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Everything posted by jackson33

  1. In another related story breaking today, is the growing acceptance by pro-global warming scientist are accepting the 'Medieval Warm Period' (1000-1400AD), as a world wide phenomenon, which has long been accepted in the Northern Hemisphere (Greenland was green, etc).
  2. iNow; bascule, introduced an MsNBC clip describing Fox News commentaries (NOT news) on the AGW issue. I believe, it's quite clear Maddow is to CNN, is as Beck/Hannity are to Fox. If someone said CNN or any affiliated network cable channel (now including the weather channel) are not News, I totally missed it, nor am I saying, they are not.
  3. bascule; I was replying to your comment;
  4. http://www.bls.gov/ncs/ocs/compub.htm#CA
  5. My oh my, when in the world is this going to end. Actually either issue, MAN CAUSES WEATHER CHANGES, which was actually changed from warming, when obviously it was not and the elite crowd around Al Gore, the mouthpiece for still AGW and that FOX News is some sort of editorial machine for the Republican Party. Fox, did report on the igloo, built by the James Inhoff family, which was quite humorous. On Bill Nye, is he another potential Democratic Candidate. His credentials seem more appropriate for that, than science....By the way which network ranks absolutely last, Cable or Major, oh yeah, MsNBC.
  6. Before anyone takes trip into Canada, think they best read the requirements; http://www.health.gov.nl.ca/mcp/html/info_ben.htm#elig However, Insurance can and should be bought before visiting or traveling in Canada, as well as into Mexico, Australia or most every industrialized nation with UHC or not.
  7. Skye; Average wages paid in Alabama average 16.44 per hour (34,200/year), medical practitioners 20.84 (41,600/year) and is a right to work State. In the NYC area the average is 25.37 per hour (52,800/year), medical 35.80 (74,880/year), where Unions are authorized to organize. Using percentages, which I don't like using, medical practitioners alone in NYC cost 175% of what it cost a facility in Alabama. http://www.bls.gov/ncs/ocs/compub.htm#CA In Australia the average wage for all workers is around 42,000, compared to the US Average is ALL States of 49,500 per year. This tells me, the cost of this one item is less in Alabama, than in Australia. What's more interesting is the labor cost in other Countries touting a lower cost for medical care in the US, notably Sweden, Germany, Spain nearing 60% of US average wages. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_wage My only point in any argument with statistics, showing the higher US cost for Medical Service, could be used for any service, where LABOR is a primary cost. Just to build a 5M$ medical facility, in NYC, could be built in Alabama for 3M$ and probably a lot less in most any Country on the planet. I'd suggest 1M$ or less in most the 200+ Countries used for these statistical evaluations. As for birth mortality, the US counts this to age one and with 310 Million, verse any other Nation, there are many extenuating circumstances to consider, never done...
  8. Syke; Am I correct in assuming any person, not from Australia, is responsible for paying the full expense of their medical service? In the US, if a Medical Service, wishes to participate in the revenue from our Medicare/Medicaid (1/3rd the total) they MUST attend to any person, walking/ambulanced into (Emergency Room) at no cost if necessary. We are NOT landlocked, with additional access by millions each year for many reason, visiting, work visa or illegally in the Country, all basically covered for attention. Remember near 20 Million are said to be in the US, from many places and can access accordingly, to say nothing of border crossings (legal), for the sole purpose of receiving medical assistance. Mexico has 50+ million folks, Canada another 31 million or so and their are about 22 Million in all of Australia. Texas alone with 25 Million or so people, may have 5 Million in this group and Florida, even today is giving needed health care to thousands from Haiti. All this and much more gets added to the cost per of actual citizens, and for the most part so do there statistical results. If you reply, I'll go further tomorrow; The cost of labor, medications, diagnostic equipment and all things related to health care facilities, including maintenance, especially through modernizing, additions or new facilities are extremely costly in many places like our Northeastern States, where labor unions are used and/or anyplace permits are very costly for 100 reasons. Another thing, maybe from a biased opinion, much of that service these countries supply at a lessor cost, come from equipment and medication provided from the States. If you were to take, N/S Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and through in Utah to get the population near Australia or Canada, there statistics, including cost, life expectancies, infant mortality, may rival any of the highest rates.
