JUst a bit of fun, maybe sparking a big discussion. IM me for the answers, also I will post them up in a few days.
1) The static charge you feel after walking around in Woolworths for a while and touching a meatle object is around 10,000V.
2) The Colour of Water is Blue.
3) Earth Has two moons.
4) In 800 Years there is an 80% chance that asteroid 1950 DA will strike earth.
5) Bug is the slang word for beatle.
6)The 3rd Biggest conspiracy (rated by channel 5) in the world is that Adolf Hitler is alive and living at the south pole making UFOs.
7) Polythene was invented in Northwich, Cheshire, UK
8) It uses more energy to fly to New York (from london) than it does to produce all the electricity for your life time.
9) Trains are worse than the environment per person than the average 1.4 Persons per car.
10) The sky in ancient greece was noted as being blue.