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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. Kelvin=Heat=Sum of all the energies. Technically as in an evaporating black hole when negative energy photon falls into the hole, i guess you could thionk of it as below 0 Kelvin, although it is somewhat of a paradox.........
  2. ed84c


    As a homebrewer there is always the danger of Methanol being produced instead of ethanol. How do i test for this? Drinking my homebrew, certain batches make me feel really tired, is this a symptom of methanol poisoning?
  3. I was always a Damon Hill Fan you see, before him a Nigel Mansell Fan. When Hill retired, I supported whoever had the best chance of beating schumacher, as unfortuantely my hatred of the man outweighs the liking for any driver (other than hill)
  4. Yes they are. Shwarzchild radius= Event Horizon= Edge of 'hole'
  5. ed84c

    Revamped SFN

    I havent seen antoher thread like this one, allthough im surprised. Who like the new buttons? Im not so keen
  6. Uhrgh. A weekend with half sleep is difficult. Especially when ur sitting still in front of the TV at 3AM. Atleast only have to do this for 2 races. But otherwise, great race. Im still not converted to DC, i dont think i have ever liked him, he has the charisma of a dead rat.
  7. Use Carbon anodes and the O2 will form CO2 instead.
  8. No. The photons are craeted at the edge of the shwarzchild radius NOT IN IT, and therefore can escape as 'heat' They are created because 'virtual photons' are made all the time (heisenberg uncertanty principle) and cancelled out and give the energy back to the universe on an EXTREEMLY small time scale. The tidal forces neer the edge of the black holes make a posative and negative energy one. The posative energy one escapes ( described as heat) and the negative falls into the black hole. Black holes therefore indirectly give it away energy. Imagine Mr A Mr B and Mr C Mr A gives Mr B £5 and therefore is £5 down. So he gives and IOU to Mr C for Himself to break even. The IOU however is special. It takes away £5 out of Mr Cs pocket without it actually leaving him (i.e. negative energy). So a black hole does not directly evaporate it receives negative energy as a cancelling out of the posative energy photons that its tidal forces create, therefore conserving the energy. I think.
  9. Big Bang=3*10^73 Joules. This does not include the energy as energy floating around in the universe so its somewhere around 6*10^73. Thats what i worked out anyway.
  10. stops you feeling sick on an aeroplane. That is until you sip some water, and then its back to the old horrible feeling.
  11. Mostly. I think sodium tetraflouride isnt though.
  12. Look in the libary for a book on calculating quickly. There was in our libary.
  13. Bloody Hell. Seriously good luck mate.
  14. where else can u purchase one other than ebay?
  15. Thought i might make a thread to discuss. Whos getting up at 2am this morning?
  16. yes i do
  17. Have been watching the world is not enough and i noticed that they handle small amounts (2lb etc) of Plutionium, claiming this small amount will do no damange to you. Is this true?
  18. have you been to add remove hardware?
  19. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=Electric+Clams&meta=
  20. In short, they give an ability to quantise gravity.
  21. ed84c


    I dont think that stuff conducts electricity (Covalent bonds) so it shouldnt make that much diference.
  22. ed84c


    http://www.mrpcclean.co.uk/catalog/index.php?zztype=ppc&source=Google&campaign=Campaign%201&detail=keyboard%20cleaning&cost=.20 may be useful lol
  23. ed84c


  24. When i select something it wont delete if i press backspace, but will if i press delete. However this wont work either for autotext which then i end up cutting it and not pasting. Any ideas?
  25. ed84c


    it differs from keyboard to keyboard. I hate to sound like a sensible person, but maybe theres instructions for cleaning in a manual somewhere?
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