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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. Please Put a Cross next to the candidate you wish to elect
  2. Well, it would be good, until people turn their computers off..........
  3. I dislike IRC, its too raw, although it can be interesting joining random chat rooms........ You will find more people will join if java chat is reopened, as it is a lot quicker and easier to do it that way.
  4. I guess i have changed a bit, looking back. Just had a thought whilst reading this thread, i hope by the time i go to uni, some people off here will be going to the same one...........
  5. ed84c

    Your name

    Hi im Ed and im an alchoholic. (sorry i couldnt resist, and no its NOT true)
  6. Well i havent seen any evidence to say that it is possible in the first place, simply loads of hypothetical BS
  7. ed84c

    SFN T-Shirts

    I keep dropping hints, but i havent heard much since. Any of such going to be put on offer? For Good Behaviour , or to buy?
  8. O2, counts yes, even if it is obvious. It oxidises, therfore is an oxidising agent.
  9. Time is relative
  10. ed84c

    Why europe?

    Also you may want to consider that infact the US is infact a european transplanted civilisation, far more than europe is of africa.....
  11. ed84c

    Why europe?

    Ouch. The most arable and mineral rich contintent has nothing to do with it? Thought not.
  12. Im confused to the purpouse of this thread
  13. before ep2, i had never heard of boba, but having watched ROTJ lost of times, i always thought he was called jango.
  14. A black hole that size, has trouble swallowing a proton, so i shouldnt worry, until people making them with the mass of the earth, which could probably kill a dozen people, at most, and that isnt going to happen.
  15. lol, I find i get less, with Firefox, and havent had any in a while.
  16. Thats the base of it yes
  17. try and synthesise some ATP and then drop it on some muscle fibers. I dont know how to, but if your body can, you can!
  18. Well, as i see it, he is only doing research, and as such he will just read the same statement elsewhere. Proteins are broken down into carbs when there is no fat left in the body at all, so if u live on egg white for a week, the body will burn fat off first. Protein is inefficent to metabolise, and so is not the bodies preferred method of repsiration. However protien contains C H and O and therefore can be used to be broken down into ATP at some stage.
  19. hmmm, storing a growth medium, not easy. Why not dissolve some disinfectant in the mix, to rpevent this sorcera? Also where u gonna get all that gelatine from?
  20. Heard of the Drunken Ballon Blower's Balloon Model.........?
  21. b4 ep2, i always refered to the BHunter in ROTJ as Jango, not boboa, but now jangos dead :S
  22. ed84c

    SFN The Musical

    can posts 145 onwards be moved to the musical thread?
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