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Everything posted by jackson33

  1. there may be many in science or meteorology, that have good intentions in stating their opinions, either direction. my personal opposition, correct or not has a motive which prefers, a non-intervention of life as it exist today. if i try and relay a point, its that nothing is going on to cause this excitement. if CO2, levels go up to say 2% of the total atmospheres or the temperature go up 5 degrees and the oceans rise two foot a year, the probability will be its natures reaction to the overall conditions, which mankind is a very small part. i do sincerely believe we will begin a cooling trend and this may be in progress this very day. regardless it will happen, not because i predict it, but because the general cycles with in cycles happen. they have a thousand times in these current fluctuations. to me its like saying, we should all buy big cars, drive extra miles and remove the filters from factories, so we can stay warm. even if we did, not much would happen, except may some death related problems. the usual elderly, sick and poor...
  2. actually there are a good many Universities, Colleges, along with two year specialized schools and a number of Internet programs, which can provide an education for less than 10k per year, all of which can be accessed through some form or public grant or financing. not every one could go to Harvard, Yale or any major unit. there is just so much room in any one, and they are all full...more today attend higher education, than ever, even considering growth in population. this signals some success, i would think. think you will find, the student chooses all the subjects...
  3. why do you think no one promotes taxes on mid or low income people, even thought we all pay 15% of our wages in SS and Medicaid tax. if they did their going to be voted out. most people in voting for programs, think they will not be effected. so if government says we need to do this or that, its perceived as all good stuff. by mandate, government in the US, has taken state rights and applied equal rights mean education as well. in voting, housing, job or pay scales, the issue, has lost choice. they actually failed in concept, as it fuels the very thing supposedly designed to cure. rich kids with 2 parent families, just dropped public schooling, the middle class has no choice and the poor kids learned there was another class of student. to fix that all this nonsense of no grades, no F's, sports with no scores and any suggestion that life was hard for every one has been dropped. the problem is society doesn't operate that way, the best do achieve, the best do win and an effort should be made for all endeavors and the poor just continue to depend on government. i am not going to pretend to know the answer or even a possible solution. i do feel the Federal Government, especially in a Nation that has 50 separate State governments, has no business in most affairs of the total. Education, the very foundation of any modern society is the one least likely issue to have any influence in. i do feel the free market, even the private school system as is could do a much better or handle more, if the fed and unions just got out of the way.
  4. P; go to your choice of source, for contents of the atmosphere. there are three that concern us and a couple which are pure buffers from the suns energy. our primary concern, is the Troposphere which is 15 miles deep on average and well document in content. this 77% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, of which no one disputes, questions or is concerned with. of the remaining one percent about .04 to .05 is CO2 and trace amounts make up the rest. now keep in mind man is given credit, for 5% of any figure of any element in that one percent. when you see a 7% increase of something, its not the total, but that which man is thought to add. by any standards a 7% increase in any trace is still a trace. by the way ozone, is in the second layer or stratosphere, is scatter and something we need. i have mentioned ST. Helen's, which is rarely mentioned, but this eruption sent a good deal of debris into the atmosphere, covering the ground for a thousand miles down wind with feet to inches of ash. for a hundred miles in all direction all life ceased, died and has decayed, which is near pure CO2 going into the atmosphere for years after. i have and others have suggested with other events, could have caused this little blimp in weather conditions, however the fact is this really major 30 minute event, with all the time and destruction doesn't show up on any chart.
  5. KLB; no one is saying the planet is not currently warming, nor that the planet cooled earlier. (50's to 70's). no one is saying the planet hasn't warmed or cooled to even larger degrees over the past, whatever range you would like to discuss. NO ONE, even Al Gore, or any scientist. what is argued are the cause for this very minor fluctuation, which for some reason needs a reason other than a normal trending cycle. mankind has for some reason been charged for the eventual, almost inevitable destruction of the planets environmental system. the charges claim, we by the use of fossil fuels and requirements for an enjoyable visit to the planet have caused this false accusation. man cannot control the environment, or pretend it can. forget the arrogance alone in thinking the thoughts we could or even alter any future, natural weather and climatic changes that will happen. to much is being made of the entire issue, for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with GW, GC or any issue concerning the welfare of planet earth. those with the means to understand just what is going on are well aware of this, but promote the notion for personal reasons, social structuring, financing a project, gain some credibility or is just justification to raise taxes. Bush, is concerned with dependency of oil from unfriendly nations. as i predicted at the time, his ethanol stance would draw fire from the very people he tried to appease, as they bring on the fight. those folks want the end of capitalism, freedoms for thought and control of the masses, are not concerned about the welfare of any one and will fight anything that continues what they cannot take part in....a thriving economical structure, based on capitalism, free markets and the supply/demand principles. i might add global participation is likewise opposed as this arrogance and fear of loss in importance will decline as the WORLDS economy thrives to even more than the unprecedented levels. Bull hockey, if Gore learned of GW, as he expresses it today, it came from the same classroom he learned he was to invent the Internet. if anything he was taught what i was and that was; we were into some trend for an Ice Age, the planet could not support 3 billion people and food production would never support the mass. we were taught many never to be things on both sides the spectrum, which few if any ever or will ever happen and in fact have taken reverse course. since you seem to require a source for every word, all this post, is my personal opinion based on everything i have lived and read over many years. i have no way to give the sources.........
