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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. ! Moderator Note If you wish to engage in discussion, it would be wise for you to actually respond to member's points instead of ignoring them; we are not in the habit of allowing trolls or soap boxing. If you choose to ignore this mod warning, this thread will be closed.
  2. The very cleverly named superballs has been banned as a sock puppet of superball.
  3. ! Moderator Note Well, you certainly have made our job easy. See ya later.
  4. ! Moderator Note Staff have decided that this thread has gone in enough circles and that keeping it open serves no real purpose. Anything that could be asked has been addressed, repeatedly. Thank you all for your contributions to the discussion.
  5. Hi Cyrus, Firstly, I assume that these are these homework questions? I have moved the thread to the Homework Help section. Secondly, based on the above assumption, you will need to show some effort in answering the second part. What do you notice is different about the two terms and what do you think that means? Edit: ! Moderator Note After some review, I have decided to merge all of your threads that ask for help in English into one big thread as they are starting to get a little repetitve. Cyrus, please place all of your questions about your English homework, etc., in this thread.
  6. ! Moderator Note Hi montrellblundell, I appreciate that this is very much a science related post, but we do have rules regarding links to external websites. Although it does contain some articles, the site you have linked appears to mostly be a front for selling scientific equipment. As such, we would ask that you please not link to it in the future. I have removed the link in this OP and the one in your other OP, however if you would like to post links to the actual papers concerned, you are of course most welcome to.
  7. I believe my last mod note mentioned that this is not to turn into a time cube thread. If your other thread stays closed, it is the result of group consensus amongst staff and not my individual opinion.
  8. The Speculations forum has a rule that demands you provide evidence to support your assertions. Time Cube is so left of centre from reality that any threads discussing it could not possibly hope to keep to this rule and therefore, do not belong here.
  9. ! Moderator Note 1. This is a privately owned forum. You don't get free speech here. 2. Don't even think about trying to make this into a thread about Time Cube. I will not hesitate to close this if it gets brought up again. Edit: We have a number of threads that do already address your problem. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/53881-freedom-of-speech http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/68123-censorship For example
  10. ! Moderator Note This can't be serious. Time Cube is such a load of utter nonsense that it doesn't even deserve to be in Speculations. Or anywhere. As such, I'm closing this pending staff review.
  11. I'm closing this since you've already asked this question in your other thread.
  12. Why does that matter? Surely if the point is simply to kill bacteria and both the peroxide and the acetic acid already do this, making something that poses a greater safety risk for the same purpose is a bit beyond redundant?
  13. Amanbir Singh Grewal has been banned at their request.
  14. I brought this up in the staff thread we have going a few days ago. Word on the street is that load time is slowly creeping back up, but it's especially bad at this time of the morning (US time) while the servers are doing their daily back up. Edit: At last check I think Cap'n was going to look into it when he had a spare moment. Apparently grad school is time consuming. Psht.
  15. ! Moderator Note Stop derailing this thread. crystalline silver, we do not tolerate insulting other members here. Please check your attitude before you post in future.
  16. ! Moderator Note No. Start making sense. Thread closed.
  17. ! Moderator Note You are not the Wright brothers and this is not a thread on therapeutic uses of silver. Please start another thread on that in Speculations if that is what you wish to discuss.
  18. ! Moderator Note Amanbir, please start making sense. You are getting close to being suspended from the site.
  19. I think it may be in reference to the Okazaki fragments being synthesized from RNA primers during the replication process. These are replaced by DNA bases by (I think) polymerase enzymes later on.
  20. ADreamIveDreamt has been permanently censored because we fear the truth (read: banned for being a serial pest who ignores mod warnings).
  21. ! Moderator Note Alright,well don't say you weren't warned. Thread closed.
  22. ! Moderator Note Back on topic, please. Edit: on second thoughts, the OT posts have been split into their own thread.
  23. The same way you become a mod (i.e. don't ask for it and follow the rules), except that you also have to display some expertise in a scientific discipline.
  24. ! Moderator Note I think we've explained the rules enough in these 4 pages. If you still don't get why your thread was closed, then I'm at a loss as to what more we could say to you. With that in mind and in light of the fact that this is slowly being taken into discussing your closed topic, I am closing this pending further staff review. ADreamIveDreamt, if you have any questions about this decision, please use the report function.
  25. ! Moderator Note Tridimity, Please stick to the topic presented in the OP. Any more posts that are not in line with the OP will be removed.
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