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Everything posted by LinuxGirl

  1. At first I thought firecrackers would work, but they are not legal here and it would probably be pretty inconvenient to do a lot of testing with a big firework that I would have to light. But, I was eventually able to figure something out. I hooked up a light bulb and a buzzer in a circuit with a push button, so when I pushed the button, it made them both flash and beep at around the same time. By testing it at known distances away, I found that it took about 30 ms for the light bulb to heat up and actually start shining, and I was able to work this offset into my program. So far, I have been able to get it to have +- 10 m accuracy, but I hope to get better than that. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'd got it working and thanks for your suggestions!
  2. Hi, I am doing a science fair project where I use a microphone and a light sensor to measure how far away lightning struck or a firework went off by the delay from sensing the light to sensing the sound. I have built a device that should work for sensing the light and sound (though I will probably make improvements to it later on), but I now my biggest problem is I need a way to test it. I can wait until there is a storm to try it out on some thunder, but I think I need some other ways to test it, too. I could maybe test it with fireworks, but I would need the big kind that get launched into the sky and i don't think there are going to be any firework shows this time of year. I need help brainstorming any kind of thing you can think of that would make a blast of sound at the exact same time as a flash of light. Can you guys think of anything?
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