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Everything posted by JonathanLowe

  1. It seems to me you're doing your own analysis of the raw data. If that's the case, could you please link to your CV? > I dont have my CV online. However my credentials are BSc (hons) MSc Yes, amazing what kinds of projections static analysis of present trends will yield: > I have not projected anything in my analysis. Have you not read my website? Your government disagrees: http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/science/guide/ Do you care to explain the origin of this disparity between what you say and what your government says? > I am meerly analysing the data. The data as provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. This data is what all scientists as well as governments alike are basing their information, like that webpage on. If they get their information from bad analysis of data, then their opinion on it will also be bad. The analysis I give is unbiased in every degree. Can you prove that my analysis is misguided? If not, then perhaps the opinions of the government is wrong due to the fact that they are relying on unrelyable data. This leads me to seriously question your background on this topic. > Perhaps you can elighten me? The idea of man made global warming is exactly that. Global warming and increasing temperatures. Some people proclaim that this will make increased variability of temperature, from massive highs to freezing lows. The variability of temperature claim has no scientific evidence of occuring.
  2. Hmm firstly, I have never extrapolated in my analysis at all. Secondly, "stats" is the the basis of almost all scientific work, and prove, well, almost everything. Thirdly, I'm not trying to disprove anything, just analysing Australias temperatures over past 150 years, only to conclude that Australia is not warming. Fourthy, I didn't realise that global warming will produce cool temperatures (what the???) Fifthly, I know that if Austrlaia isn't warming up than the rest of the world isn't. I'm not analysing global temperatures, just Australias and lastly, there could well be lots of pirates down under. I'll have to check.
  3. My website: http://gustofhotair.blogspot.com/ sets out to prove that in Australia, number and magnitude of cyclones are not related to global warming, Australia’s current drought has nothing to do with global warming, and shortly on my webpage I will prove that Australia’s temperatures have in fact not increased at all in the last 20-150 years. This is by analyzing data as provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Cheers Jonathan Lowe
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