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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. I'm not sure why you are being so hostile. You made a claim that members and staff are too harsh on newcomers. Fine. I think I speak for all of the mods when I say that we gladly welcome reasonable observations on these matters by members. The thing is, you haven't shown us a case of where this is true and I can't immediately think of a thread where your criticism would be applicable. All that is being asked of you is to provide some examples of where you are seeing the problem. We can't do that for you.
  2. We have previously discussed where those points were earned and why. It doesn't "get worse" if you complain, though it does get a little tiring having to repeat the same explanations. Yes, it is discretionary. Staff will discuss matters before acting on them and only do so if a consensus is reached. IMO, it works best this way. There is more allowance for tailored solutions to better solve issues with certain members. My advice to you is to get over it, learn from it and move forward. It happens. There are some members here who have been on the cusp of being banned (some on numerous occasions) and are now some of what I would consider our most valued active members. It is entirely up to you what happens next.
  3. Yes. It's done on a case by case basis. I see no reason that any of yours should be removed, if that's what you are trying to get at.
  4. ! Moderator Note Me neither. Eldad, if you can give a good reason that this should be open, PM myself or another member of staff. In the meantime, thread closed.
  5. ! Moderator Note Eldad Eshel, for the last time, your anecdotes are not evidence. If you can't start being at least vaguely scientific in the way you are approaching this thread, it will be closed.
  6. ! Moderator Note In other words, you're just making stuff up with nothing to back it up?
  7. ! Moderator Note Recognising that this is first and foremost, a science forum (and not your blog), do you have any science to present?
  8. As John has said, the water component doesn't actually matter here, you're really only concerned with the concentration of ions from the Na2HPO4.
  9. ! Moderator Note Robittybob1, If you have time to post on this forum multiple times every day, you have time to read a few articles and learn some physics. You cannot expect people here to do everything for you. Moreover, if your obstinance on this matter continues, this thread will be closed.
  10. Are you familiar with the equation, number of moles = mass / molar mass? Mass is the value you're after, and you have the number of moles you want as per your OP. So, what's the molar mass of Na2HPO4.12H2O?
  11. Google scholar has plenty of papers with methods for doing this. You might just need to move away from Trizol and use another extraction method. For example.
  12. It was an example. As you'll note by the fact that I gave a subsequent example of how external conditions can alter germination success, it is not the only case. This is why I brought up soil conditions. I am aware that you don't have to put the seeds in fire for them to grow, but just elevating the temperature is insufficient. It's the chemicals in the smoke that stimulates growth. I grow a lot of them myself from seed. You can smoke them or, as I do, soak them with a smoke disk. No need to add heat.
  13. That's not quite true. Certain seeds require pre-treatment before they will germinate, which suggests that external environment matters a great deal. Some Australian native plants need to be smoked or treated with smoke discs, for example. Snap dragon seeds won't grow if they are too deep in the soil and considerably more will sprout if they have been frozen for 48 hours beforehand. If the soil acidity, light, moisture conditions (for example) are not right, the seeds will not grow. Lemon seeds are more forgiving though, so you shouldn't have to worry about much beyond how well draining the soil is and how much light they're getting. I'm not sure I follow. I was suggesting that your soil could be too wet or too dry. Both are bad.
  14. Your lemon seeds might not be a fan of the soil you're using, lack of sunlight, and / or the soil is either too dry or too wet. Do you have peat moss available to you? This with some perlite or sand for drainage is good for starting seeds, though fungus can be more of a problem with peat (I find a sprinkle of cinnamon helps to prevent this). Also, your lemon trees probably won't produce any fruit for a few years (around 5 years, maybe more).
  15. ! Moderator Note Hello, While we appreciate that SFN has a large international contingent and that it's not always easy to communicate in a second language, we do ask for the sake of simplicity and so that all may participate in a discussion that members write their posts in English.
  16. ! Moderator Note Eldad Eshel, This is a science forum. If you refuse to be scientific about the way you present your claims, you will not be welcome here. As it stands, staff have decided we all need a break from you, and have suspended you for a week. Please take this time to review your posting style and the forum rules.
  17. Eldad Eshel has been suspended for 7 days for multiple instances of thread hijacking.
  18. ! Moderator Note You are not being censored, you are being asked to follow the rules. I explicitly told you that any more posts that were not on topic (as per my mod note) would be removed. For what is now the forth time, I am asking you to stick to the topic. If you have nothing beyond anecdotes to contribute, then your posts are inappropriate for this thread and will continue to be removed. If you keep this up you will be suspended.
  19. As mentioned, their environment is wholly unnatural. I do not know much about tigers, but I suspect that Carbonerd is correct. Parrots are well known for this behaviour (as another example) and you can easily find examples of captive / pet birds killing each other if they are not friends or bonded and wind up caged together. In the wild, they can just fly away. I myself have a lovebird, which is a somewhat ironic name for the species as they are extremely fearless and aggressive around other birds they don't like, small size be damned.
  20. ! Moderator Note Once again, Eldad Eshel, this is not a thread about what you think happens to you following masturbation. Unless you have general scientific evidence (not anecdotes) to support what you are saying, your contributions to this thread do not belong. I will be removing any more of your posts and any replies that do not fit in accordance with this mod note.
  21. ! Moderator Note We're done here. TheThing, we will not tolerate you insulting members. If you can't hold discussion without becoming abusive, you need to review your ability to hold one.
  22. Quite likely. Hard to know for sure until the OP gives more info.
  23. I was under the impression that this was done neat, not in CDCl3. Agree with doing a carbon NMR though.
  24. Who was your supplier and what does the CD3I look like? Were your NMR tubes completely dry? I am not familiar with what solvent peaks look like in CD3I, but I wonder if the 1.43ppm peak is water. This could be either because your tubes aren't dry or because the bottle has a small amount of water in it. Does it come with any drying agents and how has it been stored? Was it stored cold and pending the answer to that, did you use it cold or at room temp? Could you try adding a small amount of water of D2O to a sample and running an NMR of that? The 2.14 peak is residual CH3I. Did you add TMS or something to the sample? Not sure what the 0 ppm peak is otherwise.
  25. I would think this is the case. OP, freezing water is probably a good illustrative example of what Strange is getting at. When you freeze water, the water molecules have to arrange in such a way that means they end up being well ordered and further apart than they would be in the liquid state. Thus, the volume of water increases (IIRC, by about 10%) when it becomes a solid. I realise that you don't change the mass in this example, but the principle is the same. You could also consider it with these images: The top one would contain more triangles per unit area than the bottom and thus occupy less volume, but both are otherwise the same. The only difference is how they are ordered. As Strange has mentioned, you are not simply dissolving the agar, you are making a gel. The internal structure of the gel matrix in the coconut water is different to what it is with just the coconut water, and may cause the liquid to expand. This doesn't break any laws of physics. (Sorry about the image sizes, I don't have the time to change it at the moment)
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