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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. you probably were taught the colour of the sky being blue from the 03 diffraction. Stars and stripes in their 'Glory'?!
  2. you probably were taught the colour of the sky being blue from the 03 diffraction. Stars and stripes in their 'Glory'?!
  3. my first element arrioved today; Bismuth
  4. karat is a measurement of WEIGHT
  5. Any Ideas for making one out of coffee filters (too corse) and houshold materials?
  6. But BEFORE the Carbon emissions there was an expnential decrease in earth temperature. If governemnts fund reserach and tax funds government and the use of and oil based economy provides the taxes, I shouldnt pay much attenttion to 'scientific resarch'
  7. ed84c

    Theory - Gravity

    That is increadibly niaive. This line also is irrelivant because the pull and the push are essentailly the same. I dont think trying to redesign general relativity around some form of earth blanket is a valuble use of your time.
  8. ed84c


    if you had 4 dimentions and time then would a shadow be 3d? Also I believe a 2d shadow to be 1d.
  9. What codec or how should i Play avi in WMPLayer?
  10. got a fromula to work out the strongest electron sink or doner?
  11. I mean im AGED 15, and i dont understand what you meant
  12. if that is correct then why is F more reactive than Cl?
  13. cambidge but ur american so then come here anyway its a better country....
  14. errm im 15 rmember
  15. read the original post. The TEXT does not display.
  16. ed84c


    i suggest 2600-2800 This is because, The bible code guy says 2006 Newton said 2060 It would seem logical to suggest 2600, and 1950DA will hit earth in around 2800. Actualy othe second thouhgt this is my prediction for the apolcolyes rather than the second coming.
  17. lolly roffleys 'protonating', If Floruine is so reactive as it has one gap close to the nucleus, but hydrodgen as one gap even closer then why is H not more reactive than F, ie. if you put h in HF then why does H not displave the F?
  18. Anyone heard of been on or going to? Love to hear from as i have been nominated http://www.ase.org.uk/htm/homepage/notes_news/october_2004/sydney.pdf
  19. im only 15 but love to be of service
  20. got any density figures for this sulphur hexaflouride
  21. ok well just did what yoy said, now its screwed up even more
  22. oooooooh i see of course i htought you meant edit the flash .swf file
  23. programme, front page express, flash was downloaded and i edited the txt files of the flash
  24. how do i do that
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