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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. or that number 5.something that is used almost every where in the universe and that number psi i think 1. something which squared is the same as plus one.
  2. a death would matar him People of iraq should be invited to see him on a parade and do whatever they like, so people realise how bad he was, seeing him weak would remove any sympathy for him.
  3. ed84c


    You dont Have to but in reality people choose cloning embryos and getting stem cells from there, and killing the cloned embryo in the process, rather than bone marrow, because its cheaper. Thats what i have a problem with.
  4. ed84c


    nothing apart from kill it
  5. not as much as we brits
  6. ed84c


    most cloning nowerdays is the cloning of embryos which are then killed and stemcells collected. I see a problem there. Especially when stem cells can be collected from bone marrow. I think most of the controversy arises from what you do with the clone.
  7. ed84c


    i see no problem with cloning itself (see earlier post) but cloning purley to kill an embryo to extract stem cells for research or to be grown into body parts, allthough the maths is ethical (1 life for 1 or more lives) i believe we should stay away from as we just dont know whether or not its ethical, we are not that intelliegent.
  8. ed84c


    by 'killing' a clone we are talking about removing the chance of conciesness, and therefore growing organs should be ok.
  9. clearly the pink panther was the best cartoon ever.... ''tut''
  10. This could be an interesting thread; Tell us; When you found this site Why and How you did Any good/ bad/ interesting experiences?
  11. pathogens living on your skin in moist areas then? odear. What sort of pathogens are we talking about?
  12. this feels like alchoholic's anoymous, not that i have ever attended.....(im tempted to make a joke about 'scienceaholics' but i will retain myself) Im ed as you may have guessed, im from a town in england called northwich and proud of it. Im currently 15 but have a good general knowlage of science and am most interested in physics. I am also a 'scienaholic' or a 'knowlageaholic'. I am sometimes sarcastic but its all meant in good humour so dont take anything i say too seriously , im a nice person really.....
  13. This could be an interesting thread; Tell us when you came across SF How and/or why you found it Any interesting/ good/ bad expereinces?
  14. hmm somebody has either muddled up the acronym or iso is international organisation for standardisation in French
  15. ok cheers
  16. ed84c


    i didnt mean to insuate that cloning is wrong, rather what you do with the clone, if you kill it for research or as i pointed out to help another life.
  17. ISO- what is that?
  18. there is a http://www.philosophyforums.com if anybody is interested, and it looks suspicially like ours
  19. i think its probably better to leave this to the philosophers as http://www.philosophyforums.net (if such a site exists) leaves the science to us..
  20. would it not seem more logical to put them in some sort of order such as shortest (d) next shortest (m) longest (y)
  21. ed84c


    cloning embroys has just been done in ireland. The maths would make it seem ethical, a life for a life, but i think it is best to stay away from it if we arnt sure
  22. Why does sweat A(or the bacterium growing on that sweat) smell differently in different parts of your body? Take your feet and armpits for example they smell different and groin sweat smells differently from anyother part of your body. I no this is a bit of a gross thread but try to keep back the lewd remarks.
  23. have u actually got the atom or is it a hypothetical question?
  24. thankyou, it is a rarety that people agree with me
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