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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. Well im not a university grad, and hence my knowlege of the subject is far far below yours. However I have read (from more than one reliable source) that entropy is the only time required concept in the universe. Howevre would you like to expand on what you mentioned; in laymans terms of course
  2. Yeh but milk boils over much MUCH easier. I think it is due to the proteins holding the bubbles intact hence increasing the over all volume of the milk/air/bubbly mixture. If you see what i mean. Atleast thats what seems to happen anyway.
  3. Maybe your right, maybe your not we probably wont know for a very long time. There is an inherent danger in proving that placebos are just that, as they no longer become placebos, and you will then put peoples lives at risk.
  4. Hmm each year it seems to slip down the channels which worries me. Soon i suspect it will just reside on the discovery channel, which will be a travesty
  5. The more we learn about QM the more time seems to be Obsolete. I was wondering though, we have this problem of entropy. Is there, an explanation of entropy that does not involve time? Any ideas?
  6. Walk under a high voltage power line with one, on a dark night (take a torch so you can see what you walking into ). Which reminds me, if we are getting light energy from the tube when walking into a magnetic field (ocelating- (i cant spell)) where does the energy come from to power this flourecent light? Are you some how sapping the wires of voltage, and if (say) the wires had 0 resistance, some energy must be lost somewhere to allow for people wandering under power lines with light bulbs.
  7. Whats its title, i may have to purchase it. Even if only to say to people who say, "Hey thats a good book", "Yeh, i know the guy who wrote it". :P. (im joking of course)
  8. ed84c

    Bacteria where???

    Generally speaking though, dont the really bad flukes only appear in Raw liver, or if you preen yourself, you get the eggs? Not from supermarket meat. Also let me point out before somebody gets salmenella and dies, ffs dont eat "rare" chicken!
  9. Yeh i saw the programme too. I think its good how more and more "alternative remedies" are being sciencefied (is that a word?) both to illiminate those skeptics who say "it cant work, rubbish" and help guide the people who believe (in this case) in Chi.
  10. I think although im sure you understand whats going on saying "reshape" is misleading, the lens (as far as im aware) is also "burnt away", yes reshaping it, but i think reshape suggsts that all the lens is left intact?
  11. i do not see the logic behind not deleting all of the threads titled, similarily to "DTC", any other threads which had such disrespect other peoples beliefs would certainly be deleted. The intellectual arrogance, from both sides, is what is the frustrating thing here. (me = evolutionist incase you were wondering)
  12. You can buy them of medical companies fairly easily. Prosumabley you are asking incase you find somebody who needs an injection e.g. in a diabetes incident?
  13. A D.Pair or comparator like you said.
  14. By the looks of the diagram there is 0 Resistance through EFD
  15. Even if it were, and there was a teleportation device. This is the thing i dont understand, who would ever want to be compied, the copy teleported, and then erased?
  16. After making a cup of tea i have concluded on the following: If a mathematical proof requires real numbers then 10 != 9.999........ However If a mathematical proof can be conceptual, using infinity (not defining it, just using it) Then 10=9.9999......
  17. Hmm, this means 0.99999999999... is infinitley close to 10. And we know 1/infinity= 0 and surely hence this means 9.9....=10??
  18. now one always stuck in my mind from YT. Basically, it is a nuclear reactor based on the decay of phosphorus. You get lots of glow in the dark paint, and use it to raise steam connected to a small dynamo. Its ambitious, but i bet nobody will have done this b4 and you will win easy! Btw, how come we dont have science fairs in the UK
  19. Texas people are white, and hence bush cares what happens to them, so no, it wont. [/cynisism]
  20. ed84c


    ah, interesting idea BUT they gave me the mark 80/80, and seeing as there was 80 marks on the paper.... remember only the grades (and therefore prosumabley percentages) are standardised.
  21. ed84c


  22. Those 2 links are the same :S
  23. ed84c


    We're not allowed to do, Sepreate sciences. Unless you are referring to my AS level, which is Science for Public Understanding; http://www.aqa.org.uk/qual/pdf/AQA-5401-W-SP-07.pdf
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