  9. bascule; As I mentioned earlier to another younger fellow (another thread), it's fast becoming an either/or situation. Obama himself has addressed the need for reform, all but saying sustaining the Federal obligations are unsustainable and yes Bush DID infer much the same. While I think this came from other than him, probably Emanuel or Axelrod, that is true, but you can't feed the hand that's pulling you down. I'll agree, republicans seem to be living a dream world, feeling if taxes were reduced alone we would go back to the 'good old days' when GDP was increasing with both debt and obligation of the Federal. Factually in my opinion, those days passed by as a result of both TARP and this administration, with results that went worldwide. I'll go further and say McCain, would have made little difference to the potential end result and bringing in Palin or God himself, could no longer prevent a restructuring of many of today's world powers. In summery; I don't care if it's Obama, if some one steps up to the plate, says OK, I'll be a one termer, all Government Agencies will cut back 20%, doing it yesterday, then follow up and no more money is going to be spent from TARP or the outmoded 2009 Stimulus, in fact we're going to cut payroll taxes in half for two years (for everybody, no more selected few), place GM, GMAC or any other hurting financial on 'your on your own' status , along with the Unions and their problems and maintain those nasty Bush Tax cuts for at least two additional years, the results would be instantaneous. Markets would go wild, (I'm talking 15000 in a year), thousand of start ups and buy outs, merger would take place, investment in new equipment, improvements and new products would rattle your mind, along with taking of property gains of investment around the world. Tax receipts would increase 20-30%, the first year, not ten years down the road and the most important thing, the consumer would return in force. None of this will happen under Obama, or probably any current political figure, but if it did.......IMO.
  10. Skeptic; You should be concerned, even mad, you and another two people, are paying me 1200.00 per month for doing nothing and I have long ago received everything I put in, including interest. Think by 2020 or so you'll be paying all of my entire cost (if still living). The problem you and those your age have, it could all be in vain, as the system fails long before you retire, while paying as one tax or another for those already obligated to. As for securing the funds, keep in mind between your payroll taxes, it's all gone to those obligation the day they receive payment. What you might be thinking are personal accounts, which many think SS and Medical Care should be based on, that is what you send in not used belongs to you, but so long as their is an annual deficit or in fact an a cumulative National deficit, your money is in that. You really don't think all 12.4T$ borrowed as come from volunteer lenders, do you?
  11. toasty; While addressing all the posters, you rather well presented post #37, (though I disagree) has influenced my general reply..... Offered as my opinions only; From the 1960 US Election, I have felt the person nominated and elected to the only US Office involving all States, is basically perceived the most acceptable by the general public, based on an appearance and the message delivered at that time. That is there has been little attention paid to qualifications, other than what may sink into the electorate through media. Since then, I've always favored or opposed (campaigned) candidates on their affiliations or access to those that would be and generally are more qualified than the candidate him/herself. To demonstrate this, during the 2008 primaries, I favored Ms. Clinton on electability and her access to people in her husbands administration, switching only to McCain, after the Obama electoral victory. While I never thought McCain was electable, he certainly had access to people to serve, which Obama did not, proving it over his first year. Palin, is such a person, in my opinion, currently with a modest electability factor and would no doubt draw every currently inactive Conservative, into service. That said, qualified yes and for that reason. Intelligence and education are not equal in my mind or have they ever been. I have no idea how many folks I've known with College degrees, even Doctorates that showed very little intelligence, even in their own field. Frankly, Obama made too many errors in what should have been basic facts, during his campaign and is one such person. I will however hold back on Palin's intelligence, while she acclimates to the mainland political/media reality. She did very well, at the Tea Party Meeting and well on Fox News Sunday, certainly holding her own. Some of you have suggested Al Franken is more qualified, to me simply not worth a reply, as he is already well over his political head, most certainly not electable and will likely be a one term Senator. npts quote;
  12. With all due respect, Palin has been making a name for herself, not listening to the opposition, unless she happens to agree with them. Honesty in rhetoric, thanks to Palin/Beck, would seem to be the motto of the day. Aside from this Palin, continues to amaze me on her ability to energize both advocates and opponents of Conservatism. I won't go over 20 plus years of Al Frankin comments, made as a comedian, but it is interesting to see how accepted he is here, as a political figure, yet Palin is not.....
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