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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. no i think he wanted HELP not for us to write the whole thing.
  2. well animals tend to defend their teritory and females, so i guess this could be contrived as being the intelligent responce to such problems. Howeve a lot of pride comes not from the size of your country, but its technological acheivements, for example, or military might, of which animals have none.
  3. cruel.
  4. depends how much free time i have/ how bored i am
  5. ed84c

    My Paper

    Im writing a paper as part of Coursework. Im thinking along the lines of Evaporating black holes. Now it needs to be a question aparantley so i thought; Black Hole Evaporation; Hawking Radiation or String Theory? is that correct or are the two the same? can anybody think of any better titles to use?
  6. so is stomache cancer quite comman as a aresult?
  7. I have a small amount of Agar if you want any?
  8. A stomach cell dies after 2 days, will this short life span, mean that even in our own life span our stomache cells will evolute to become stronger?
  9. errr we have 1 novel and 1 musical
  10. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7220&highlight=random+numbers
  11. erm mabye people who take an interest in the wider world mabye? (i dont mean that in a patronising or sarcastic manner)
  12. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-GB%3Aofficial_s&q=Africans+%22Extra+Tendon%22&btnG=Search&meta=
  13. Where is H2SO4 available/ made, from?
  14. A half elipse is 180* and yet the earth doesnt stop.
  15. like John WIlliams, Howard Stone and David Arnold?
  16. new hdd?
  17. http://www.download.com/Rapid-Q-BASIC-Compiler/3000-2212_4-2399176.html?tag=lst-0-1
  18. ed84c

    SFN The Musical

    Im gonna start writing in the Hols (about 2 weeks). Is that ok
  19. ed84c

    Iraq Polls Close!

    when will the results be published?
  20. ed84c


    or is it to do with the photoelectric effect?
  21. ed84c


    This should be impossible; but if a Neutron can decay into a proton and vice-versa, what am i missing; P -> e N N -> e+ P P -> e N When a N/P goes under beta decay; does it turn into a slightly lighter version of the differebt particle?
  22. take off your glasses, and just strain your eyes, to see things. Well thats what my physics teacher said anyway,
  23. A warning though. Some older programmes, games etc. might not work on XP, but i think there's a programme you can download to fix this,
  24. no, no. A cookie can contain password information. You can get a virus to extract this information. If you put a virus on the tablet, you may be able to get passwords for the person's e.g. email address (allthough this will be quite sequre so, it will probably be something else). THis could be the same password as the user used in windows. Im only basing it in an article i read about in PC world a while ago.
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