alan, I'm a little confused; The Conservative Party in coalition with a Liberal Party has improved on the quality of a web-site designed by the Labor Party and your looking for a cause. If you believe they get "stuff wrong", assume are lying to the Electorate, what's the complaint...
Marat; Without going off topic, your a very hard person to figure out, reminding me of a Frost Cloud contributor in my past, sounding like a hard left person in one post, then far right in the next. But isn't it possible that 5% of any population that might just be driving an economy, also employ, finance and contribute a great deal of tax money for the lesser wealthy and people understand this. Most folks really don't try to achieve great wealth, are not entrepreneurs or investors, preferring other activities in there life and are happy to take their money, support their Governance while doing their thing.
I'll take the exact opposite stand in that a Liberal/Labor/Socialist Government, those that get into power, do so by NOT telling their real intentions, generally speaking or would never have got elected in the first place. By the way that "Right Wing Extremist Group", basically believes in less Federal Government (State Rights), a sound fiscal policy, Constitutional authority and that Government works for the people, not the reverse. I really don't see anything extremist there...