Anyone out there wanting to become a vet in the future? Or work in the veterinary profession for that matter.
Thought it would be good to chat about experiences, what you've done to try and get into university, what motivates you and such like. It would be good to talk cause in the long run it will help us all to understand and listen to other peoples ideas...
well i think anyway!
Well, i suppose that i should start! lol
Well, from as far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a vet. And due to that I've done lots of work experience with animals, working on farms, and in a veterinary practice. Its my ideal profession and I really Really want to do it! I'm doing biology, chemistry and history at A-level and I did physics last year too. My applications to my uni's were sent off a while ago and I've got an interview for the Royal Veterinary College in a week and a half! Really excited about that. Woooo!
How are the rest of you getting on.