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Everything posted by jackson33

  1. Any mandate made by Congress resulting in cost to the producer or service, whether paid has a direct tax, no specific purpose (income/death tax/property gains etc.), indirect tax, for a specific purpose (payroll taxes/gasoline/diesel taxes/excise taxes) for permits and/or compliance (CAFE Standards, Tobacco products or the hundreds of other items) have the same results or taxes imposed indirectly on the consumer. Not defending AM/FM radio, they have generated the sales of Music, and all involved, by airing certain recordings for 80 years, never charging the producers of these products, that created that demand. My point for even starting the thread was the continuous incremental involvement of the Federal on every aspect of life around the industrialized world, especially here in the US, all of which is adding cost to products which in some manner end up in Governments hands. As for the argument of what are taxes and by those concerned (NOT necessarily me), I'll refer you back to the OP, where the following was sited;
  2. bascule; Using my opinions, how you would answer, you would have come off a left/liberal and I'll post their definition, which I'd bet you agree with.
  3. bascule; You seem to forget, when liberties are granted to some, others lose some. As for being a 'Libertarian', I'd suggest this is not possible and you may border on Socialist if we're no longer going to use the terms 'left wing libeberal'. Anyway take the test, be honest and give us your results...very short and guess I'm a hard core libertarian, but prefer being a simple Conservative. http://www.theadvocates.org/quizp/index.html
  4. william; Personally, I don't understand why the current shuttle program needs to be ended, certainly not why a few launce's couldn't take place for a few more years, manning the space station. However, it seems to me, NASA's priority has been shifted from a Moon/Mars directive to 'Global Warming' or study of earths environment, leaving any replacement for the Shuttle too expensive to simply, supply that station. However, the 50M$, for research and development to private industry for the purpose of getting people and/or material to the station, then split between at least five Companies is meaningless, some kind of token ploy. That would likely be spent, drawing up plans, feasibility studies and there would be little incentive to continue. NASA itself, is not going anyplace, the controlling powers (Government) now in control will not be the same in 2011, likely major changes on 2012 or at some future time. Many of their future plans are still on track and other research projects will continue. You also have to consider, the actual time frame, where mankind itself, would have a need or purpose to actually go beyond the moon. Most anything they could do or have done in 2040 (planned first Mars trip), could be done robotically probably much sooner, with out considering what's already being done there, even today.
  5. Pangloss; Not really arguing, discussing, not meant as conflict, then no problem. I suggested to toasty, there were more Independents and want to further explain that point.
  6. jimmy; Personally, I'm happy to see the thread brought back up, wish more would contribute. Even if Mr. Gosling had a written contract or where applicable in the US a marriage license and that contract, no person can enter into or commit an otherwise illegal act. Killing a person, illegal under British common law. I'm assuming he has not been charged or out on some kind of bail, but he will eventually be charged and convicted (after public confession) of a crime. The actual crime (charges) or the punishment is a different story (extenuating circumstance) and could be found guilty of something without serving time. The funny thing is, if charge for premeditated murder (1st Degree and won't happen), he could be found innocent and acquitted. Assisted suicide, in the US is being addressed by a few States, but in any even this will have to be come actions of a medical professional One problem for denial of HC, causing death in the US, is charges can be filed against an insurance Company, Hospital or Physicians but not normally against a Government.
  7. Pangloss; Think you will find in the US, 40% of the electorate, by polling say they are Independent. Using your 2004 figures of 169 million registered voters, 40% would be 67.6 Million and feel sure some came from the democratic ranks. Your chart or any current chart for actual registered, may be misleading. In many States, in order to participate in the Primary/Caucus system, you must be registered to that party.
  8. bascule; The Government, if the bill passes, will issue "programming permits", already has the authority to deny airway access for non-compliance with regulation, and claims they will distribute to whomever. Just as Government collects payroll taxes, guess you feel are fee's, promising to pass along to qualified recipients. They are both taxes, "end of story".
  9. toasty; Not answering for Jryan, or does he need anyone to, you have raised a couple interesting points.....
  10. bob, one size won't fit all people; Constitutional and'/or Fiscal Conservatives also believe in small government or as prescribed by the Constitution, the definition you chose not to show;
  11. Jimmy; The amount of Uranium, I really don't know, suppose it would have to do with desired explosive power. However Uranium is not a rare element and easy to access. The problems for medicine or warheads is in the enrichment, which the authorities had believed, was a problem for Iran, getting past 10%. As I understand it once they figured out how to get past that 10% (claiming 20, now) getting to 80 or 90% enrichment is not that difficult, well with range for a bomb... I'm not sure what your angle is on 'War Mongering', but what is feared in the US Government and assume in the UK, is what other nations in the middle east will do, possibly many trying to develop their own Nuclear Weapons, an arms race, so to speak...
