Maybe we could try a different approach. Go to Google and come up with a small list that outlines some key differences between the Earth and Pluto. Have a look at what kind of atmospheres they both have, if any, how close to the sun they are, how hot or cold they are, etc. Copy it into the thread when you're done and we can go from there.
  10. Why were you using a pressure cooker? Just use a normal pot or pan on the stove top.
  11. You aren't listening to what people are saying to you. Assume that the question is asking you about the life that we already know, not any other type of life we don't know about. Do you think Pluto could support, say, a rabbit? Why or why not? What about anerobic bacteria (as another example)? What is it about the Earth that allows organisms to live and thrive on it?
  12. I think you can assume the questions means life as we know it here on Earth.
  13. You're welcome to try the Suggestions, Comments and Support forum.
  14. At the bottom right of the reply box there is a button that says, 'More Reply Options.' Click on that. At the bottom of the screen it takes you to there is a section for you to upload files. You can upload your picture there.
  15. Then I guess it's time to use that brain of yours! Try breaking the question down a bit more. It has asked you whether or not life could exist on Pluto, so you should be asking yourself what sorts of things help support life where life does exist (i.e. Earth). Can you maybe write a small list of the important factors that make the Earth so hospitable to living creatures? For instance, the proximity to the sun might be one thing.
  16. It's a little hard for people to help you if they don't know quite where you've gone wrong. If you know where you're struggling, then you should mention that. Otherwise, you're basically asking people to give you the answer and that doesn't help anyone, least of all you. Perhaps you could take a photo of your working out if you don't want to type it?
  17. It addresses your question if you actually bothered to read the first page. And I wouldn't mind if you could not call me bro in future.
  18. I meant could you show your working out.
  19. That's not an answer, Rajnish. If you wish for people to help you out here, you need to do a better job at responding to them. Could you please answer my questions in post #6?
  20. ! Moderator Note Seriously, get back on topic. Have you attempted your question? What were your thoughts on it?
  21. Could you explained how you arrived at your answer?
  22. Er, I did no such thing. I'm not the arbiter of rep points. Could you please stick to your topic?
  23. And what was your answer or where were you having trouble?
  24. Really, there are lots of threads on it. This is a good one if you want some light bed time reading: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/65651-people-who-believe-in-god-are-broken/
  25. Again, Rajnish, please try and attempt these questions yourself before asking members to do them for you.
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