  6. King, by birth right; CEO or CFO, generally achieved by a lifetime of work and achievement to attain the individuals dream.... occasionally the development of a product or service that with ingenuity and lack of a pool of such people choose to head their own company...Microsoft, Google, Apple just few. Nobles, also by birth right; Large investors or the smallest all have a voice in the operation of any public company. one share will get you into any annual stockholders meeting and a voice. Lords, birthright or special deed; upper management, again usually from hard work and the desire to achieve. you have no idea how many were born into poverty, self educated folks have achieved such status. Serfs, generally conceived slaves; workers, folks that prefer leaving the responsibilities of business to others. additionally have chosen to perform labor for which they receive compensation. most have a voice in the conditions they work under and believe it or not refuse advancement at some point in their career. Americans, really don't want much more than they achieve in their life. sure those that work hard, play by the rules and make the system work, would like more for what they do, but have the choice to do more or not. there are so many story's in each successful business venture, it hurts to hear people talk down any form of the system. little Mom and Pops, to the giants have done so much for so many its ashame little credit is ever given. additionally these folks have tried and lost it all many time before they do achieve and just as many or more, try and never make it. the only gratification being the idea of effort.
  7. many folks, having taken the time to study cycles, are well aware of what goes on if given time. the planet has warmed and cooled many time, in some cases 10 or 15 degrees above or below our current. in a few lessor cases man has been present, adapted and gone on to todays levels. an increase of 10 degree for earths mean temperatures, by these records took hundreds of thousand of years, if not millions. there are some that feel we on on a gradual increase or tropical planet and some that feel the opposite, but all agree the the road to either will be very long. the last time however, the temperatures were warmer, life on the planet really began to come alive. mammals, primates and much of the plant life evolved to limits we now can see. there is more of all, now on the planet than at any other point. its said over 200+ families and they expect to list 1.75 million species when those doing the job, finish in a few years. likewise with plants and the acreage alone that is planted each year for foods has increased, along with the forestry around the world. many, including myself, feel the hysteria promoted by the Al Gore types are motivated for other reasons. especially when you bring in the United Nations and the promotion of an agenda. Gore, just a has been political figure has found new life along with many others that have lost influence in many other fields. additionally documents like Kyoto are filled with a simple political agenda. no one, with any view says progress should be slowed or stopped toward a more efficient society. no one is opposed to all the things extreme elements project as motive. the reasons and causes along with immediate remedies are questioned and argued. clean water, cool fresh water streams, good air and all the things associated with most of the movements are desired by 99% of all people in all countries.
  8. the purchase of a vote, would be more applicable. both redistribution and an idea attempting to make you believe something is for you are the same. education as i described is costly already. do you think the so called 30 million or so poor folks, paid the taxes for their kids education. that 250k or 400k investment comes from someplace, whether local, state or the feds. that poor woman, with four or five kids, mandated no husband and taught to depend on government is getting a million dollar donation from someplace....
  9. lobbyist, ARE people and in most cases represent business, organizations and the interest of those in that group. by far the most representation in Washington DC, are the labor unions, teacher unions, attorney groups and AARP. however every ideology is represent by some or many such people. you, i or any person in the world, probably has 10 or so with our personal interest in mind. its been awhile since i checked, but of the top 25 contributors to politicians or parties were unions or union affiliated. 2 were business and not very large ones. by the way as i recall 20 went to Democrats, 2 to both and 3 to the Republican party. the presidential race is the ultimate goal of all in politics and many in the legal system. even the young state congress person with thousands of people in his/her position, has to dream of someday being the President of the US. any person in the US, with few requirements can run for office in a city or state election. work their way up, as in any business and achieve this ultimate post. while i agree the cost for this post, not from any cooperate reason, is getting out of hand. there now talking about 50 or 60 million to get a 240k job. makes little sense, but the folks that are and or will try, will make a statement to the country. each has worked the system, achieved more than most and has an opinion. to voice this opinion or make that statement is something very few have an opportunity to do and the value of which is to them worth more than it takes.
