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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. ok time dialation theory out the window then
  2. lol nice idea
  3. People didnt actually think the world was flat at all, its an urban myth. One american journalist suggested it was, and people mostly think that people at that time believed it was, they thought it was round like the rest of us, otherwise wouldnt chris columbus and magellan think against sailing off? And why did a ship's sail apear before the rest of it?. Infact [l] gallileo [/i] proved the world was round. Anyway so u dont get misinformed about extra-universal travel regarding black holes, remember space time is not ripped, that is a mathmaticians expression and is not real!, I have seen many people make that mistake before. It is just like any other star except is infinately dence and possibley spining or charged (all though if a black hole 'has no hair' and therefore no charged particles I dont see how it can be). However much I would like it to be; a black hole isnt quantised either. Its density has no value it is infinite so bear that in mind as well.
  4. simple answer to your question READ BLACK HOLES A TRAVELLERS GUIDE, if there is a simpler way about explaining black holes i would like to hear it.
  5. hmm only an idea i had, not really founded, but if there is a scientific explanation for conciesness i believe we can find it in quantum mechanics.
  6. I would be tempted to hook it up to a canister of CS gas (james bond style), or if they stole anything important; VX gas! that will show them.... although you obviously run the risk of wiping out the entire of the west midlands (providing Birmingham is where you live??) not gud . I am curious how winds managed to take out a shed; i would be more inclined to believe there was an experiment involved which did not go to plan..... Anyhow cameras concieled in smoke alarms for security purposes can be purchased for £5 off ebay or more expensive from http://www.rapidelectronics.co.uk I would suggest booby trapping what they intend to steal, have you never seen s.w.a.g on channel 5?! Im sure you can think of some ideas.....
  7. causality? I would be more inclined to relate conciousness to quantum fluctuations. Also i would like to point out on a relgious note that all those people who dont believe in god 'because how can it?' are frankly idiots. Most of the bible did happen; There was a big flood and a guy called noah, there were various plagues around the egyptians etc etc. but i can feel my self coming onto a soapbox irellivant to this thread.........
  8. you all get cool science dudes im stuck with mucians; Elton John and Aretha Franklin on the 25th of March
  9. The most precise clocks in the world all though short lived are made from the decay of hydrogen isotopes.
  10. As far as i understand it hawking radiation refers to a point on the edge of a schwarzchild radius (event Horizon), at which negative energy is ripped from energy allowing the energy to escape in the form of 'hawking radiation'. That sounds a bit far fetched so thats why im not sure its correct is it? Also i just want to clarify whether or not the roche limit is a point where if you fall inside it you will inevitabley fall into the black hole PROVIDING you make no attempt to escape? Has anybody else read the book black holes a travelers guide? Fantastic book, very light as well, surprisingly, i urge you all to buy it and read it.........
  11. You seem to prosume that life should have a purpose... Other chemical reactions dont have a purpose other than to balance why should we?
  12. I prefer the term i devised to describe my self on many occasions rather than lazy; motavationally disadvantaged. I think we should all use that term from now on to describe those we know, that are more disadvantaged than ourselves.
  13. an answer could be allthough im almost sure its wrong, that everything is faster at the equator due to the nature of time itself. There is a slight bulge and as a result we are further away from the earths center of gravity resulting in time going faster. That probably would be a difference of <a pico second though.....
  14. jeopardy, what programme is that?
  15. the knowlage of one's 'self' and 'being', are embedded deep into the human concieness; try touching your nose with your eyes closed, that is something a robot cannot do unless programmed with the correct parameters.
  16. so i would be grateful fore any guidence on where to start
  17. I could do with an animation for a video im making at the moment, like the StarWars titles, you know the one with the writing moving backwards. I have attempted this on paper and using a camera moving backwards, which suprisingly looks very affective on a low res camera, it requires large amounts of black paper, and my camera hand is not that steady.....
  18. hmm you may have to use your venus terraforming plans on our planet in not to long.... Although I have only scan read this thread I dont believe the acidity of Venus has been taken into account? There is enough H2SO4 and H2CO3 to render any seas lifeless, even for the bacterial superbreads that take control of acid lakes on our planet. The best way of cooling anything is to stop the movement of heat around the planet. Im not sure how you would do this but i do know water wouldnt be a great ally here. An ice cap certainly would reflect any light reaching the surface, but the greenhouse may prevent any heat escaping. Im taking a leaf out of earths book here, that entirely froze over due to the reflection of sulight due to ice.
  19. ed84c


    I think what atomicMx meant was that if a photon travels in a path like a wave then a shorter wavelength would mean that it would have to travel farther providing the amplitude was the same. And then if the overall 'as the crow flies' measurement of distance it would require the photon with the higher frequency to e traveling faster than the one of lower frequency. Rather like 2 cars travelling from a to b, if one is on the motorway and one in twisty back roads, if they are at the same speed, then the car on the motorway would get there sooner as it has had to travel less real distance, although they have had to travel the same a to b. But im not sure photons work quite like that.....
  20. it may intrest you that chlor is green in latin like chlorine or chlorophyll, and chlorophyll doesnt contain chlorine like i thought it did once!
  21. thanks
  22. also can u suggest any other formulas that i may be interested in for quantum mechanics/ relativity (not too complicated).
  23. im sure that must have been very frustrating. Well thanks for all the help you have given me, but im still a little sure on not dividing by 0 surely at the speed of light- 1/Sqrt 1-C2/C2 is dividing by 0, and its the only way to get infinity?
  24. yes i have worked it out trying to get E rather than m at its OK, providing of course 1/0= infinity which i am under the impression that it is, no matter what calucator it is, or what mathematian i ask. This may sound like a dumb question, but, does energy not have mass in the sense if you had a theoretical bag of energy it would way something, more that energy and mass are interchangeable, because otherwise things with energy would weigh soemthing (e.g photons) which prevents them from going at the speed of light. This of course shows the problem i was confused with (i was farmiliar with energy= mass), e.g. does a moving ball weigh more than a stationary one?, drawing back to the photon problem. I would quite hapily ignore this but for the fact that if I was to prove to my friends nothing with mass could move at the speed of light (and therefore photons have no mass), they would surely ask 'but if a photon has energy....'
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