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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. well life will be dead by then due to DA 1950 hitting earth in 2800, after the americans attempt to blow it up but actually kill themselves under friendly fire from the presidencey of GBush Junior Junior Juniour Jun....etc
  2. well photons and electrons are interchangeable so i guess it would have consiquences for the mass of a photon, i.e give it rest mass. This would mean that photons couldnt travel at the speed of light. Well that mabye true but im sure YT can prove its balls.
  3. I prefer to understand what is actually happening and why. This makes remembering obsolete and it is just logic.
  4. Well after looking at the bismuth crystal in the destktop wallpaper thread (sorry i forgot whos it is), as well as the suggestion of using [old] RAM as a keyring, I was wondering is there any crystals or any other such things you could easily make to use as orniments etc?
  5. how did u make it
  6. OK i have done that
  7. Why is the pH of pure water i.e. neutral 7?
  8. y lager?
  9. you miss the point....
  10. well actually they did tests on spiders with different drugs and let them make a web. Alchohol- Slow crap web Marujana- Slow good web Caffiene- Fast Crap web Cocaine- Fast good web So we see that using cocaine b4 a test is better than caffiene. But BOTH have bad side effects over long periods, they BOTH kill brain cells.
  11. is this not a little similar to the thread i made yesterday? if so have a look there!
  12. that is as far as i understand the biology of cloning.
  13. what i meant is that to make a complete dinosaur you need every organ a dianosaur has you either need stem cells or a sample of every cell yes? hence cloning humans is controversial as it requires stem cells from embryos (or bone marrow)
  14. According to the mastery that is the film wargames; it will be BEES that evolve after us. Cn somebody explain this to me plz?
  15. how would you extract Ca? in a kitchen using such aparatus that is.
  16. explain to me how u get DNA from blood cells that have no nucleus?!
  17. thanks that is what i meant
  18. NO NO NO question should be how far are we from a relavistic theory of quantum mechanics Me and Roger Penrose agree that we should look to change QM not General relativity
  19. do you not need stem cells to make other parts of the dinosaur, unless you just want to spend millions on some sort of dino-black pudding...... So does a mosquito not have to eat bone marrow or an umbillical cord to make dinosaurs?
  20. video? do you have a link?
  21. visualization isnt a strong point for me i prefer facts and figures. I also read somewhere that polyunsaturated fats are bad for the brain (or not good for it..) is this true, even if they are better for the heart?. Also extra iron and garlic etc. for the blood, will it help to make my oxygen transportion ot the brain more efficient?
  22. i wouldnt suggest stepping on it but something to demonstrate how O2 locked up chemically speeds up combustion is what i meant
  23. well there is a number of ways of describing 'laziness'; Emotinal: cnt be bothered to show you are happy etc. Physical; Cnt be bothered to move Mental; Cnt be bothered to work; think intelligentley I fall under the second category very much so, and also the first.
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