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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. Yes, they are your stereocentres. Do you know how to work out if something is R or S? You might want to look at the wiki page on it if not and then come back with what you've got.
  2. Yes, that looks about right. The IR shouldn't be too difficult. You just need to look at what functional groups you have and see how they would appear on an IR spectra. The NMR is rather a bit more difficult due to the size of the compound, but if you go and have a look at some NMR correlation tables, you should be able to assign where each proton will appear and then from there you would simply look at what kind of multiplicity each one has.
  3. ! Moderator Note darryl88, I've merged all 5 of your threads on evolution as they are essentially repeats of the same thing. Please do yourself a favor and read over them and what others have said to you before posting in this thread and do not open any more on this topic, as they will be closed.
  4. Am I to understand that your task is to draw the spectra and not interpret spectra that you are given? That seems awfully difficult for an undergrad assignment given the complexity of doxycycline. I've also moved this to the Homework Help section.
  5. ! Moderator Note ParanoiA, For the last time, drop this silly issue you have with something someone said pages ago, stop cherry picking small comments about race and running miles with them and get back on topic. Any more comments that have nothing to do with abortion, I will be deleting.
  6. ! Moderator Note ParanoiA, please get back to the topic of this thread.
  7. ! Moderator Note This thread is about abortion, not racism. How about we get back on topic?
  8. ! Moderator Note These sorts of comments aren't really appropriate for the forum. Keep the insults out of it in future.
  9. ! Moderator Note This is essentially a rehash of the multiple other threads you've started or are participating in on the topic of abortion, Anders. Please stick to those ones. Thread closed.
  10. ! Moderator Note Homework is homework! Moving to the appropriate section.
  11. ! Moderator Note Again, if you already have a thread on something, please don't open new ones. This constant spamming of the forums has to stop. Ref: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/69700-quantum-mechanics-cosmic-space/page__p__707460__fromsearch__1#entry707460
  12. ! Moderator Note chandraputa, If you want to talk about whatever that was, please open your own thread in Speculations.
  13. ! Moderator Note Seaker, posts like this are simply unacceptable. If you wish to discuss things, you should do so without dragging personal insults into things to try and make your point. Secondly, this is (as others have said) a predominantly science discussion forum. If you want to discuss things here, you will be expected to support your assertions with evidence. The onus is 100% on you. If you can't do this, you'll find your time here to be very short lived. Please do not respond to this mod note within this thread. If you take issue with it, feel free to use the report post function (yellow triangle on the bottom of this post) or by PM'ing staff.
  14. It would sure as hell be helpful in congress. Maybe Obama can actually get something done if the house of reps decides to cooperate this time around. I'm mildly hopeful that the fact this is Obama's last term that they'll be more willing, but who knows.
  15. ! Moderator Note Chemtrails is most assuredly a conspiracy theorist hot topic. As such, I'm moving this to Speculations.
  16. A secondary congratulations should also go to Tammy Baldwin. It's comforting to know you guys aren't all totally insane.
  17. You are absolutely correct to say that it has limitations and honestly, your teacher is an idiot if he made you feel that you were wrong for suggesting it. The Arrhenius definition for acids and bases (which is what you've described) is very outdated and these days, only ever mentioned to give context to the Bronsted-Lowry model (described by weiming).
  18. I had this issue with my Netgear router not so long ago, actually. My flatmate was the one who dealt with the problem, so I'm not entirely sure what he did. I think he ended up calling our ISP and they were able to fix it for us.
  19. What exactly is 2-bromoheptane-O? Draw out your starting materials and try to figure out a mechanism. Currently what you have doesn't seem right, so if you can put the image on here, that would be handy so we know where you've gone wrong.
  20. This is incorrect for a number of reasons. SN2 reactions result in complete inversion of stereochemistry, not a racemate. That means that if this reaction were SN2, you would only see one stereoisomer and not the other one. The sterochemistry of the carbon with the deuterium attached doesn't change its configuration. It's ® configuration in both starting material and product. The carbon that actually underwent substitution, however, is racemic. See: The carbon with the deuterium attached to it is not the carbon that gets attacked. If it were, you would not expect the other carbon centre to undergo racemization. You need to write more clearly. I couldn't understand a word of the last part of your post. One of the key differences between an SN1 and an SN2 reaction is the way they effect stereochemistry. In an SN1 reaction, your leaving group is eliminated fromt he carbon undergoing attack to generate a carbocation intermediate. These types of intermediates are flat structures and attack from either face will result in a different steroisomer: Image from http://www.organic-chemistry.org/namedreactions/nucleophilic-substitution-sn1-sn2.shtm Because they are flat, an incoming nucleophile will attack either face of the carbocation without any preference, thereby resulting in an equimolar mixture of both ® and (S) isomers (i.e. a racemate). SN2 reactions do not undergo the same mechanism and result in an inversion of stereochemistry. The analogy I was taught in undergrad is to think of it as being similar to flipping an umbrella inside out. Image from http://www.organic-chemistry.org/namedreactions/nucleophilic-substitution-sn1-sn2.shtm You need to think about this some more. Why would the carbon act as a nucleophile and pick up a proton? Since you know that this is a substitution reaction, the first things you should be trying to identify are: The electrophilic carbon centre and whether it is a primary, secondary or tertiary centre. The nuclophile. The leaving group. In this case, the electrophilic carbon (i.e., the carbon being attacked by the nucleophile and which undergoes substitution) is one of the benzylic carbons attached to the aromatic ring. Both are secondary centres, which you would typically say could undergo either an SN1 or SN2 reaction. To figure out which of these is occurring, you only need look at your products. Since you have a racemate, it must have undergone an SN1. The reason for this is because the carbocation intermediate is able to be resonance stabilised by the adjacent ring. Looking at your products, you should be able to see which carbon has changed in its stereochemistry and therefore, which carbon was attacked by your nucleophile. This is not in any way correct. You are dealing with a simple substitution reaction, certainly not a hydride shift or anything else. You need to break this down and look at it step by step. Firstly, can you identify what your leaving group was? You're right to assume that the acid has done something, but you have not correctly identified what that is. Have a look at your starting material and try to identify which atoms are capable of donating a pair of electrons to pick up an extra proton. Hint: it's not the carbons.
  21. ! Moderator Note Okay, chandragupta, this seriously needs to stop. You have a rather large number of threads on this topic. I'm about to go through and delete / merge them all. It would be much appreciated if you could please take the time to respond to the ones you've already created and stop spamming the forum.
  22. Yes, I decided to give up on chemistry and become a magical sloth. Admittedly, the lack of opposable thumbs is a bit of a pain, but I've mostly worked around this by sharpening my nails to a point simply stabbing things I need to pick up and move around. Also great for mugging unsuspecting victims. On that note, are we still on for coffee / drinks when I come over in December?

  23. By doing other NMR experiments. Try doing some COSY or HSCQ/HMBC. It would also be worth getting some mass spec data.
  24. ! Moderator Note You don't seem to be getting my point. Get back on topic and stop with the hostility.
  25. ! Moderator Note randomc, I hardly think I even need to explain why your last comment was inappropriate.
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