Emperically Flat Space Time. However in reality it is compared to time on earth, due to the fact that units of time were defined by the SI conference in paris (on earth)
Lolly Roffles
Anyway its not the intermission i like, just a benchmark for how long i want the film to last.
Done my Ep 3 desktop theme today. Me=Chuffed.
KOH is white. Most likely it is more carbon would explain the mess you (and I) have found when disecting these.
Warning to those who try. Do not spill it. You will not get it $%^£@" off!
Sayo has a very good point. I think the title for this thread is a little whimsical for a scienceforum.
I did hear however of a calculation suggesting that the fastest teleportation device to transport a cup of coffe, will take, wait for it.
The lifespan of the current universe.
Kinda defeats the point really?
A planet is large (sorry no figures) with a slight elliptical orbit around the sun.
Most British scientists argue Pluto and Sedna arn't actually planets.
As far as Charon goes, pluto is so small its almost a binary planet system.
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