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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations. Please be aware that there additional rules pertaining to this area of the forum. Failure to adhere to these will result in thread closure. Do not respond to this mod note within the thread.
  2. ! Moderator Note Really? That's news. In any case, I'm closing this pending review. You are not permitted to reintroduce the topic in the meantime.
  3. ! Moderator Note Another reminder to please try and stick to the OP. SillyBilly, you have been asked before to lay off the evolution/creationism line. We're not going to keep reminding you.
  4. Hold up. You're going to start a project Tuesday, invest a bunch of time and money into it when a.) you can't explain how it is going to work and b.) you don't even have a good idea of what you'll be doing or what the current state of the field is? Why are you doing this again? Also, what on earth does dissolving something on the atomic level mean?
  5. ! Moderator Note Everyone, This thread has become rather off-topic. A reminder that primary questions asked in the OP were as follows: ! Moderator Note The last few pages have had very little to do with the above. As per the OP, this is not a thread about whether or not religious groups have been picked on or in other ways been attacked in the name of atheism. It is certainly not a thread about the many ways in which Jagella feels they have been wronged by atheists (although it seems like that was the underlying intention in many ways). It's not even really about faith healing. Any more off topic posts will be remove without further comment.
  6. ! Moderator Note Mike, For all your curiosity about the world around you, you do not seem to be that interested in actually learning about it. We are currently 4 pages into this thread and within that space, the phenomenon that you observed has been explained to you and explained to you again. Yet, you persist with ideas that are at the very least, non-scientific (I would perhaps go so far as to say nonsense). As you are apparently unwilling to accept that science already has this one covered (and for the sake of everyone's sanity), this thread is hereby closed.
  7. Bengt E Nyman has been banned to ensure he lives up to his promise of never returning.
  8. ! Moderator Note conway, We are not doing this again. I am going to be extremely lenient and give you one chance to back up your claims. If staff are not satisfied with your response, this is getting shut down.
  9. Do you have a good idea of what organic solvents the sulfonamide is soluble in? I doubt the salt is soluble in many organic solvents, so if you remove whatever solvent they are currently in, you should simply be able to wash the sulfonamide through a frit or with gravity filtration.
  10. No, an acid catalyst is a source of H+ that is not consumed in the reaction. The carboxylic acid in this case is a reactant and forms part of your product. You are correct about the function of H2O2, however.
  11. How familiar are you with other reactions involving carbonyls? For instance, do you know the mechanism for the formation of esters from carboxylic acids or their derivatives?
  12. ! Moderator Note Could you please confine your threads to topics less absurd? This is going in the trash.
  13. david345 has been banned for the constant and abusive behaviour.
  14. I was speaking to a old professor of mine about this earlier today, who told me that they usually use 4 housekeeping genes for confirmation for the reasons you have described. I like the idea of using cDNA, though. Thank you for your help, as always. Now I just have convince my supervisor(s) that it's worth spending money on.
  15. Thanks, CharonY. I have used trizol in combination with the spin column mini kits from Qiagen in the past, though more as a learning exercise than for anything else. It is also highly possible that we have trizol in one of the labs I work in. I will keep this in mind when it comes time for validation. Is there a particular method you would suggest for normalising and calibrating data or is it more of a project-specific thing?
  16. Yes, sorry, I should have specified. I mean real-time.
  17. As per the title, I'm looking at doing some gene expression analysis in S. cerevisiae as well as some pathogenic fungi (C. neoformans, for example). I am fairly okay with extracting the total RNA and assessing integrity of the samples, having done this pretty extensively in my last job, however I am unsure of where I should go for isolating the mRNA. My plan currently is to use the Qiagen RNeasy kit followed by mRNA purification with their poly A minikit (I think it's called Oligotex). It is a little expensive, however. If there are kits that are better or the same in quality for less, I'd be more than willing to try them. Biology is an expensive discipline to be involved in. My second question is more generally about methods for looking at gene expression. Would it be worth going for a next-gen sequencing approach over a microarray? I have never done microarrays before and do not really know what the output is like. I'm not sure that the extra data is really necessary, which pushes me towards a microarray. Last question. I have read some papers where they use RT-PCR to confirm their microarray results. Should this also be done with next-gen data?
  18. Nope. Although, I am pretty sure the OP has the question wrong. I suspect that it should say that the solution contains 571.6 g/L of sulfuric acid, not water.
  19. ! Moderator Note puppypower, Please remember that we do not allow members to drive threads off topic. Keep to the discussion outlined by the OP and if the thread is housed in the main science are of the forum, keep your posts in the realms of mainstream science only. FTR, I have split this post and the subsequent reply from here. Do not respond to this note in-thread.
  20. For the simple functional group ones (i.e. identifying whether your compound is an ether, ketone or ester), you should start first by knowing the general structure of the functional group in question and then seeing whether or not that arrangement of atoms is present. For example, let's say I wanted to know if ethanol was an alcohol. I would first identify that an alcohol is something of the form, R-OH (where R is an alkyl group of some sort). Ethanol is CH3CH2OH, which fits the general formula for what I expect an alcohol to be (in this case, R = CH3CH2-); I would therefore be able to say that it is an alcohol. The other three are similar, if not a little more complex. What does a terpenoid look like? What about a sesquiterpene? Do your structures match those descriptions? I hope that helps. If you have anything more specific that you are unsure of, please ask.
  21. Probably not without either destroying the milk or removing other components.
  22. Unfortunately, no one here could legally download and send you a copy. You might try contacting the authors.
  23. Today is a good day. I had my first publication accepted and have been asked by the editors to use my artwork for the cover of the issue. Moderate success!

  24. I have no idea, as I have no idea what your experience is in research wise and where you plan on applying. What do you want to do? A few other comments: Getting accepted into a graduate program depends on how comparable your degree is to your chosen field, your GPA and results from admissions tests. Different universities will have more specific requirements, as will different research groups. These are ultimately the people you should be talking to, but I would advise you 1. have a realistic view of where your knowledge lies and how motivated you are to make up the areas you lack knowledge on and 2. you have an idea of what area you want to go in to.
  25. This would depend largely on where you want to apply and what your technical experience is. Given your degree, you'd likely be looking at some sort of med chem project. Specific projects are dependent on the research group you are wanting to join. You can look these up through university websites. At the end of the day, these are probably questions best asked of the universities you were hoping to apply to.
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