  10. competition, drives a free economy. in my past, when developing a small chain of C-Stores, i looked for places where a 7-11 or a Circle K where well establishes. they are run by people, at least then, that had no idea what local needs were. the idea works, with a good many such little chains now doing much better than the big ones. the same principle worked for Wal Mart as they always built near a K-Mart or some local box retailer. the difference in there case, was pricing. since all retailers had the same places to get products, WM either bought out manufacturers, stream lined and was no subject to selling to competitors. in some cases, plants were built in places where cheap labor could decrease the retail price even with transportation. the jobs they created in 3rd world nations, were and are instrumental in bringing economies into the 21st century. south Asia, where in places where the average wage was 10 or 20 cents per hour, they paid 1.00 and these folks were ALLOWED, to work as much as they wanted. most did and many have gone on to run these factories and now even work in the Chinese Stores. like the original WM workers, they may be the future rich folks of their growing economies. IMO, we will just keep receiving high quality products at the same or in most cases, cheaper prices than ever before. there was no kicking around or rampaging of a nation. of all places, China, would just blow the place up, bury the gringos and move on.... character, is built by people, for themselves and the future of their offspring's. in the US we have a large number of Mexicans, Orientals and other groups, who work the hard jobs we cannot transport. its always been this way as the newest earned their way into the system. its my dream that the capitalistic system will prevail and in time all peoples, can have all we have in the US today. even the migrants have much more than their folks at home, proud of it and help their back home families. i see nothing wrong in total or with the theory. we call it the American Dream, while most of the world can only admit, they missed that boat....
  11. the stats i referred to were 06, of course 07 not in...at *ed.org* ed.org, said 56 million, not 75 students which included all grades, pre and post. total dollars just under a trillion. k-12, no kid left behind and most programs are aligned to the k-12 public schools, which is about 3/4 of the total. disregard all the placements, the average payout per student is 20k per year by governments to educate the US student. this means a child who entered the system in pre school in 06, goes through the 12th grade will cost tax payers no less than 260,000.00. that class of 25, then 6.5 million dollars. since in the past 13 years this figure has increased substantially, the thought is were talking about no less than 10m. think, this is 25 kids with all the trimming and more than many of their parents will ever earn in take home pay. i have already explained why government, IMO, should not ever run any school system. frankly i don't think much of Catholic or Muslim or if other religions running anything but the local Mask or Church, especially where the government already is influenced by such philosophy. at least we have a cushion here, with our constitution. so guess my only solution, would come from the corporate level. to extend this thought would start a riot, so ill just say that.... yes, 3k where i live is about the best you can buy. some areas are less others higher, for private schooling, which is home for 1/4th the students. there may be some funding i don't know about, since the classes number about 35 or so...
  12. corporations, follow laws, the same laws we do and we are in reality the corporations. additionally these entities produce products or services for some one who in the end is boss number one. you will need to mention a particular business to go much further. but I'll take Wal-Mart, which is currently in the focus. the company was originated with the idea small town, should be allowed the same purchasing power as folks in larger towns where competition ruled. of course Sam Walton, an employee of Kresge's tried to convince his employer w/o success and founded what is now the world's leading retailer, think saving the average household about 2,000 dollars per year, to say nothing of having well over one million, world wide employees and somewhere near 5 million stock owners.they changed retail like no other business changed anything, with regards to all areas of that business. stories of truck drivers to store employees going from existent status to wealth over a million are numerous. we won't even mention the billions of visits by satisfied customers that participate. we won't mention the good they are accused of by nearly all the communities they enter, the value of near by properties or the other business entities that follow there lead or set up shop next door. now getting here, they hurt a few people or organizations. these folks, in our country have the right to complain and complain they do. the fact is however the customers will keep coming, lines will form every time a number of employees are wanted and people will keep on saving money, stock holders receiving dividends or appreciation and the communities the taxes collected by the company.
