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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. hmmm, i took a closed meaning to mean that it has boundaries. (wasnt infinite)
  2. Damn, but the point remains the same
  3. All tvs that arnt very new, thankyou
  4. Surely that is only based on accelearatoin though?
  5. This may be of interest The universe: open, closed or flat? Knowing the size of the dense regions that gave birth to galaxies would, in turn, tell us whether the universe is "open," "closed" or "flat." Open means it would last forever, expanding, as it has done since the Big Bang. Closed means it would eventually re-collapse under its own weight, billions of years from now. Flat means it is balanced between those two extremes, expanding just fast enough to fend off collapse. In a feat of cosmic surveying, MAP scientists plan to draw a theoretical triangle between us on Earth and two points at opposite edges of one of these hot regions in the young universe. They then plan to measure the angles in that triangle. If the angles' combined width adds up to more than a certain amount, Wilkinson explained, that indicates the universe is closed and will shrink into oblivion. That's because calculations show a closed universe is spherical, and a triangle on the face of a sphere has wider angles than one on a flat sheet. Conversely, narrower angles suggest an ever-expanding "open" universe.
  6. sory mate they do not (as far as i understand the situation)
  7. Well that is what he [Einstein] said Im standing on the sholders of giants...... its his work on the photo electric effect we should remember
  8. I believe it was the gtravitational collapse issue he was discussing. Technically therefore he is attempting to describe nothing, as a black hole (or for a Cosmic egg to have the same effect as what the original post was about) has ST flowing into it at the speed of light (hence Photons 'hovering') and there is no space time to flow into it. Therefore Our universe exists.
  9. Jakiri, you can actually have a naked singularity, if you are saying that Seeing is a prequisite to decided something exists.
  10. I see your meaning now, sorry. But you say the Cosmic egg is a singularity, Jacques, but a black hole (usually) is Infinately warped space time. If the space time is in the egg (but also does not exist yet) how can it be a black hole? Try getting your head around that one!
  11. It could have a ring singularity, maybe thats what cosmic strings are? But im afraid your wrong there isnt necisarily a singularity at all in a black hole.
  12. any other ideas, i tried vegetable oil but that failed.
  13. ive got some left if you want some? How much you want? The attatched are screen shots as so far, The damn PHP wont let me opload > 2mb.
  14. well mathematically we do; the size of our universe (if closed) and mass is enough to form a black hole. I forget the figures though.
  15. when people say a saddle shaped uinverse is infinate; how?, look at omega<1. If you follow the ends (i.e. those ends to the left and right) they will eventually converge surely?
  16. I still think though it looks better, in the case of somebody asking this to you, To just sit therefore a couple of mins expressionless, in your head doing it quickly, and then blurt put the answer.
  17. ed84c

    Word Problems

    just work through the formula on paper, and you should get that (well I did any way :-S)
  18. ed84c

    Word Problems

    1.66666666 or -3 (using quad form)
  19. my digitazl camera only does .mov
  20. Well you CAN get sciencedirect ones for free if you run them through a uni proxy. Any body wants to know how, and you can have my password, send me a message.
  21. Any of yuou computer wizz's know how i can make a programme just for the fun of watching a black hole's mass drop exponentially?
  22. Heres an exciting graph i did of a black hole evaporating.
  23. I Will give links to the results of my experiments, in .mov format. Any body know how to give a link to something like this, where can i upload it?
  24. I prosumed it was incase the other thread came back so there wouldnt be two of the same name.
  25. Ive fixed the damn links
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