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  1. Makes sense now. Sort of. I asked again because I don't see any response here regarding my question in regards to DNA: " Unless I am mistaken, you were asking about the decomposition of DNA in each instance, not any other part of the chemical make up. I said originally that the whole chemical composition of each would be different, which I still say is true." DNA is in bone marrow so I'm not clear why it doesn't exist in bones that are buried.
  2. Thanks for the info. I'm getting this slowly but surely. Here's the quote: ""...Once a living thing is cremated, the DNA ceases to exist. Not only does the high heat of burning destroy the genetic compound, but also the pulverization of bone fragments, which occurs after the cremation process (the ashes), completely destroys any traces of DNA. So in the physical sense, after cremation the living thing is as if it never existed. There is no trace left of its DNA..." This is a Judaic argument against cremation, as if to say that there is no trace left of DNA after cremation, as if there IS trace of DNA in the bones or ashes of a buried individual. Is that true?
  3. Hypervalent-iodine --thank you, I appreciate your input very much. You're at the very crux of what it is I'm looking for. Pardon my question but I want to be absolutely clear: 1. Are you SURE that even this one bone does decay -the luz bone at the neck? There is a lot of talk that all bones decay except for the luz bone, though I'm not sure if the talk has any scientific backing. 2. When you say, "I suppose given enough time and the right conditions, both would reach a point where they had decayed to a similar level. My understanding is that cremation merely fast tracks the process." --Is this true even though you said that burning a body doesn't produce ash; only dry bone fragments pulverised to ash? --even though this is true, you still think that, given time, the naturally-decaying body will have the same composition as pulverised ash? That's what the funeral director told me but I had a hard time believing it and when you originally wrote back, that's what I was thinking but in a very vague way and without any form whatsoever. Now I'm hearing you say that they end up essentially the same and I'm guessing you mean that basically the very foundational elements of bone are the same regardless of what they go through, that bone is bone is bone. THANK YOU. This is very helpful. Hypervalent-iodine --thank you, I appreciate your input very, very much. You're at the crux of what I'm looking for. Pardon my question but I want to be absolutely clear: 1. Are you SURE that even this one bone does decay -the luz bone at the neck? There is a lot of talk that all bones decay except for the luz bone, though I'm not sure if the talk has any scientific backing. 2. When you say, "I suppose given enough time and the right conditions, both would reach a point where they had decayed to a similar level. My understanding is that cremation merely fast tracks the process." --Is this true even though you said that burning a body doesn't produce ash; only dry bone fragments pulverised to ash? --you still think that, given time, under certain conditions, that the naturally-decaying body will have the same composition as pulverised ash? (I don't want to put words in your mouth while I rewrite this so excuse me if I translated incorrectly) That's what the funeral director told me but I had a hard time believing it and when you originally wrote back, that's what I was thinking but in a very vague way and without any form whatsoever. Now I'm hearing you say that they end up essentially the same and I'm guessing you mean that basically the very foundational elements of bone are the same regardless of what they go through, that bone is bone is bone. THANK YOU. This is very helpful.
  4. Please ignore this if it is in any way offensive. I don't mean to be. I'm curious what your thoughts are regarding some of the following quotes and I put my questions below. (I'm not Jewish.) Found this online and it spurred some questions... “Jewish tradition records that with burial, a single bone in the back of the neck never decays. It is from this bone—called the luz(luzz) bone..." QUESTION: Is it true this bone never decays? "...But now let’s look at cremation through the lens of a modern geneticist. DNA—the Blueprint of Your Existence. Consider that all living things have its own set of unique blueprints —its genetic DNA, and human beings are no different. Once a living thing is cremated, the DNA ceases to exist. Not only does the high heat of burning destroy the genetic compound, but also the pulverization of bone fragments, which occurs after the cremation process (the ashes), completely destroys any traces of DNA. So in the physical sense, after cremation the living thing is as if it never existed. There is no trace left of its DNA.. QUESTION: When you say "well decomposed," is the DNA --as-- decomposed if the body were buried? Thanks again.
  5. Thank you hypervalent_iodine and Mr. Skeptic. That's exactly what I'm looking for. Can you further this just a little bit... 1. Is human DNA found in the remains of a person that is buried (not enbaumed, just placed in a wooden casket) after their body has decomposed to where it is only bones or ashes (not sure if DNA is in our teeth)? 2. Is human DNA destroyed in the cremation process, right? Thanks
  6. I'm new to this site and I'm not a scientist (or student). I'm just a regular layperson. So when I say "ashes," I'm referring to what people that work in crematoriums or funeral homes refer to --bones that decompose. They're not really ashes at all but that's what they're referred to as. In any case, when cremated, those "ashes" are finely ground. When buried, they are not burned and they are not ground by a machine, so you are are right when you say that, with cremation, the remains are fairly uniform and that biodecomposed remains could vary. I'm with you here, 100%. Your last sentence confuses me; everything else makes sense. Other than being fairly uniform, is the actual chemical composition of the decomposed bones through cremation the same as those that are buried? (Is that a fair question? Sorry if it's not. I'm trying.)
  7. I'm afraid that my thread is being twisted into something that has nothing to do with my question and I apologize if that was my mistake and I wasn't clear. I am in no way saying that all bones turn to ashes. Of course there are bones that have remained bones. So I'll try to rephrase: If I were to die and have my body buried, and in time, if my body turned to ashes on its own, would those ashes be the same as if I had died and had my body cremated and then ground to ashes? Hopefully that helps. Thanks!
  8. Hi, thanks for responding. I realize there are situations where bones stay bones for a very long time. My question is more focused. But I'll take your cue to try to get to my point from your perspective... Using bones that were excavated from graves thousands of years ago, if they were placed in a different area where they did turn to ashes --however long it took to turn to ashes, would THOSE ashes have the same properties as the ashes from those same bones if those people had been cremated? So I'm basically wondering if cremation changes the properties of the ashes simply because it involves heat/fire as opposed to bones that turned to ashes on their own -through oxygen or otherwise but not by intense heat. I only want to know if the composition of the remains from both bones wind up being the same or different. Hope that makes more sense. Thanks!
  9. My question regards bones after death. Are bones that turn to ashes in a casket the same (chemically, physically) as bones that turn to ashes when a body is cremated? I'm asking because, when a body is buried, it is not burned but the bones turn to dust or ashes, and when cremated the body is burned and the bones come out brittle from a cremation chamber and are ground up and called "ashes." I want to know if the remains of the bones in both situations are the same, years later, when they are ashes. Thanks
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