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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. Randolphin, your account certainly has an email address associated with it. I am confused though. Your account is already activated, so why do you need to find the activation email? Sorry, just saw you were struggling to register for other forums. You didn't use a gmail account for this forum, but if you have one, you can certainly use it to register for one in another place.
  2. ! Moderator Note We don't allow members to use this site to advertise. Thread closed.
  3. Again, you can create custom streams to avoid this. I'll look into putting in one similar to the New Content from the old site later.
  4. You can also create custom streams to view activity that you are interested in only. I found this useful and created a stream that mimics the old New Content menu from the old site.
  5. ! Moderator Note You are entitled to your opinion, but it would be preferred if you could keep it constructive and actually contribute to discussion.
  6. It is ill advised to accuse people of things without evidence. It was not who you claim. Unofficially, please try and stay on topic. This is clearly (and understandably) emotional for you, but you should not assume that people here are out to seek revenge on behalf of your friend. Likewise, while it is fine to not agree with or like someone's post, it isn't appropriate (nor is it fair) to then extend that to telling someone you don't like them, or other such personal comments. Particularly when you seem to have missed the point of the post. If the responses in this thread are upsetting you too much, or you are not prepared to deal with responses unaligned with what you want to hear, it might be best you step away from it. To that end, I am happy to close the thread.
  7. ! Moderator Note VladP, This is a discussion forum. In order to facilitate this, we require that you clearly articulate the points or questions you wish to talk about from the get-go. In other words, please get to the point. Do not respond to this within the thread. Please report the post or PM a member of staff if you take issue.
  8. As swansont said, it's a little difficult to call this sexual harassment as you have presented it. If the content makes you feel uncomfortable, your best course of action is to kindly let him know that you do not appreciate such messages, and to please stop. If he doesn't, then it becomes a much clearer case of harassment.
  9. It depends on the context of their relationship and their friendship to an extent, and prior communications between them. The things I say or do with my friends might not be viewed as acceptable if I were to say or do them with anyone else, for example.
  10. I will look up how it is made later. In the meantime, I will say that if you are not experienced in o chem wet labs, or have access to a lab set up for synthesis, then I don't think that making this is the right endeavour for you. I'm not sure that is the case for you, just food for thought.
  11. Is there any reason you can't purchase it? I am unsure of the process used to make it exactly, but looking at its structure, I can't imagine it would be a practical route for a final year project.
  12. Is this homework?
  13. The new update supposedly came with a sparkly new Captcha. We will have to do some tweaking.
  14. [modtip]Lord Antares and TakenItSeriously, please return to the topic of this thread. [/modtip] Edit: Cap'n, my fancy tags aren't working.
  15. I believe that the statuses you're talking about may be viewed through the activity stream. You can create custom streams as well, which I have found useful. From a moderator point of view, the new software is much, much better. I am looking forward to not having to deal with as much spam.
  16. There is no forum for it, though I don't think this should be unexpected. You can discuss the scientific aspects of the approaches used in archaeology in the appropriate forum, such as Earth Sciences, Biology, etc. Archaeological finds can be discussed also. Depending on context, such discussions might be suited for Science News, Biology, or the Lounge.
  17. It's just messenger chat.
  18. ! Moderator Note We're done here. Kirving, this is a discussion forum. It works best on the basis that members are able to communicate their questions and ideas in a manner that makes sense, and is clear. You've fulfilled neither criteria in anything you've posted to this website. If you are unable to do this, we will place you're account under moderator review, meaning that nothing you post will appear unless approved first. If your posting does not improve after that, you will simply be shown the door.
  19. Just to add to my above post: by cure, I am making the assumption that the product is the invention, rather than the use. In any case, detailing the nature of the tests you used to determine that the product was effective at treating eczema should not constitute a breach of IP. I am also finding the amount of money you claim you would need to be rather striking. Filing for a patent doesn't cost millions of dollars, which suggests to me that you haven't actually tested your product? Or something else?
  20. To repeat: I am not asking for any information on IP. How did you determine there was no placebo? Were the tests blinded? Revealing that does not prevent you from having a sellable product, and in fact the reason I am asking you is to ascertain how best to help you with your question. If you haven't performed the right tests in the right way, no one in their right mind would or should want to fund you.
  21. ! Moderator Note Was there a question or point to discuss in any of that?
  22. I am not asking you to reveal IP, simply what types of tests you performed, and how. Were they blinded? How did you assay effectiveness?
  23. What tests have you done to show this?
  24. ! Moderator Note Aaaand, we're done here.
  25. ! Moderator Note Please try and stick to the topic. There are plenty of other threads to discuss the many aspects of the Trump presidency and why he was elected in detail. I have split some of the recent threads here into the trash, as much of what was said has been covered elsewhere recently. If anyone particularly wants to revive the posts, let staff know via PM or report.
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