  12. Briefly; The modern day Federal Income Tax was adopted in 1913, with the ratification of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. Originally the tax was 1% of incomes above 3,000 to 500k$, a surtax of 6% on incomes above 500k$, no deductions. I seriously doubt many that actually paid taxes, did much complaining. Brackets, rates and allowed deductions have changed over the years for assorted reasons, but never again was it to go back to those original figures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_the_United_States Briefly the first Social Security tax (payroll taxes) were set at 2% of wages up to 3,000, or 60.00 per year, maximum. Today that is 15.3% (for self employed or from both employee-employer) up to a little over 100,000 for SS, (12.4%) and on ALL income above at 2.9%, or 15,300$ and it's going broke. http://www.justfacts.com/socialsecurity.asp I could go through the list offered on each tax, that has been imposed primarily in the 20th Century, that was imposed, with promises of short periods of time or no increases will be needed and have NOT been terminated or have not gone up, including adjustment for inflation. Pangloss; My concern, though retired years ago, is the incremental taxes that are being imposed indirectly on the US Consumer, then the viability of the business they are being collected from. Most, of course can alter their programming, going talk/informational or play certain music not covered or simply pay the cost, passing on to their advertisers those cost. Some Stations, either the independents, not too many left, or those affiliated with group ownership, will be dropped or go out of business. For a price, people can just go satellite or use their computer. Agree, this is no big deal, in and by itself.... bob; Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutional Conservatives, play with the same deck of cards. The Federal should be limited to the design of our Constitution, simple. Most programs, the Federal Plays around with, for what ever purpose (votes/authority) are or never been part of a Federal Government over the various States. As for balancing the budget, as Pangloss suggest, CUT SPENDING. The National Endowment for the Arts, is no different than the American Bowling Congress, for the interest of interested parties and should be sustained for and by those interested, IMO. By the way, I find you a mild mannered gentleman, compared to iNow or bascule, who I'd rather debate with, if I want honest PERSONAL opinions... Phil; Agree we have grown as a Nation, suggest the private sector and Capitalism the actual engine, not the Government. Now if you want to measure the growth in population and products, why should there have been a need to increase per capita, any tax, other than to keep up with inflation.
  13. npts; In this case, I have to ask you, the all important question. Since Government produces no income and dependent on YOU for it's entire existence/revenue, why would you wish to pay them, to make a decision for you, that you might better make for your self? Remember your dependent on ONE Federal Government, that can change direction every two years, but have multiple choices from the private sector, that strives to satisfy you, if not accomplished, you can make another choice.
  14. Federal "Performance Radio Tax"...what's next. I realize, this may not pass, is no big deal, if enacted would mean maybe 3-5 B$ coming from 50 States and probably would give a little (half the revenue) to artist, song writers etc, which in turn would pay additional taxes, but my question is where is this going to stop. The bills are listed in the article, which I did read, seeing loop holes for further taxing of 'Terrestrial Radio', assume leaving out Satellite Radio.
  15. There was a big story reported (week or so ago), that died quickly, about some US Military people being around a girls school, that was attacked by the Talaban, killing several students. Could this be what your talking about....They were not involved in the attack and the attack was on the school, Muslim girls are not to be educated as far as the Taliban is concerned.
  16. swansont;
  17. bascule; That's what I thought, your relaying thoughts of others, that oppose the message from with in issues (not watching the program or if you prefer "out of context"). I might add, any conspiracy charges are results of connections, that with out Beck, might add FNC for allowing the program, that are being continuously exposed, would have gone unnoticed. A prime example of this was and is the Czar system, for advising the President and those that were chose, originally not intended to be confirmed by Congress, many still not or have been transferred to other post. While I understand, Czars have been used in the past, they were so, to increase the information on an issue pertinent to a period of time or adding to available information of one department or another, that should be charged with the responsibility. For the President to use the system, for his/her own agenda, is not Constitutional, which is apparent. Here is an original list of the Czars, released (August 2009) by Beck and I doubt you have even seen this list or have been advised of any questionable credentials or the fact none were required FBI security clearances. If you bother to read through the individual histories of these people, please note their connection to what are questionable organization and their past work and REAL conspiratorial comments, made by many of them. And yes, Van Jones is no longer one, but still has access to the President and the White House....I am listing one, since this is a science forum and the connection to Nazi... http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/29391/
  18. bascule, if you would give me a few examples, why you feel Beck is a nutcase, I'll break my policy and start a thread. Beck is a constitutionalist, believes in its preservation, along with some primary conservative principles/viewpoints. From where I set, Beck is exactly the same as Obama, or who ever you feel is setting policy in his administration, but with the opposite understandings. He also has a rather large staff, that researches all his issues/topics and backs them up daily. In media, this is called 'investigative reporting'. I do feel, too much of what he talks about goes over the head of his audience (too deep), and don't always think a topic is of importance, but he is no nutcase. Since you might just take me up on this, please make them viable issues of the day, not some gaff or comment, out of context, years ago...
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