  13. the tail end of my post (an edit), said i was in error....the 57 million students, from pre-school to and including post graduate work receive near one trillion dollars to be educated. i frankly had no idea the waste was so great, but hold to my point the process is in need of a revamping. no private school cost are about 1/3rd that of public schools. one thing i did not realize is tax payers help out there as well. i do agree that per dollar spent, the US has terrible results. i am not familiar with the EC or how other national systems are involved in education and possibly some research should be done. P; yes, i understand the problems from home schooling. i have to consider however that many folks, especially orientals, prefer their kids are not influenced by or even associate with the masses. the cure would be to the voucher system, where school choice would cure much of the problem. for the record; the Department of Education's total discretionary budget in 06, was 57B dollars, for all the grades, pre and post. there are 94,000 public schools and 28,000 private schools, in 14,000 school districts. one trillion dollars is spent each year to educate peoples in the US. to the thread; adding to the cost for any well intentioned reason, will not solve the obviously out of control systems in the US...
  14. in short; a corporation is just a very large business. the founding fathers, i would say, business as well as the people, should be protected from government. it would be hard to separate the people with in a large company the the fact they, manage, run, work or own part of the entity. capitalism is a system which business operates in. the alternative is socialism or some form of it, which government either owns or by mandate controls some to all there industry. pure capitalistic societies do not exist, as some control by some means (rules-tax) is always present. these rules and taxes are considered to be in the publics interest. the US has moved very close to the socialistic style of governing, with the last real hold out the capitalist, free trade idea. your arguments in defending capitalist are probably in defense of this creeping liberal attitude to all facets of life. IMO; the founders realized the primary problem in their efforts was, the idea people would some day realize they held the vote, for change and the changes made since have proved them correct. also IMO; the founders and for a good deal of time nearly all practiced the idea of serving in the system, opposed to career politicians. if they missed something, maybe term limits would have been best....
  15. genetically speaking the idea is plausible; we have Red Woods that have the structure, trees that grow quite large in the Louisiana swamps and the oldest trees are said to date back 2-3 thousand years. so a 400 foot tree, growing out of water that could live 2-3,000 years exist, just not in one unit. purpose, however would seem unrealistic. the planets not over populated, not likely to be for a very long time, even if todays rates continue and there is no shortage of anything to give cause....
  16. of course thats absurd; according to *ed.gov*, the feds pay out 25B, to the school districts, via local and state agencies or approximately 10k per student per year. what your suggesting is the cost per student is 200k each year, allowing for inefficiency this goes beyond reality. just THINK, that 25 student classroom would cost there funders, 3 million per class. relevance is in the efficiency; if you cannot see the listed cost/effective levels from whats been mentioned, nothing else would help... IMO; government should step aside, let many of there functions go private and watch the results zooooom up...home schooling and private schools, have astonishing results compared to even the best government school. after revisit to totals; apparently all education in the US does spend near a trillion to educate the total 56 million students, from pre-school to post graduate. the 25B is trivial, to the total, regardless where the k-12 fits in...
  17. IMO, based on past performance.... samples; 8 TRILLION, spent on the so called War On Poverty since 1965. results; poverty according to most up.... 2 to 25 billion, increase from 1977, spent on k-12, programs by the federal government. results; decrease in all categories, some HS school systems running near 50% drop out rates and some say the same illiterate rates... pick your figure on War on drugs; results disgustingly low and the jails are full of offenders, highest percentage... want more???
  18. when it comes to the truly gifted or even those students that are bored to the point of dropping education in general, i have strong feelings. since personal responsibility has taken a back seat to parenting, the school systems and even government advice, ill place my hopes in the Internet or other modern mean of communication. please, the Federal Government, cannot help these folks. IBM, Microsoft, Haliburton and most of the major companies around the world have programs to find and help these kids, just in the hope they will be noticed after graduations. Government entities likewise try to the same, such as the various military groups and NASA. i have no idea how many individuals are looking for these people as well. many offer funding for any member of HS classes, to study for and attend a college or University. even colleges and universities, have scholastic and athletic programs for students with many qualities. the arts, athletics and music just a few.
  19. the Federal Governments involvement in the US, by funding has grown from a little under 2B in 1966 to over 25B in 2006. this is currently over 10k per student k-12, does not include many other programs such as special needs. there is no evidence that this has helped anything and many suggest the results are negative in high degrees. the average class size is said to be 20-25, which means the tax payer is paying through the fed, 250k per year or those 9 months, for the teacher and what ever the class K-12 requires. would somebody please tell me this sounds like a wise investment for the results...
  20. Luke; please, the point was the folks in NYC and Omaha have lead very different lives. there are 0 farmers in NYC and in Omaha, they generally vote conservative.
