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Everything posted by jackson33

  1. jackson33

    FOX vs Beck

  2. jackson33

    US Liberal

  3. lemur, I'm not really sure where your trying to go with this thread, so if I'm off your intended purpose please accept my apology in advance'
  4. CR/swansont; What swansont emphasized, was my underlying point and as said, a guess. I am completely aware I'm out on a limb in trying to explain a declaration/purpose which is probably political to begin with and what's actually intended. The intent not to vigorously defend and actually not defend, would have different meanings. Then it's my opinion and maybe a great many others, that the DoJ, the Attorney General nor the President has any option to what can or cannot be enforced, IF IT'S ALREADY LAW. The current idea in the House will somehow replace the Justice Department, whatever their intension's, by defending DOMA themselves. We're getting to a point the Constitution is meaning little, legislate/Congress and enforce/Executive are separate duties, not being followed and some people I've talked with, actually believe Obama can declare anything Constitutional or not and the third separation of powers.
  5. rigney; Since you entered this thread in Speculations, I suppose no one will be punished for offering an opposing opinion'... The following link is one of maybe 500 different versions of BBT theory I've read over the years. I claim being skeptical today, to get along on these forums, while in the past before BBT was accepted, agreed with SSU Theory the opposing theory for years. The thought temperatures 1/100th SECOND after BB was 100BK and I've seen some pretty ridicules figures on what was thought 1/1000th second after, much hotter, it also give you a pretty good explanation in time lapse form. I'll hold back at this time, to see where this goes, but BBT does NOT get my vote...
  6. And you have just explained why, they decided to cancel all the clubs. Here we go again, anything slightly seen as politically incorrect, means everyone MUST lose their rights, I think your link mentioned one person's request, that's just great. No wonder Charter Schools in some districts, Private Schools in all areas and Home Schooling numbers are rising....
  7. The point is two fold; In Texas, School Districts have authority over school activity and parents can direct the school board. If parents object to the FCA, as SOME Catholic Schools have, some have not, then it should not be permitted.
  8. I can't say "I blame them", as 90% of the parents would have been outraged if in the name of being politically correct, the "Club" was permitted. What's next a Christian/Muslim Alliance or any organized public alliance with a single objective to win over converts.
  9. alan, I'm a little confused; The Conservative Party in coalition with a Liberal Party has improved on the quality of a web-site designed by the Labor Party and your looking for a cause. If you believe they get "stuff wrong", assume are lying to the Electorate, what's the complaint... Marat; Without going off topic, your a very hard person to figure out, reminding me of a Frost Cloud contributor in my past, sounding like a hard left person in one post, then far right in the next. But isn't it possible that 5% of any population that might just be driving an economy, also employ, finance and contribute a great deal of tax money for the lesser wealthy and people understand this. Most folks really don't try to achieve great wealth, are not entrepreneurs or investors, preferring other activities in there life and are happy to take their money, support their Governance while doing their thing. I'll take the exact opposite stand in that a Liberal/Labor/Socialist Government, those that get into power, do so by NOT telling their real intentions, generally speaking or would never have got elected in the first place. By the way that "Right Wing Extremist Group", basically believes in less Federal Government (State Rights), a sound fiscal policy, Constitutional authority and that Government works for the people, not the reverse. I really don't see anything extremist there...
  10. Iggy; Since the "Child Labor Amendment" appeared to be failing, yes in 1938 the "Fair Labor STANDARDS Act", a general guideline was enacted. Without trying to prove tonight, this Act was directed toward farmer/ranchers who were using child labor at low wages to do menial jobs. "Stringently" (?)
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