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Everything posted by hypervalent_iodine

  1. Possible, but you can’t know without testing. Fungi and bacteria are quite different.
  2. That's a very generous view of how patents work.
  3. Manuka honey has been shown to have inhibitory effects against various pathogens. However, the presence and amount of active constituents is extremely dependant on where the honey is from. Manuka oil has very similar antimicrobial properties and has the benefit of not being a sticky mess like honey, but suffers from the same inconsistencies (and the smell isn’t overly pleasant). As others have suggested, you are best served by seeking professional medical help to figure out a cause and possible solution.
  4. ! Moderator Note This isn’t a blog. Thread closed.
  5. ! Moderator Note Is there something here you wanted to discuss?
  6. ! Moderator Note A reminder of our forum rules seems prudent here: I will not remind you again to stop trying to advertise and push people to that other forum, and you will get no further warnings regarding the first point.
  7. You posted this in homework help. Anyway, it's not a calculator. As I said in my post, it's what keyboards on old mobile phones used to look like. To send texts you would press each number however many times to get to the letter you wanted. For example, if I wanted to type out hello, I would press 44 to get the h, then 33 555 555 666 for e-l-l-o. See where I'm going with this?
  8. You posted this in homework help, I'm not doing everything for you. Are you familiar with the picture of the phone keyboard I posted? I don't know how old you are, but I assume not old enough to have ever used such a keyboard to send text messages?
  9. Are you familiar with one of these at all?
  10. ! Moderator Note Your highly experienced opinion, having made 12 posts in the 2 days you've been a member? Okay. Look, if you are going to go around making claims such as most everything we / I understand about history is a lie, then you are expected to back them up. If you can't or won't, then this thread has no place here. It's that simple.
  11. ! Moderator Note There is nothing stopping you from uploading or embedding images. Stop using this as an excuse to not be able to explain yourself; it's a tired cop-out and not a particularly convincing one. As you have been told, we expect members to post threads that are self-contained - i.e. a person should not have to read a book or go to another forum to understand the topic and engage in discussion. As yet, you have not posted a single thread that meets this criteria. I am giving you one final chance here to articulate the points you wish to discuss. If you cannot do that, this thread will also be closed.
  12. ! Moderator Note The moving to Speculations was done in error, I have moved it back for now. Again, there is nothing preventing you from uploading or embedding images, so if you have something to post then please do so. It would also be appreciated if you could clarify what you want to discuss in this thread, as this currently reads like a blog post.
  13. ! Moderator Note What do you want to discuss exactly?
  14. ! Moderator Note You have been warned about this previously. Discussion topics should be self-contained - i.e. members should not have to go off-site in order to know what you want to talk about. It would also be appreciated if you did not phrase your posts in such a deliberately hostile manner. We want conversation, not bickering.
  15. ! Moderator Note You should not have any issues with uploading images here, but if it's proving difficult you could always try and embed what you're talking about. ETA / FYI: New members are restricted to 5 posts in the first 24 hours. This is why you couldn't post anything and most likely why you couldn't send PM's. The members you mentioned don't have PM's turned off that I could see. If you continue to encounter issues, please PM staff. Do not respond to this note within the thread.
  16. You will need to show some attempt at answering this yourself. Where are you getting stuck?
  17. ! Moderator Note More than happy to lock the door behind you if you'd prefer. Thread closed.
  18. ! Moderator Note This is closed. If the OP ever decides to return with some evidence, they are welcome to message staff to request a reopen.
  19. The university where I completed my Ph.D. states the following in regards to graduate attributes: Though it's covered somewhat under Transferable skills, I would also add that networking or learning how to network is very important, be it within your own institute or beyond.
  20. I guess it depends on what resources are available, but I know that where I am the school would organise relocations like that.
  21. I believe when the system changed over that each reaction that the residents of Mount Olympus had given out were changed to count for 1 point rather than 1000, though I could be wrong in that.
  22. ! Moderator Note Our forum rules prohibit solicitation and threads designed to push conversation off-site. Thread closed.
  23. I don’t know, 4 months is unusually long in my experience, limited though it is. Particularly with so little feedback. My thesis examiners weren’t even allowed that much time, and that thing was 350 pages long (not that it stopped one of them taking 5 months). Unless it is sent to a third reviewer, and depending on the journal, I would have thought a turn around of 3-4 weeks to be on the long side of reasonable (longer if it needs a 3rd). I can’t imagine how you think 10 reviewers would solve the issues you’ve listed. Sounds like nightmare fuel to me.
  24. ! Moderator Note Please stop with the personal jibes / general hostility.
  25. ! Moderator Note mistermack, kindly stop dragging this off topic. I would suggest that you open a separate thread if you wish to keep discussing the specifics of sugar and HFCS.
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