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Everything posted by rayman

  1. Can someone please try to help me with this. I have a bcc structure and the question is ''Clearly indicate the unit translation vectors and state their value in Å. I have attached the sketch : http://img440.images.../picture3lh.jpg are those t1,t2,t3 translation vectors? I know the cell parameters are:[tex] a=b=c=31652\AA[/tex] Are these correct values of t1,t2,t3 then? [tex] t_{1}=(-\frac{a}{2},\frac{a}{2},\frac{a}{2})=(-15826,15826,15826)\AA ?[/tex] and similarly the rest? And one question more. We need to calculate the volume of the conventional unit cell and volume of the primitive unit cell, is this correct? [tex] V_{conv}=a^{3}=3171\AA^{3}[/tex] [tex] V_{primitive}=\frac{V_{conv}}{2}}=1585.5\AA^{3}[/tex] Is the plane which has the highest degree of compaction (101)?? and the deree of compaction[tex] \frac{\sqrt{2}}{a^2}}[/tex]??? It there anything special with a primitive cell? (how would you answer that question)?
  2. Hello! I am supposed to explain the behaviour of the thermal conductivity of tungsten. I have plotted the relation http://img340.images...76/heatcond.jpg is also experimental data Temp[0 10 50 100 300 500 1000 2000 3400] and thermal conductivity coefficient 0 97,1 4,28 2,08 1,74 1,46 1,18 1 0,9] Can someone explain the mechanism to me? Why does the thermal conductivity reaches its maximum for T=10K ? and after that it gradually decreases and after some temp is behaves almost like constant? How this can be explained taking free electrons and phonons into the concideration? Thank you!
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