By Richard D. Oxstien
In the beginning there was the cosmic conscious (God, Allah, nature, science, it has been called many things). The cosmic conscious thought & created tiops (thought induced oscillation particles). Tiops are the most basic unit of existence; they are formed by creative thought and make up what we think of as reality. They are not affected by time, space, weak forces, strong forces, gravitons or any other power known. They are infinite and timeless and therefore beyond the understanding of current science and mathematics.
Tiops, or rather the collective tiops of consciousness created all of what we perceive to be reality. Tiops have an interactive nature that connects to all other tiops. If an individuals tiops do not come into agreement with the collective tiops the individual will be considered weird, crazy, or perhaps a prophet. Jesus stated that each of us could do what he had done and more; Buddha teaches us that each of us can reach the Buddha state.
Quantum physics shows that reality at a sub atomic level either does not exist until observed or that all realities exist until a specific one is observed (Shroedingers Cat).
Einstein and others reacted poorly to their own findings. Einstein flinched at the fact that probabilities control life, hence his claim, “God does not play dice with the universe.”
Einstein further stated that energy and matter can be equated (E=MC2) and in a relavistic sense are the same. Matergy (matter/energy) is therefore created the same at the lowest sub atomic levels.
String theory proposes that all matter is made up of one-dimensional vibrating strings. But there is not agreement on what these strings are or how they came into being or what creates their unique vibrations. Neither String theorist nor Einstein looked deep enough to see what was beyond the random fluctuations of sub-atomic particles or the vibrations of strings.
At each step physicists have attempted to claim they were on the verge of TOE (the theory of everything.). What they have not come into grips with and veer away from is that reality changes and that new realities (new tiops) will always be one step beyond their understanding. Without this basic fact GROWTH (which is the purpose) would cease and DEATH (which the cosmic conscious, god, nature, whatever abhors).
In the beginning there was simply consciousness created thought, which was made up of infinite tiops. This Cosmic Consciousness was aware that without growth there is death (the absence of being), as existing tiops would eventually wane. The way to everlasting life came suddenly through the BIG BANG. With this Consciousness created strings of tiops that became matter and energy. This matergy needed to constantly expand to ensure continuation of Consciousness. But the continuation of Consciousness could not come through matergy, for without new tiops all matergy would simply be created of the tiops of the Cosmic Consciousness. The purpose of matergy was to allow for the creation of intelligent life that would have the ability to generate new tiops.
The brain is a processor of tiops. Its initial function is to process existing tiops to ensure survival of the body. This is what we think of as instinct, cellular memory, and automatic functions. The ultimate purpose of the brain is to create new tiops. New tiops are created through original thought and creativity. Emotions play an important role in the production of new tiops. Love does have a purpose in creation.
As with all other particles there are positive (historically referred to as good) and negative tiops (historically referred to as evil). The negative tiops destroy positive ones and therefore undermine growth. From the caveman, to ancient Greeks, to the ancients who were before have worshipped nature in some form. This is caused by the drive to create positive tiops. Sacrifice was often used, as it is a way to enhance emotion.
Paranormal processes such as telekinesis and telepathy are simply a process of channeling tiop particles in much the same process that lasers are created with other particles. It is something that very few understand or can control which is what makes recreating in testing settings almost impossible.
Tiops due to their interactive nature are available for all to process. This is the reason that once an original thought is thought others will also have the same thought. Not everyone is capable of picking up these thoughts just as very few can create the “miracles” of Jesus and Buddha.