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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. ! Moderator Note Yeah, I think we're done here.
  2. ! Moderator Note You have been given plenty of direction in your other thread on this topic (to the point where you could probably Google the answer) and besides, we don't allow members to have multiple on the same thing. Thread closed.
  3. ! Moderator Note Ant, settle down. Members have taken the time to respond to you with rational arguments, so please pay them the same courtesy in your responses.
  4. ! Moderator Note In other words, you don't have a theory at all, you have an idea that you plucked out of nowhere with no basis. You were told to provide evidence and since you can't or won't, I am closing this pending further review. Do not attempt to reopen it. ! Moderator Note Edit: staff have decided this will stay closed.
  5. I'm not sure I follow your question. Could you elaborate a bit more?
  6. ! Moderator Note Please see your doctor. As iNow has mentioned, this is not a place for dispensing medical advice. Fiveworlds, in future, could you please refrain from posting any sort of medical opinion. As far as I inow, you're hardly qualified to give it and regardless, it's impossible to accurately give one over such a medium as this. I have hidden your last post.
  7. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations.
  8. Google scholar is a good start: https://scholar.google.com A simple keyword search ought to uncover some useful journal articles for you. Depending on licensing the institute you're doing this assignment through has, you may also be able to use something like Web of Science or the like. I'm not sure if there are ecology-specific search engines, but if so, they would be a good way to go as well.
  9. Surely figuring that out would be the point of you doing the assignment? Did you have a species in mind? What types of intraspecific competition do you know of that might apply? Are you familiar with how to perform a good literature search?
  10. If you're after ideas for species, you're probably better off Googling it. I doubt there is anyone here with specific knowledge of what organisms inhabit it, unless Arete's previous work / knowledge extended to the Daintree.
  11. If this is a homework question, then what do you I think will happen? What does the nail provide a source of and what will that do in the presence of your other two reagents. As a hint, from what I can tell, one of your reagents doesn't do much of anything. Serious question: if you have already done this experiment, why did you perform it before you knew what would happen? This reaction isn't especially hazardous, but you absolutely should not be doing experiments unless you are fully aware of what is going on. That's just plain common sense.
  12. ! Moderator Note OP: please refrain from using this site to advertise or recruit funding. It is against our forum rules. I have removed your link and will be closing this thread.
  13. ! Moderator Note yahya, please stop derailing threads. A thread in the mainstream area of the forum is not to be answered with pet theories / baseless speculation and it certainly should not be used to advertise your own threads. I have split your posts into the trash.
  14. ! Moderator Note Yeah, that's not how this works. You make a claim, you support it with evidence. Otherwise your claims are little more than baseless opinions. Do not respond to this modnote in thread.
  15. ! Moderator Note This is not going to be a thread on whether or not God exists, so please cease with that line of discussion and stick to the topic in the title. If this continues, the thread will be closed. Yahya, also be warned that your continued efforts to use this website to preach are noted by staff and if it continues, you may find yourself suspended. Do not respond to this modnote in the thread.
  16. ! Moderator Note yahya, What you've said barely makes sense, but I am quite sure that is not on topic. Stop proselytising and stick to the thread topic.
  17. ! Moderator Note Hi Alexandra, I am sorry to hear about your circumstances, but this website is not a place for advertising or recruiting funds. I have removed your link and will be locking this thread. Good luck.
  18. ! Moderator Note 'ter, this isn't your soap box. If you want to post your ideas, fine, but you need to be prepared to discuss them. You also need to stop with the insulting language.
  19. Admins can give and take any number of rep points if necessary. I've only seen Cap'n use that power once, and that was with an especially persistent troll and his merry band of sock puppets.
  20. Do you think that going through life believing everything you can't disprove a wise thing? You should read this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot
  21. Sure, let's just ignore that the evidence is completely contrary to your claim and go with that. I guess it's easier to cry mistreatment than actually accept responsibility for your actions.
  22. Again, you should go back to the content of the posts. You have not been targeted by anyone. It doesn't matter over how many posts or exchanges you received the points.
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