Thank you for the response but I still am confused as I didn't add water to the sample!
Here is the procedure I followed,
1. Lysed and homoginized the tissue sample with 1 ml of qiazol
2. spun the sample through qia shredder tube, 1000 RPM, 1 min, @ RT
3. added 200 micro litters of chloroform
4. vortex well
5. spun at 9400 RPM, 15 min, @4'C
And after the 5th step I am supposed to see 3 phases of RNA, DNA and Protein....And I did not see any RNA (Aqueous phase!)...So can you tell me where did I do anything wrong in this 5 step protocol??
Also I have another question regarding RNA quality analysis,
I collected some RNA and quantified it using nanodrop, concentrations are good and 260/280 ratios are also good : between 1.8 and 2
But when I ran agarose gel(1%, with 5 micro liter of ethidium bromide, Samples: 1 micro gram of samples with 6X loading buffer ), all the samples gave bands!
Do you have any idea why did that happen??