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FTL Machine

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  1. I use the term Gate as it sounds like the gates in Sci Fi novels where you can look at and travel the universe by stepping through gates with no data loss or fully intact. These gates can be located anywhere. Taken fron the article: The elephant and the event horizon http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg19225751.200-the-elephant-and-the-event-horizon.html On Quantum Gravity: So basically because things are unpredictable or faster then light, like in a Black Hole (there are large comparisons to FTL black holes in the article), we can best predict things with an 'event horizon.' This Event Horizon can be located anywhere it states, even on earth; but how do I get a black Hole event horizon near me on earth and how do I even know what a Black Hole is or where it is and how far it reaches since Black Hole predictions are only based off of indirect evidence from Hawking radiation? One comparison I could make would be to our imagination or I could fling myself into a black whole to find out.. maybe not. I would then be at two places at once. I wonder how real that transfer could be. How do I step out of the event horizon and would I end up at another end of the universe or could I choose my location based on event horizon type. So if I don't know where a black hole leads and there is no information loss could I theoretically step though a black hole and be taken to another part of the universe very far away intact if I can escape the black hole, that is. The article says that we could be anywhere instantly but only located within the Black Hole or past the event horizon. Just sounds like they are trying to avoid measuring Faster then Light particles by creating another quantum field. Could be good for indirect research though I like the Quantum field because I do believe our small minds can never exactly measure the universe all at once. Not even AI as it would then be too unreachable for realistic science. Maybe on the whole though. Anyway this is all so fun and I am really having fun with the recent planet hunting that's been going on using gravity techniques
  2. I think Dark Energy could be considered this energy that instantly spread through the galaxy at the BB. I think it is lighter and faster then Mass or Mass that produces significant gravity. My guess is that energy (or maybe Dark Matter or Energy) spread like a blanket instantly at BB and then grew or produced larger Mass creating gravity later. Like islands of planets and stars.
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