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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. ed84c


    I here all this talk about bits (binary digits) and these new 64 bit processors compared to the old 32bit ones. But what is a 64 bit processor (prosumably its 2^64 somethings) like most other computer systems for bits? How are the new processors different? How is windows x64 different? What will be the difference in proportion? Cheers, Ed
  2. Yeh they tried the bubble theory here on earth, with really strict controlls over what goes in and out. The experiment was cancelled prematurly as there was not enough food, for the humans, or anything else living there. Maybe this could be our new "challenge"?
  3. ed84c

    f=ma ?

    KE=1/2MV^2 (one day ill learn latex, really, i will)
  4. ed84c


    I understand the use in disliking pain, but im wondering not why has our body decided to dislkie pain, but more, what is it that makes us dislike pain?
  5. or have a search on bearshare.
  6. what are "glial" cells?
  7. Yeh, he basically kept putting sides onto an octogan, nonogan, decagon etc. eventually he got 3.14 and then gave up.
  8. well generally it seems to be in the evening. What exactly is DHCP? The computer is currently the only computer on the network. Im using the Belkin 802.11g if that helps.
  9. hmm, arnt we meant to have as many neurones as there are stars?
  10. According to dave, these people scour the internet for license theifs, so i would suggest against getting an illegal one (allthough im sure that wasnt your intention)
  11. ed84c


    Some senses are bad such as pain, some are good such as nice food. But at the end of the day, they're simply electrical impulses interpreted by the brain. Its a bit hard to get your head round but, why do we dislike pain? or like a nice taste?, there both 2 different sensations, however one we are taught to dislike, and one we are taught to like. Its not a very tangible idea, but why do we dislike pain? Im not talking about evolutionary advantage, or why we should want to im talking about what it is that the brain does, to make a sensation "bad" or "good", because they are both still sensations. Secondly, is it possible to change our perspectives, i know peoples taste in food changes, but thats due to tounge cells dying. Could we learn to "like" pain? Could we learn to find the pain sensation pleasurable? I dont mean as a race, but for people in shows and the likes, who like to perform such feats. However, at the moment, these people are "blocking out", the pain, rather than enjoying the sensation they are getting from it.
  12. In the evening i tend to be told that my wireless network has limited or no connectivity, because "A network adress could not be assigned", when i click "repair", it tells me "Could Not complete; Renewing IP address". Any Ideas? Cheers.
  13. You dont need genetics to tamper with a childs mind.
  14. Well china has the largest airforce in the world and nukes, unlike japan.
  15. eBay, has a massive range. Go there first otherwise; Metallium
  16. NaCl when dissolved becomes Na+ and Cl- i.e. it splits up and ions float around in the water. These ions, being charged, help a current flow through the water. When this happens, the Hydrogen, gets an electron at the Cathode (it gave 1 electron of its to oxygen) and becomes H2 gas. The opposite happens at the Anode.
  17. hmm, your body is producing a chemical that the prozac is stopping. Its just like using a cloth th wrap around a leaky pipe. If a pipe could speak, would it complain about the cloth not being copper?
  18. Are you serious?! Anyway, also download microsoft antispyware centre (free) this will also prevent any unwanted spyware manafesting itself, and it is not very memory consuming either, so it wont slow you down!
  19. R=V/I Ressistance= Voltage/ Current. Work it out from there.
  20. Read the help file and work your way through using Microsoft VB editor, or the C++ one, i forget its name, google it. Start with macros, and work your way up. Thats how i learnt anyway.
  21. That is A HELL OF A LOT cheaper than reacting K (that just sounds crazy to me). However, using Low Salt (1/2 KCl 1/2 NaCl) is not HALF as bad as using normal table salt. K+ ions still contribute to high blood pressure, even if not so as Na+. Especially dont dehydrate your self if you've been sweating a lot.
  22. I would imagine it comes from simply tricking your subconcious into THINKING your safe, when your actually not and you then become less scared. Another good example is when watching people walking on "High wires", like school groups and the like. They are securly attatched to the top wire, however are 60ft up. Still even though it makes no benefit to them, people hold the rope that is coming from their harness at the back. Subconciously you now know your holding onto something and are safe, although conciously you knew you were attatched in the first place, and therefore could never fall.
  23. It does sound vaguely like the HUP, however it does sound a little complicated, but i think its just worded complicated. Explain it to me in layman terms and i may be able to discuss.
  24. There is a book titled "Energy" which is fantastic, and it conained some details about nuclear weapons (clear infomation and diagrams), see if you can get it in your library.
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