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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. ! Moderator Note The road where you get suspended for apparently losing your mind. See you in a week.
  2. To me, that is more the instinctive response to something an organism is unfamiliar with or has never encountered before, rather than a specific response to snakes.
  3. I used to live on the Sunshine Coast here in SE Queensland, where Eastern Brown Snakes were very common. I don't think I ever saw one up close in the 3 years I lived there, but I certainly have heard them moving around and seen them from afar. In Brisbane, or at leats in some places in Brisbane where I've lived, I would see a lot of these guys. Around those sorts of snakes, I exercise a lot of due caution and try to keep my distance as much as I can, as their venom is not very nice (and although I'd never want to, killing snakes here is also illegal). I don't think I've ever freaked out with snakes or spiders. Usually the ones I've come across are happy doing whatever it is they're doing and so long as that doesn't start to involve me, I don't really mind how close to me they get. I do draw the line at snakes or giant lizards in my bedroom, though. Spiders I can deal with, but bigger than that and I start to have problems. During the summer months, I frequently wake up to this guy or other members of his or her family in my room, blocking the entrance to my bathroom and hissing at me for having the audacity to try and pass them: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue-tongued_skink)
  4. What benzyl alcohol?
  5. Is this a homework question?
  6. I think the OP was saying that they didn't want to do chemistry via the BSc so that they could avoid the compulsory physics courses. As for the OP, I would echo a lot of what John said and mention that you cannot hope to avoid having at least a partial competence in physics and math and doing courses in those subjects would be very beneficial to you and indeed necessary if you hope to do well. I would suck it up and just do the BSc.
  7. Right, except that acetone is not water and if you let the acetone evaporate outside of the oven, as it will do fairly rapidly, the amount still left in the glassware when it is transferred to an oven would be negligible (and certainly not 5 g). The spark component of the thermostat for the drying ovens used in labs I would not think would be housed inside the main body of the oven, as is the case with most electric cookers (through I guess it is probably more isolated). I'll concede that it probably wouldn't be suitable for a regular oven at home.
  8. So just to clarify, since it apparently wasn't obvious, I didn't mean out something dripping in acetone into a hot oven. Usually I would rinse with acetone and let it air dry for a little bit and place it in an oven. This is not an uncommon practice. You would not do this with something like ether, but it is not really a problem with acetone provided you don't make the oven too hot (as mentioned in my previous post).
  9. You would be better off PM'ing Cap'n directly, as he may not get this.
  10. You could wash out the water with acetone and put in an oven (doesn't need to be very hot) if you need to dry it.
  11. ! Moderator Note Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU, It would most wise of you not to go insulting other members. Besides it not being a tolerable form of behavior, you are skating on very thin ice here as it is and any further infractions may/will see you banned.
  12. There are a number of drawing programs available that will generally shoot errors if you exceed bond capacity, etc., but that's not always an accurate reflection of whether or not something can exist (in that sense). The gold standard for drawing small molecules (i.e. not proteins) is probably ChemDraw and ChemDraw 3D. I would imagine individual licenses for this are quite expensive, though I doubt you'd really need all of the functions it offers and so something like Chem Sketch may be better (I think Chem Sketch is free). What these programs won't really do, at least to my knowledge, is tell you whether or not something exists for an appreciable time. There are more specific modelling programs that are used to calculate / predict the energies inherent in a molecule (as an example), but without a functioning knowledge of chemistry, it won't be very helpful to you. ChemDraw 3D also does this to an extent, but I am unsure of how accurate its modelling capabilities are. Is this just a thing you're doing for interest's sake, or do you have a specific purpose in mind?
  13. I've not read it, but this appears to be the paper the article references: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ez4000059
  14. Delta, to give you more of an idea of what kind of things can be expected, this is the worked version of a medium puzzle from two years ago. Admittedly, getting to the end of this puzzle is not as abstract and does not need anything more than a pen and probably the internet to solve, but actually getting the right answer requires a degree of lateral thinking. In relation to your answer,
  15. Nope Edit: the puzzle is listed as hard, which for CiSRA means that it will take multiple steps to solve and won't be so obvious that you can solve it from the title (though the title will tie into the puzzle in some way).
  16. ! Moderator Note I thought I was pretty clear, but okay. Crispy Bacon, please stop spamming the thread with YouTube videos. If you must, then include a text description with it so that members who cannot access the video can see what you're trying to say. It's a very simple request.
  17. CiSRA puzzle competition is open for another year, so I thought I'd post a favourite from last year's puzzles. I've attached the PDF, but this is the text version of the puzzle (it's solvable either way): Why, I belgeve ther're my few remaining years erieving for the loss special occasion, af course. I tas a you haven't been keepsng up on current events, bht we just is you're not the only ono. You don't love me! He'lt come back here. As I'vk pinched his lahdh key, th'll try animal you've trapped! Waen you decide of betttng weren't scientipic, but teey they don't aell you in ahe church. You ere illegally you'll be nead and I'll blow this place up and be oome in to mote yosr vohicle. SPELTRE is a dedicaten fritereity whose _trength will continue to be as suscessful as his chess. 1B-Who-Really-Shot-First.pdf Some of my previous puzzle threads: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/64604-togetherness/ http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/61121-rime-royal/ (No one solved this one) Also, just a reminder for people to please use the [ spoiler] [/ spoiler] tags if you're posting solutions. If you're stuck, these are the hints that were released after each day: Hint 1. Hint 2. Hint 3.
  18. ! Moderator Note For the benefit of members not able to watch it, it would be nice if you could go to the effort of summarising it yourself. In fact, we don't technically allow threads of this nature to remain open as they tend to limit discussion. Secondly, this thread is about a very specific philosophical argument. It would be great if members discussed and argued the merits of that, rather than going back to the tired old, 'give me evidence that your God exists,' line. It is not constructive in the context of this discussion and is besides the point.
  19. There are far too many to list in a thread like this. If you're dealing with chemicals in a lab, you should be doing safety risk assessments and should make yourself aware of what not to do with each chemical you're using. Giving you a long, general list is not going to be useful to you.
  20. Your link was to a thread on some random forum. That is not evidence. Prove that what you are saying exists, and then there will be something to discuss.
  21. Your link is hardly a valid citation for your claims and your anecdotes are just that. What iNow is asking for are actual papers by people who have performed studies on this so-called phenomenon. Furthermore, how often iNow visits his parents is not even slightly relevant. To respond to your OP: I don’t think this is at all pertinent to the validity of your claims. I do not think it is accurate to make such broad statements on these matters. Some people might exclude one or both of their parents for very valid reasons and some parents may exclude their children rather than the other way around. I do not, in my limited experience, believe this would be such a widespread occurrence as you seem to be suggesting. You really do need to provide some evidence for these claims.
  22. You will need to show at least some effort towards answering this for someone to help you. What specifically aren't you understanding?
  23. I don't know exactly, but given how specific trypsin is, I would say it probably cleaves L-amino acids exclusively.
  24. you already have multiple threads on this. Closed. ! Moderator Note And furthermore, this particular one is a rehash of a closed topic. You are not permitted to open a new thread on this.
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