  21. a few months ago, NASA put out a report (think i saw at space.com) which said they had pretty much given up on your spinning thing. they requested ideas on artificial gravity, but think more for local projects. they did mention this spin idea for a section of a craft, to being practical or a form of an exercise room. if you can picture a large craft moving at 90k mps, in constant rotation from a counter weight, then fine, to you its possible.
  22. REPLY; no KBL, these are my opinions based on what i have seen and studied for a very long time. first in Global Cooling, now Warming. i will however, look up GES, and look for new arguments....thx REPLY; as i have said, i agree with this premise to a degree. you mention several elements which are barely traces and CO2 which is negligible, but required by the very source of our oxygen. REPLY; if what you fear is probable, then mans total efforts will change nothing. i am not sure about this frozen peat moss idea. if you feel the total pounds of this item equals the death of all life hundreds of square miles around Mt. St. Helen's in a matter of minutes with all the other happenings then i suggest were already doomed. but it would need to be at least ten times in quantity to cause a major problem. REPLY; one rain storm clears more atmosphere, than all mankind can create in a day or so. think we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 per day world wide, and many try to blame these storm on GW. just as foolish IMO, since they also reflect the heat they claim is held. if your claiming the said .0023 of mans efforts are billions of tons, please give an estimate of the tonnage its being dumped into, which is 77%Nitrogen and 22%oxygen. REPLY: you have mentioned nothing that has not happened before or WILL happen again. we can slow or reduce some effects, but this is from the technology you seem to dislike. that moss you mentioned, was not frozen at some point back. my car or way of life wasn't around so what cause that... REPLY; this scares me; trying to control nature will never be possible. in time we may alter some weather patterns or cause rain, but all that goes on to make up that 95% of bad things, you think, will never be controlled. just what or who do you suggest makes the decisions for any actions, Al Gore??? REPLY: seems to me Polar Bears are in a self destructive mode anyway. they won't migrate south or anyplace, wait around for food or eat there young. its a wonder they have doubled in 50 years. i have no sympathy for the cute Panda's either. certainly no animal is so dumb that a food must be one item. saving ourselves from what? we have been around awhile and for much of time were not a reasoning species. we live in mean temperatures from -30 to well over 100 and in very dry climate or wet. we may die off some from a virus or a solar flare, even a meteor. we may not be able to live near the ocean or on an island or in death valley but nothing in cycle changes will effect the human race for thousands of years. REPLY FOR BELOW...we have reduced CO2 emissions. about 75% for the average car. trucks about 50% and most industry emits nothing compared to the 40's, 50's and 60's. we even cleaned up the roadways and a thousand other things. in most cases w/o being told what to do. efficiency levels are also much better and increasing yearly. if i understood, what was suitable for you i could list a place like that in each of the 1k years previous periods, or guess where that condition will be in several future period. people will adjust or move, simple as that. be a panda or polar bear and just sit there is not an answer... ...................
  23. yes, i agree, a 5% increase or decrease, would have catastrophic effects. the problem is, the total man made CO2 (.0023) and natures (.045) is less than that 5%. we can't control nature, so why not let nature do its thing and not give additional problems. were not going to change a cycle, no matter what we do. ironically in my reverse argument, plant life would die off as levels of CO2 decrease, causing additional CO2...
  24. since i mention the total chaos that already exist in WDC, they seem to be at best ineffective. never the less, the US Constitution clearly set out the program with much in mind. one of which, was the Federal Government should be independent of any States authority. i would rather not go back to the independence war or the 1812 war. the colonist had problems with a little more the tea tax and you well know this. the political structure, of Washington, in short wants its cake and eat it too. taxes on Government property alone amounts to 28% of the total property and most all GDP, is by or from government entities, would triple collection the first day. the State of DC, would then be effecting national interest, just what the founders did not want...
  25. yes, if your inferring Federal Government. to start with most of the problems they do have and there are many are from the inconsistency of governments involvement, with a little influence of unions. the heads of the educational department over the years, each gave conflicting views to the rest. i would prefer some form of voucher program, if the feds need to be involved. if this cannot be achieved, then give back total control to the states and if possible some authority to local systems. the folks in NYC or Omaha, know a lot more than any person in Washington and have vested interest, not political. education of the young, w/o any social engineering, is the single most effective way to stimulate interest in any subject matter. all the farmers in NYC, would have to study social studies a little deeper and the socialist leaning students in Omaha, could learn biology or something they are already interested in.
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