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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. cool i managed to work that, im not so bad at german after all
  2. and i wasnt 1 of the first members so it prob. wasnt directed at me....
  3. you want to know my story? well its very similar to that below...
  4. Just a few questions I have been wondering about this site; 1. What do the mods and admin guys do? And how did they become what they are? 2. What is a 'referal' and how do you get them? (i have one but im not sure why or off who) what is the point of them? (other than to get 25 and to get a mousemat) 3. My science chat wont open it just displays a blank page, any suggestions? 4. Why do some people have 'titles' under their avitars (ive been told only admin and mod guys get them???) 5.Blike; did he/you create this site? you/ he seem(s) to be the big cheese around here? what is your position? 6. Finally a sixth question (to prevent it from being a metric no. of qs....). When did this site start up? Have any of you been here for the whole life?
  5. soccerballene is slightly less humourus than soccerballerene.........
  6. i was under the impression 0 kelvin was the absence of any energy
  7. ed84c

    Limit and Infinity

    my apologies also
  8. i think economic benifits are probably the only benefits, and they are only for the company doing the science! GM seeds need to be bought every year to get a good crop and they are more expensive. Saving the third world? A word ryming with 'full hit' springs to mind.............
  9. yeh i no who they are............
  10. ed84c

    Limit and Infinity

    sorry the difference quotient
  11. but you have to admit that Lotus is Far better than microsoft office
  12. you say photons, but at absolute 0 there would be 0 gross energy and therefore a requirement for photon's existance is removed.
  13. soccerballerene? have you just made up another name for buckyballs or is that real?
  14. ed84c

    Limit and Infinity

    i also have a problem regarding calculus; the differential quotient states to make the limit of[delta]x 0 and then over that you put some other equation i cant remember. But if [delta]x has a limit of 0, doesnt that mean divinding this out will always give infinity? :S
  15. Euler wrote a piece on this titled "De la Controverse entre Mrs Leibniz et Bernoulli sur les Logarithmes des Nombres Negatifs et Imaginaires", Euler proves that each nonzero real number x has an infinity of logarithms. If x is positive then all but one of the logarithms are imaginary, if x is negative then all the logarithms are imaginary. He does this by use of the equation log(x) = nx^(1/n)-n, which is true when n is infinitely large, and familiar properties of the number of roots x^(1/n) and their properties for finite n. But i dont know about trig with imaginaries. I do no you can map time with Is tho with some 'interesing effects' acording to mr Hawking.
  16. Interesting question, i like the way your mind works the item would have 0 mass, 0 volume, do the maths and you find these 0s, and therefore no particle to worry about! incorpirating E=MC^2g into the equation no matter at 0 kelvin can exist. Does that answer your question?
  17. ed84c


    can somebody tell me what a 'set' is?
  18. ed84c

    Limit and Infinity

    anybody like to teach me calculus? Ive been searching for a teacher for ages. (no im not taking the piss im just sad)
  19. It is possible to build a computer (quantum) that could work out every possible calculation simulataneously, without too much hastle, but would we understand the answers as the calculations become more and more complicated? Anyway the problem that computers have at the moment is that they use electricity. A computer that uses fibre optics and cables would far exceed anything an Electrical computer could perform.
  20. e?
  21. hmm i find xp a bit 'kiddy'
  22. the thing about diamond (carbon) is that it has exactly half the missing electrons in its outer shell. This mean every carbon can join to another almost perfectly. Theoretically a larger molecule again with 1/2 the electrons in its outer shell in a crystalline structure would be harder, but it may be impossible to make, a diamond made from americum etc. theoretically speaking though, are there any large (+90 atomic no.) that have 1/2 shells on the outside?
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