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Everything posted by ed84c

  1. sad times. Bring back corpral punishment! Heres some food for thought; http://www.makingthemodernworld.org.uk/everyday_life/control/1750-1820/TL.0049/
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_slapping more worryingly, off another forum;
  3. yeh maybe it was polio, i forget.
  4. I thought there is still a small lake in the middle?
  5. The virus passed from chimps to humans after a smallpox vaccine (which are grown in primate kidneys) was infected with it and went into the patient. AIDs is a fragile virus, cooking or even exposing to air, kills it.
  6. curfew zones are put into places where there are lots of bad kids, you would allow the taliban on a plane, even if some wouldnt try and blow it up.
  7. ed84c

    SFN The Musical

    good things come to those who wait [/sigh]
  8. Now its against human rights to give kids a bed time. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4580305.stm
  9. ed84c

    SFN The Musical

    silence doubters. have you guys never seen the guiness adverts?
  10. link? what numbers have you seen in ones you've tried?
  11. No fair, chernobyl picks up no results. And why are the satalite pics of russia in really high definition in comparison to everywhere else
  12. Funny, the sea seems to have taken a funny shade of green around the sizewell nuclear powerstation.
  13. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm here you go. Enjoy! (10 meg download) http://earth.google.com
  14. ed84c


    Which either means your sig is right, or i missed your sarcasm.
  15. ed84c


    ffs, and you say that it is ME who lives in a barrel
  16. Sorry i didnt mean to offend you, it must just have been me then.
  17. Use dreamweaver, or ACE HTML (the latter is free download) DO NOT use notepad, mainly because it wont change colour when youve typed in a correct code and hence is a lot more difficult to find the errors. Learn a little CSS code, not much.
  18. Thanks alot thats really helpful. However unfortunately it WAS set to the hackers email, and hence he will probably soon be able to hack in again.
  19. No, it doesnt. Does this mean i can never change my alternate email address ?
  20. I was joking.
  21. What are you doing with NaNO3, making bombs?
  22. Well it was hacked into again. Thankfully the secret password allowed me to change the password quickly and easily. But before that I clicked; "Send me a password reset email", it did not arrive at my yahoo account, and hence i am now concerned he may have changed this alternate email to his email address and hence will soon be able to change it back. How exactly can i access the page where it says choose alternate email address, if i have already got one? Or is that one permanant and unchangeable? Finally, i remember reading in some security document, you can add a pin to the hotmail account to make it extra secure, how do i do this?
  23. ed84c


    Yeh i did it numerically on purpouse because all the other dates around here are in some wierd american screwed up date language.
  24. ed84c

    SFN The Musical

    I know i say this every holiday, but im gonna write it this holiday.
  25. 15 yr old kids, dont try and hack into paypal accounts and sell non existant items to unsuspecting people and ask them to pay for them with western union credit transfers. As far as i can see, it appears that all those scam ebay spams you've been getting where the email address of the sender is normal, is somebody who has been hacked and emails sent through them, using their eBay user name etc to make it seem more real. This is whats happened here. One guy claims to have lost $1100 in my email address debarkle, but seeing as he says "dont worry about it, their just the kicks", hes either madly rich, or hes lying.
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