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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. ed84c


    5A*s 5As and an A in AS Science. W00t. But im too tired to care now....... [/yawn]
  2. ed84c


    well done, i will be posting in the exams thread
  3. ed84c


    yes, i remember the question. I could remember the flow chart from IT revision. How i did? Tommorow we shall see btw, you get to do further maths instead of GS? 1 person in my school is allowed too [/envy] but the collage still maintains youre not allowed to do that.
  4. ed84c


    ok well, GCSEs tommorow , people with A-Level reults allready, get posting. Yeh, 5614, if you wanna discuss the electronics paper, im me on here or messenger.
  5. you were told a lie
  6. Right, Aparantly the chance of England not winning the test today is approx 2-1 Now, in theory that means in say 3 matches England would not win 2 and win 1. But what are the chances of the afformentioned situation occuring. In theory they are certain, but evidently that is not the case.
  7. you the bird with the red rucksack?
  8. it also means that the number of habitable worlds (not 100% of infinity) divided by the size of "your" crazy universe gives us a density of 0 habitable worlds in our universe. Thought you might find that interesting. Also you prosume that there is a finite number of possible earth configurations (e.g. hitler won, metoer didnt strike dianosaurs etc) in which to arise infinite wolrds exactly the same but tahts not necisarily the case. If there are infinite configs, then you could have inifinite numbers of worlds, that are different. woot; chaos.
  9. Well my bank manager wont allow me to go element collecting so ive decided to collect metals instead. Simple, i smelt the ore, and make a bar out of it. Im thinking; Fe, Cu, and what other metals are easy to smelt (argh mental block) Anyway, thats my idea, firstly where (in the UK) can i get some ores and secondly any tips on smelting (im thinking the mediaeval bellows and bonfire technique).
  10. Rolf. I was tempted to say the same thing myself as in socialist= intelligent or something, but noting where i am on the graph, people will yell at me for symptahy seeking .
  11. ed84c


    1800-2100 BST is best i find.
  12. I had a month where i watched every episode. I suppose you could say I "burnt out". Oh and btw, i wasnt just being sarcastic, i being serious.
  13. no it means your left handed
  14. Ill sleep on that. Tommorow i will understand what you just said.
  15. and i openened this thread preparing myself for a shock of a much loved sfner/tv personilty/ scientist, dieing.
  16. Interesting point. Very matrixy
  17. but in which case you could be chasing a lie. well i guess your right.
  18. i see this descending into a FSM like discussion.
  19. Lets not speculate too much or we will all be spectacularily wrong. Find more sources for and against, so it is easier to have an integral conversation.
  20. Current Synopsis: Most sciency people are socialist
  21. Im with Sayo on this one. God was just being economical.
  22. interesting point, but i still think that he could, potentiall, "trick us"
  23. Just cos you cant prove it doesnt mean its not true.
  24. I am talking about God ffs
  25. So far i have managed to avoid being drawn into the endless creationist discussions. As far as im concerned im not a creationist, but there is one final thought i have, for those non creationist theists (such as myself). All this data, we have been theorising, such as fossil records and the like and dna data, all comes through our senses; eyes ears etc. Now if God created the universe, surely he could make sense the data incorrectly, e.g. where there is a G in the DNA sequence we "see" a D. This may sound a bit far fetched and "crazy", but if God has tested people in the past to see how faithful they are, surely he could easily do this again to see who believes in what he says, and who believes in what people say. woot.
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