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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. hmm mabye im being a bit stupid but the molecular cloud in YTs pic looks a bit rude; but thats probably the point....
  2. ironically; the things i have said have been based on such books.
  3. Trying to take an intellectual highground usually doesnt work if you use grammar such as 'some of you is interested....'. Lol
  4. As already pointed out; E=gmc^2 where g=1/(Sqrt 1-V^2/C^2) Giving g= infinity at a point where V=C (travaling with a velocity = the speed of light) and unless m (rest mass) = 0 Eand therefore mass = Infinity. So therefore what you orginally said of 'we' traveling above the speed of light actually refers to beings with mass and therefore M & E= Infinity; so answer No. Unless you want a massless particle to travel ABOVE the speed of light; in which cas you get For e.g. V=2C 1/ Sqrt 1-2 1/Sqrt -1
  5. 1.[Public or otherwise] Misconseptions [about black holes]; That black holes are huge vacuum cleaners that suck everything in to themselves; more specifically; a misconseption that if our sun (theoretically) was to collapse into a black hole it would suck the solar system into it. 2.Public Fasination. A Morbid curiosity we have about our demise. 3.Useful Function. Tiny black holes can emit huge amounts of [Hawking] Radiation (or so says the theory). Can we harness this power? 4.Unsolved Problem [You would like to see found out]. The theory of interstella travel via a rotating black hole; and furthermore an invention of 'exotic' matter to keep the wormhole open.
  6. Here it is The Great Internet Black Hole Survey; or a continuation of; which im sure will provide interest to many; (as taken from the book 'Black Holes a travellers guide') Please fill in your views 1.[Public or otherwise] Misconseptions [about black holes] 2.Public Fasination 3.Useful Function 4.Unsolved Problem [You would like to see found out] Thankyou
  7. Hello Everybody; Im back from my holiday now; but over it i was reading a very good book called 'It must be beautiful; Great Equations of modern Science', when I came over an interesting proposition whilst reading about evolutionary game theory. It was to create a porgramme to represent a hawk/ dove game described below; A resource is available for a series of animals; Hawk, Dove, Retaliator, Bully. These use different stratagies; Hawk; Will always fight and wins 50% of the time, but this is minus the cost incurred. Dove; Will never fight; and will loose against hawk with no cost, and can share resource with another dove with no cost. Retaliator; Will fight if other animal will e.g. acts like a hawk against a hawk, and will not fight against somebody it can share resource with, e.g. dove, and will share at no cost. Bully; Opposite of retaliator. Will win at no cost against animal which will not fight e.g. dove, but will not fight against animal that will fight. The formulae matrix for the stratagies is shown below; V= Victory; C=Cost. Meets Hawk Meets Dove Meets Retaliator Meets Bully Pay off to hawk ½(v-c) V ½(v-c) V Pay off to Dove 0 V/2 V/2 0 Pay off to Retaliator ½(v-c) V/2 V/2 V Payoff to Bully 0 V 0 0 So my question is; how can i make a programme to simulate these (other than database spreadsheet etc.) Where I choose Cost and Victory values and see the value output for each animal? Or could anybody make on and give it to me and tell me how they made it please? Thanks A lot
  8. bunting- decoration anticipation
  9. Wow! where have you dug this old thread up from? it was something I would rather let it be. That remark you maind molecular man; did you make it or are you taking the micky of something I have said; becuase I have said such around this time.
  10. 1. my apologies to shrdingrs cat who appears to be taking this very seriously 2. Express luxury liner- QE2 Buckle my shoe
  11. well thats what he is.....
  12. ok that was ment BEFORE your last post allthough rule E(xii) Part 1 still applys
  13. The Rules regarding your claim mr cat
  14. i think you will find that my previous post WAS entirley in the spirit of things AND the rules. [ed84c sticks tounge out at 1/2 dead cat in corner]. Seductive-prostetute colostomy recruit
  15. Search for calculus help there are some flash animations with a guy talking you through it, very good ones. I would give a thumb up sign now if i knew how without 'going advanced'...........
  16. ants- butter and microwaves -see other thread a slice of bread
  17. have you never seen the fly?! you might end up with a gaint ant able to despence a fatty dairy product through its mouth, i suggest for the health of the nation thereafter; we DO NOT deepfry ants.
  18. zwieback- dont know what that means somebody's nicked my jeans
  19. by the way yourdadonapogos can you get your avitar to open her arms ? plz lol
  20. lol damn i knew i should have read the thread.... anyway back to my queries;
  21. i have a horrible feeling that that was sarcasm......
  22. booing- jeering commandeering
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