Acording to the special theory of relativity you would, if you wanted to fly at the speed of light, to have to have an infinate mass, or if you were massless to start with there wouldnt be a problem. Can any body give me the formula (if complicated an explanation would be nice) that shows any body with a posative rest mass would have an infinite mass if moving at the speed of light?
We have to remember that in victorian times it was probably diagnosed as lazyness or those who would then become fat, which was noted as being a better class, so was never thought of as a disorder.
It is an experiment concerning the workings of the human mind. I often try to do things before they are needed; i.e. prosumable for the degree a project is required so a bit of practice cant hurt!
Generally electrolosis of water ends up with H2 and an oxide. hydroxide of the electrode, providing it is more reactive than H2 but if not a OH or O of the dissolved minerals. Remember pure water dose not conduct electricity so this will always happen with impurtities.
I tried to make I and KOH with KI once, but ended up with the Al electrodes hydroxidising
I would suggest eitherway trying out a few experiments (Stay with me) on your friends, i wanted to but never got roung to it- try this:
Ask a person about their past and about their future. Their eyes generally will wander to either side of you when they think about it. See if their writing hand preferance has any bearing on it eg.; do left haned people look to the left when thinking about the past, and right handed people look to the right when doing the same?
If you try it out; post the results!
Has anybody who read frankenstein got any more ideas to scientific irregularities in the book?
You can sew on parts of bodies- you need to allign blood vessels and nerves.
On the contact of a photon with an electron the electron jumps a shell
In H the electron on contact with the photon it will go into the second shell.
Generally i would suggest the use of for multimedia research, but going through topics on yahoo is also good for more obscure info, homework etc.
Is that Murray the talking skull on Crash's user from Monkey island?
im not entirely sure what that sarcastic comment was for i just asked if you could continue with the questions as you so kindly have done to those preceeding them.
Ill never mention needles again as it appears to annoy/ upset you. :'(
Strictly 'normal' questions
Anyway please answer updated questions in this thread
10) those of you common with the theory of quantum mechanics no that when a photon hits an electron e.g. in a chlorophyll molecule it goes up one energy level.
13)I thought it was a bit niave but still would be a nice idea if....
15) I dont quite see your quarms with this if it is a sterile needle from a lab supplies place
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