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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. lol idkfa idclip wow nostalgia eh! i never used that invunrability cheat only the weapons one really
  2. well then with KNO3 (purchased of eBay for around £3) Material Required ----------------- Potassium Nitrate (2 parts by volume) CONCENTRATED sulfuric acid (1 part by volume) Motor vehicle batteries Industrial plants 2 bottles or ceramin jugs (narrow necks are preferable) Pot or frying pan Heat source (wood, charcoal, or coal) Tape (paper, electrical, masking, but NOT cellophane!) Paper or rags IMPORTANT: If sulfuric acid is obtained from a motor vehicle battery, concentrate it by boiling it UNTIL white fumes appear. DO NOT INHALE FUMES NOTE: The amount of nitric acid produced is th same as the amount of potassium nitrate. Thus, for two tablespoons of nitric acid, use 2 tablespoons of potassium nitrate and 1 tablespoonful of concentrated sulfuric acid. Procedure: --------- 1) Place dry potassium nitrate in bottle or jug. Add sulfuric acid. Do not fill the bottle more than 1/4 full. Mix until paste is formed. CAUTION: DO NOT INHALE FUMES! 2) Wrap paper or rags around necks of two bottles. securly tape necks of two bottles together. Be sure that bottles are flush against each other and that there are no air spaces. 3) Support bottles on rocks or cans so that empty bottle is SLIGHTLY lower than bottle containing paste so that nitric acid that is formed in receiving bottle will not run into other bottle. 4) Build fire in pot or frying pan. 5) Gently heat bottle containing mixture by gently moving fire in and out. As red fumes begin to appear periodically pour cool water over empty receiving bottle. Nitric acid will befin to form in receiving bottle. CAUTION: Do not overheat or wet bottle containing mixture or it may shatter. As an added precaution, place bottle to be heated in heat resistant container filled with sand or gravel. Heat this outer container to produce nitric acid. 6) Continue the above process until no more red fumes are formed. If the nitric acid formed in the receiving bottle is not clear (cloudy) pour it into cleaned bottle and repeat steps 2-6.
  3. do you have access to H2SO4, or do you just want to make really dangerous chemicals in your kitchen like me
  4. without being rude or a hypocrite i would be greatful to people if they answered the orignal question in the thread , cheers, Ed
  5. ed84c

    Vaccine for Aids

    plz vote as well
  6. ed84c

    Vaccine for Aids

    thanks and sry
  7. 1. why do want to make it ? 2. why cant you use HNO3? just of curiocity (sp error)
  8. robin hood?!
  9. 1. where is the line drawn to 'certain guilt' and non certain guilt? who caught them in the act? are they telling the truth? are photos real and not been fiddled with? 2. People kill themselves in prison so we prosume prison is worse than death. 3. Corpral punishment; yes, chop of their hands, make them donate an orgam or make them eat glass or something.
  10. ed84c

    Vaccine for Aids

    Horray! it worked!
  11. ed84c

    Vaccine for Aids

    Sorry for all the other attempts which didnt work but this is it; There is currently a Vaccine for AIDs, like the smallpox one, that is a weakened form of the disease. Animal testing has proved inconclusive, so the only way to see if we could vaccinate against this disease is to test on humans. However currently they cannot because 'it is too dangerous', if proper payment and legal documentation was done; Do you;
  12. DOOM 3 IS OUT?! WHY DID I NOT HEAR OF THIS!!! is it good?, wont have the same nostaligia as Doom2, Ultimate Doom, final doom or Doom 1
  13. mabye your not a visual learner Nisou, im not
  14. Do not confuse by using long words........ lol
  15. and each gate being connected to a diode
  16. ok well at least i was famous even if it wasnt for the right reasons.......... Can i see that thread?
  17. BT basic is Igb per month
  18. some things that can think -Chimps -Dogs -Octupie -Whales -and most bizarrley- flies
  19. yes, i cant bear to read it......... anyway do you remember that?
  20. ed84c


    you say there is 0.00001% chance they are doing reasearch? Thats official research. Unofficial, stuff the government doesnt want you to know about.....
  21. i dont find speed reading as enjoyable either, im quite a thoughtful person. Try to set yourself tragets, though, this chapter before i go to bed etc etc.
  22. try not to think about the words to much and also talk it through you head quickly. Speed reading however can be quite tiring, so do mean you want to read at a normal pace?
  23. ah i see do we still get a mug if we refer 25?
  24. you remember as well dave?
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